Monday, June 15, 2009

How To Build Big Biceps

How To Build Big Biceps

A question with many answers!

Everybody who's into bodybuilding wants big guns

I see far too many people in gyms training arms only, spending all their time hitting the biceps and triceps from every angle possible and consequently overtraining. Not only this they are the type of people who hardly ever train their legs properly.

If you are this type of person and you want bigger biceps then take note!

The truth is that the arms get trained through just about every other exercise you perform in your bodybuilding routine.

Think, bent row or any other row for that matter. In fact all pulling exercise to some extent or other involve the biceps.

Firstly, it was Charles Poliquin who noted that to add roughly 1 inch to your arm you need to add about 15lbs of muscle mass to your frame!

Yes that's 15lb's

So, this is where you must work from... adding more mass to your frame. A good reference point to start at with this is the milk and squatting program

The 20 rep squat program when done properly with focus will add plenty of muscle to your frame.

In addition to this it is imperative to train your biceps and triceps with focus to push your arm girth to new limits.

Check out this program for bicep building from Charles Poliquin here

One arm Scott Zottman curls 5 x 4-6 on a 41X0 tempo

One arm Standing dumbbell presses 5 x 4-6 on a 40X0 tempo

Incline Off set Dumbbell curls 4 x 7-9 on a 40X0 tempo

V bars dips 4 x 7-9 on a 32X0 tempo

To be quite frank, you must take heed of this lesson.... to develop large upper arms don't always go to the heart of what you think is required as the answer is often hiding somewhere else.

To finish, don't forget to rotate your training methods every 3-4 weeks so not toget stale!


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