Thursday, April 29, 2010

Garlic Gives You That Sulfur

UPDATE: 20 August, 2010 -  Garlic to lower blood pressure
Garlic was once used to combat the Black Death, but doctors now claim it can tackle a modern-day epidemic of heart disease.
Just 12 weeks' treatment with garlic tablets led to a 'significant' cut in blood pressure, slashing the risk of a heart attack or stroke.
Researchers claim people with hypertension, the medical term for high blood pressure, could control their condition better by adding garlic to conventional medication. Read complete article
My comment to this article is that it is good information except for the misunderstanding that the researchers focus on standardized supplements rather than food based products.  We recommend you consider using the garlic you'll find in the right column, or Immortal Garlic or our specific unique garlic. 

UPDATE: 29 April, 2010 - More on the health benefits of sulfur bearing foods and compounds -
Lower levels of 'rotten egg' gas (hydrogen sulfide) in blood linked to obesity, type 2 diabetes and poorer circulation

ScienceDaily (2010-04-28) -- Researchers have for the first time identified a link between blood levels of the gas hydrogen sulfide (a gas more commonly associated with the smell of rotten eggs), obesity and type 2 diabetes. ... > read full article
Originally posted in 2008
For several decades I've offered clients a garlic supplement that is known for reducing blood pressure. Now it seems that we need to wait for some new recombinant drug because of another medical study that overlooks the natural and known natural remedies.

Sulfur is one of the most important healing molecules we have known of and used in natural therapies for eons. It is mentioned in this 'special form' in my book, "Blood Pressure Care Naturally".

Oh, for the day when these folks get to recall all of the pharmacopoeia that first came from Mother Nature.
'Fart gas' link to blood pressure
The gas best known for being used in many stink bombs may also control blood pressure, say US researchers.

Small amounts of hydrogen sulphide - a toxic gas generated by bacteria living in the human gut - are responsible for the foul odour of flatulence.

But it seems the gas is also produced by an enzyme in blood vessels where it relaxes them and lowers blood pressure.

The findings in mice may lead to new treatments for high blood pressure, the Science journal reported.

Researchers at Johns Hopkins University, in Maryland, found that the gas is produced in the cells lining blood vessels by an enzyme called CSE.

We know hydrogen sulphide is not good for us at high levels but it seems that at the lower levels in the body it is essential
Professor Amrita Ahluwalia

In mice engineered to be deficient in this enzyme, levels of hydrogen sulphide were almost depleted compared with levels in normal mice.

The CSE-deficient mice also had blood pressure measurements about 20% higher than the normal mice, comparable to serious hypertension in humans.

When the engineered mice were given a drug which relaxes normal blood vessels - methacholine - there was no difference, indicating the gas is responsible for the relaxation.


Another gas, nitric oxide, is already known to be involved in control of blood pressure.

Researcher Dr Solomon Snyder said: "Now we know hydrogen sulphide's role in regulating blood pressure, it may be possible to design drug therapies that enhance its formation as an alternative to the current methods of treatment for hypertension."

Professor Amrita Ahluwalia, an expert in vascular pharmacology at Barts and The London Medical School, said: "This study shows that smelly hydrogen sulphide is also likely to have a role in regulating blood pressure and it will be a bit of an impetus for scientists to develop more specific tools to work out what's going on.

"We know hydrogen sulphide is not good for us at high levels but it seems that at the lower levels in the body it is essential."

Dr Allan MacDonald, a reader in pharmacology at Glasgow Caledonian University, said: "Treatments based on hydrogen sulphide could become important in a variety of cardiovascular diseases," he said.

Story from BBC NEWS:
Published: 2008/10/24 © BBC MMVIII

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