Friday, April 9, 2010

5 Things Seniors Should Know Before Beginning An Exercise Program

Physical activity is important – at every age. Getting started exercising doesn’t have to be difficult but it does require a little knowledge to do it right. Before you begin an exercise program, we need to cover a few things.

Growing older is not for wimps. The body goes through even more changes than when you experienced puberty. It can seem almost like an appliance whose warranty has just expired. Everything that can go wrong seems to start going wrong.

You are not a stove or dryer, but your body is a machine. To keep it running in tiptop shape for your entire life, it needs the right amount of maintenance and attention. When we were twenty, we could go without paying a lot of attention to the care of our body, but lack of exercise has a more profound effect on us when we reach fifty.

Don’t fret though. The human body responds well to good food and lots of movement. You can feel invigorated even after you get older, but with more wisdom about how to keep your body running smoothly.

So let's learn the five things to do before you begin an exercise program, especially if you have been living a sedentary life for some time.

1. Visit your doctor – This point can’t be stressed enough. As we age, our bodies change. We are prone to different problems and conditions. Checking with a doctor can ensure that you are in the best health possible to be starting an exercise routine. Your doctor will also be able to guide you with any special restrictions in diet and movement.

2. Know your limitations – No one likes to admit that there are things they can’t do but it will keep you from getting injured or worse. If you have joint problems, find exercises that work the muscles without putting undue stress on the knees, hips, shoulders, lower back, or elbows.

3. Start slowly – We can all learn something from the story of the tortoise and the hare. Slow and steady really does win the race – the race of being fit for life. You are more likely to stick with physical activity when you ease into it and find your own comfortable pace.

4. Investigate what activities you can do – If you have arthritis, signing up for a step aerobics class may not be the wisest thing. Based on your medical clearance and any limitations you currently have, choose an exercise that will give you the benefits without causing you further injury or distress.

5. Consider your nutrition – All the exercise in the world won’t help you if you are still eating those hamburgers and chocolate shakes you enjoyed in your younger years. Learn how to adjust your eating habits to make every move and every meal count.

Are you ready to get active? Great! Start slow, heed the advice of your doctor, and keep up the good work!


Fitness Over 40: Staying Fit at 40 Plus

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