Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Fitness Safety For Seniors

What is it that firefighters are always telling young kids? Remember, safety first. No matter what you do as far as physical activity, it is important to be safe. Here are a few fitness safety tips to make sure you are getting the most out of your workouts without risking injury.

Why is it that we want to go reach our goals in a week when it took a year, or a lifetime, to get out of shape? If you’ve been living a sedentary lifestyle for a while, starting an exercise program too fast can spell disaster. You may get injured and decide you don’t want to get fit anymore. Your health would suffer as a result.

1. Research the physical activity first. Find out what you need and what is required of you for the exercise so you know what to expect. Let’s say that you wanted to try rock climbing. Well, you can climb as a senior, that’s not the problem. It does require a lot of upper body strength. If you have a problem with your joints or your neck or a weak upper body, you are going to have more than a few challenges. You will need some expert advice on how to proceed.

2. Wear the appropriate gear. Your performance in any activity is greatly enhanced when you come prepared. Bicycling is easier when you have a seat that is comfortable. Some people like to use bicycle clips on their pedals to keep their feet from slipping. If you bike at night, wearing a reflective jacket and/or reflectors on your bike can help cars to see you. A helmet is mandatory in most instances.

3. Drink lots of water. Staying hydrated makes all the difference especially when you exercise in hot weather. You are losing electrolytes and water through your sweat. It is important to replenish them to keep from cramping and to help increase your endurance. Many older people haven't learned the importance of drinking a lot of water during exercise. The common practice of carrying water around at all times is a new phenomenon. Water not only replenishes your muscles and tissue, it replenishes your brain and keeps you alert.

4. Know your body. If you begin to get dizzy performing an exercise or feel any pain whatsoever, take a break. It could be that you are winded or going at it too hard. There’s no shame in slowing down. You want to be able to get up and exercise again the next day. The best judge of what you can and can’t handle is your own body.

5. Learn to perform your exercises properly. This is especially important with strength training. When you don’t know proper technique it can lead to injury. You may want to work with a physical trainer until you know the routine well and can do it without assistance.

The benefits of physical activity is a strong, healthy body. An injury caused by improper techniques or careless preparation will set you back and discourage you. Don't let this happen. Prepare yourself and enjoy your new fitness program.

Lastly, always check with your doctor before beginning any exercise program.

Fitness Over 40: Staying Fit at 40 Plus

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