Saturday, December 5, 2009

WHO allows vaccine industry reps to advise on H1N1

Exposing WHO Influenza Advisers: They're Paid By The Pharmaceutical Industry

Exposing WHO's risk analysis process for declaring a pandemic: Who profits?
December 1, 2009
Back in June of this year the World Health Organisation (WHO), acting on the expert advice of its supposedly independent influenza advisers, declared the H1N1 Swine Flu as a world pandemic that activated a number of processes to combat the disease, obstentially to protect the world's population against the potentially deadly disease. Essentially the WHO influenza advisers conducted a risk assessment (risk analysis) which led to their recommendation to enact the pandemic classification.

Unfortunately, as with the case of the WHO risk analysis for power frequency hazards ( ), again it is industry hacks who have the final say in direct violation of WHO conflict of interest policy.

Michael Repacholi, who founded both ICNIRP and the WHO's International EMF Project (IEMFP) stated in an Australian Senate inquiry in 2001 that the WHO had a firm policy against industry involvement in its processes. To quote:
"The World Health Organization does not allow industry to participate in either standard setting or in health risk assessment. The WHO takes the view that there cannot be industry representation on standard setting working groups. There cannot be someone on the working group who is having an influence on health effects for an industry when they derive benefit from that industry."
For the WHO, having a policy is one thing, following it is another thing entirely it seems.

Don Maisch

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