Thursday, June 4, 2009

Bodybuilding Split Routines

Bodybuilding Routine - Split Routines

What is a Split Routine for Body building?

Due to the muscles of the body requiring recuperation time following a workout to allow repair of the muscle tissues a routine can be split up into body parts to give most recovery time possible between sessions.

Most succesful bodybuilders use a split routine.

It is best for muscle development to allow 48 hours before stressing a muscle group again.

Below is an example of a split routine for bodybuilding. Exact sets and reps are dependant on the trainer in question and should be determined by the athlete.

This is not a definitive split but can be used as a starting point if you're moving over from a full body training system

Monday - Chest/Back
Tuesday - off
Wednesday - Legs
Thursday - off
Friday - Shoulders/Arms
Saturday - off
Sunday - off

Monday - Chest/Biceps
Tuesday - off
Wednesday - Shoulders/Legs
Thursday - off
Friday - Back/Triceps
Saturday - off
Sunday - off

Monday - Chest/Triceps
Tuesday - Back/Biceps
Wednesday - off
Thursday - Shoulders
Friday - Legs
Saturday - off
Sunday - off

Bodybuilding Routines

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