Saturday, December 13, 2008

Oldsters and the B's

I think I need to reiterate that it is quite important to avoid fluoride in ALL forms and aspartame as well as sucralose if you want to stave off dementia.

A late 1990s study showed that 67 percent of all people in care facilities for Alzheimer's have improperly functioning thyroid gland. If you understand how this can be connected to fluoride it might give you something to think about.

There is also a body of my work that came from some consulting I did in the late 90s at Alzheimer's care centres implementing the use of pure essential oils that are known to enhance memory as well as create a calming environment. This made a major impact but was not continued, as it was probably too much outside the mainstream for third party payers that control health care and for most doctors to grasp.

I've added some older material from my web site and my Health Matters© series (established 1991).

Older people who are short on vitamin B12 have more trouble recalling certain words, and low levels of B9 (folate) may add to the brain drain. Try adding salmon and beans to your diet to get B12 and folate.

Contrary to what most doctors today think, healthy individuals require about 2400 mcg B12 daily. Shots are the best, high quality troches are next. It's the intracellular B12 that counts, not what is in the blood.

B 12 at Work

Taking Care of Your Brain is Possible

Folic Acid Protects The Brain
A certain amount of mental decline is considered a normal component of aging; however, severe cognitive dysfunction related to aging is regarded as pathologic. Many researchers are studying methods to improve memory and other cognitive functions as we age. In a study of healthy people, ages 50-75, folic acid supplementation (800 micrograms daily for three years) resulted in better memory and cognitive speed scores compared to those who took a placebo. Individuals taking folic acid had memory scores comparable to people 5.5 years younger, and cognitive speed scores of people 1.9 years younger. The as-yet unpublished study, presented in June at the Alzheimer’s Association meeting, did not look at possible prevention of Alzheimer’s disease with folate, but did show that moderate folic acid supplement can slow age-related cognitive decline.

Miller AL. The methionine-homocysteine cycle and its effects on cognitive function. Altern Med Rev 2003;8(1):7-19.

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