Saturday, April 3, 2010

Does HGH Help in Increasing Height?

The human growth hormone (HGH) is a beneficial component that continues to be valued for the impressive results that it yields. It is naturally released by the pituitary gland that is situated in the brain. While some skeptics might want to dismiss the benefits of this growth hormone, the fact that several athletes and body builders continue to reap the benefits is a real testament. This active hormone has proven to be a worthwhile investment that makes a significant impact on the height of an individual.

Below are some facts on HGH and its role in increasing height:

Many individuals are unhappy with their height and it often seems like there is no way to resolve the problem. However, not all hope is lost for people who are ‘vertically challenged.’ HGH is responsible for the increase in height that is experienced as human beings make various growth transitions in their lives. For anyone who wishes to grow taller, the active functions of the human growth hormone will have to take place. This can be facilitated by the presence of growth plates that are functional. These plates are where growth tissue can be found in both adolescents and children. 

Open growth plates may still be present in older people and this can make height increase a reality. HGH is available as a clinically accepted drug that is designed to cater for people who have a deficiency in the natural production of HGH. Children can benefit extensively from HGH and experience effective increase in their height. HGH has been medically proven as capable of increasing height by a significant number of inches in just a matter of months. This is definitely a great option for anyone who is determined to grow taller in a gradual and realistic manner. The height increase is permanent and it takes a much shorter time than other purported methods. HGH supplements naturally stimulate growth and helps people maximize their height in a feasible way. Boosting heights may have seemed like a farfetched theory or idea in the past but with HGH, it is now a reality.

Along with other benefits such as slowing down the aging process, there is no doubt that HGH stimulates the body's growth process. HGH was discovered in the early part of the 20th century and since then it has received critical acclaim for its miraculous effects on the human body. It works by increasing and promoting the synthesis of protein components that are vital for the repair and growth of muscles.

It strengthens the body's bones during the process of growth. One of the best aspects of HGH is that it does not have any adverse effects when it is taken in recommended dosages. When used correctly, it increases height, makes the body stronger, and safely repairs muscle tissues as all these functions take place. Using a HGH supplement is most effective when the individual engages in regular physical activity and practices sensible eating habits. The supplements are considered safe as long as their use is regulated responsibly. Results are guaranteed and the supplement is absorbed safely into the bloodstream.


About The Author: The Author is editor and webmaster of human growth hormone website ( He offers various tips on anti aging and many other health related topics. You can find various articles on hgh ( from him on the internet as well.


[Publisher Note: The information and opinion in this article is strictly those of the author.]

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