Saturday, December 13, 2008

Beginning Bodybuilding: What to Expect From Weight Training

Bodybuilding is not the exclusive art of professionals. In
recent years more and more people have been adapting the
bodybuilding lifestyle to improve themselves. People are in the
art of bodybuilding not just for the possibility of competing,
but for the effects of the discipline regimens themselves.

What are the basic effects of well-guided weight training, or
more broadly, bodybuilding?

• Decrease of body fat percentage versus lean body mass

• Decrease in the risk of coronary heart disease and other
diseases associated with sedentary living (given that you won’t
be using synthetic testosterone to speed up muscle building)

• Well-built, well-toned physique

• Increase in flexibility, endurance and stamina- all the basic
requirements of any physical sport.

The basics

Here are some things that you should expect when you begin with
your weight training or bodybuilding:

• Yes, there will be some pain involved. But the burning
sensation that you will feel means your muscles are adapting to
the increased resistance applied to them. Continuous weight
training will eliminate the pain- and gradually, you will feel
the “high” that bodybuilders speak of- the result of a
combination of natural substances in the body being released
during times of sustained physical activity.

• Yes, you will have to cut down on chocolates, soda and beer.
One of the main components that would have to be addressed even
before weight training is the percentage of fat in the body. You
have to lose weight as you go along by cutting down on the empty
calories. Replace these empty calories with nutrient-packed

• Yes, your physique will visibly improve. Sustained weight
training (over a month, with the right diet) will make you look
more fit. Even if you don’t have four packs yet, your belly fat
will significantly be reduced and your arms and legs will
gradually and naturally be toned. This is the basic reward of
weight training.

• No, you will not be all stiff as a board after you start
lifting weights. The real effect of weight training is actually
more flexibility. The actual cause of inflexible and easily sore
muscles is inactivity- so get out of that couch today and start

• No, you will not be “ripped” in two month’s time. Unless
you’re into using illegal steroids (those used for horses) or
synthetic testosterones (used in conjunction with a so-called
“cutting stack”), the “professional” bodybuilder’s body would
come much later. Give yourself at least a year without cheating
on your training regimen. But by then you won’t really care
anymore if you’re ripped or not, because you would be feeling
more alive, more in control of your body.

• As for self-confidence, yes, you will be more confident,
especially in situations that require you to expose your body to
a number of people.-Whether people agree wholeheartedly or not,
toned physiques always manage to catch the eye. This positions
the bodybuilder in a better position in social events- whether
it be in a meeting with the boss or with a romantic date.

There’s no way to go but up for the enthusiastic bodybuilder.

About the Author: For all your bodybuilding supplements and
sports nutrition needs Benedict recommends Supreme Supplements.
Supreme stocks products from the top manufacturers including
ThermoLabs ProLab, and Mutant Mass.


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