Monday, January 12, 2009

Sanjay for Surgeon General? Absolutely a Resounding NO!

I listen to news mainly to get the weather report. I've had a fascination with weather ever since I was about in the second grade.

Along with waiting for weather to come up in the schedule I listen sort of inattentively to the background chatter which is called "news".

I try to stop and listen to the health news or read health related articles. Some days I wish I didn't.

Because I am so incensed about bias in health news reporting I was floored when I heard the Obama gang suggesting Sanjay Gupta for US Surgeon General.

Hey, Barack, just in case you aren't paying attention, we citizens deserve much better. But then it appears you keeps selecting those who will do the bidding of others as told, not unlike the outgoing administration. So much for change, eh?

Be that as it may, Gupta is just another example of a status quo administration coming down the pike.

And now for some other views on the selection.
Alan Graham

Troubling TV Health News Trends Created at HealthNewsReview, 03/14/07

In the February issue of Columbia Journalism Review (CJR), Trudy Lieberman writes about TV news stations accepting pre-packaged new stories created by health care behemoths such as the Cleveland Clinic or the Mayo Clinic, creating stories that are "a hybrid of news and marketing, the likes of which has spread to local TV newsrooms all across the country in a variety of forms, almost like an epidemic. It’s the product of a marriage of the hospitals’ desperate need to compete for lucrative lines of business in our current health system and of TV’s hunger for cheap and easy stories. In some cases the hospitals pay for airtime, a sponsorship, and in others, they don’t but still provide expertise and story ideas. Either way, the result is that too often the hospitals control the story. Viewers who think they are getting news are really getting a form of advertising. And critical stories—hospital infection rates, for example, or medical mistakes or poor care—tend not to be covered in such a cozy atmosphere. The public, which could use real health reporting these days, gets something far less than quality, arms-length journalism."

Some recent network TV segments point to an unquestioning – almost cheerleading – approach to health news coverage.

On March 10, Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s HouseCall program on CNN featured a story on anxiety disorders, and offered one of those handy self-assessments that allows you to diagnose yourself with almost anything under the sun. Gupta said only one in five people with anxiety disorders get help. Then he offered a self-assessment from the Anxiety Disorders Association of America (ADAA). He said if you answered yes to any of the questions, you could seek help from your doctor or from ADAA.

He did not mention that the ADAA’s corporate advisory council is made up of drug companies Eli Lilly & Company, Forest Laboratories, Pfizer, Inc. and Wyeth.

On February 6, CNN reported on "ArteFill, billed as the first permanent filler." CNN said "known side effects are minimal."

But it's easy to find the following on the FDA website:

Side effects of ArteFill® include:
* Lumpiness at injection area more than one month after injection
* Persistent swelling or redness
* Increased sensitivity
* Rash, itching more than 48 hours after injection

Let's let consumers decide if those sound "minimal" or not. The story never mentioned that one of the conditions of FDA approval last fall was that a five-year study for safety be done after approval, a clear sign that reviewers were not convinced that all the evidence on safety was yet in.

And NBC hit the trifecta with three recent stories:

NBC’s Mike Taibbi getting his lungs scanned for cancer, then personally endorsing the scans. (The benefits of such scans were questioned in a study in JAMA in March.)

NBC’s Josh Mankiewicz reporting on the “benefits” from GlaxoSmithKline ads for a restless leg syndrome drug – ads they featured during the NBC Nightly News.
NBC using some of its tight 22-minutes of airtime to report on a “laser hair comb” showing a graphic - “Hair breakthrough?”.
Lieberman concludes her CJR article: “…stories about profitable, high-tech, yet often unproven procedures stimulate demand for them, fueling ever-rising health care costs. Local TV health journalism doesn’t often discuss those big issues, or even often take on the smaller stories that together weave a tale of a health care system in trouble.”

And, as you can see, sometimes network TV news isn't much better. This is a growing concern, one we will continue to analyze on this site.

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