Thursday, June 18, 2009

How To Spot A Dangerous Fad Diet

Are you fed up with dangerous fad diets? I sure am and with my experience as a Registered Dietitian I know firsthand how susceptible you can be to the false claims that fad diets make. I am here to teach you how to instantly recognize the 3 keys to a dangerous fad diet.

It should be a criminal offense in regards to what some of the fad diets do to your metabolism. Yes, they help you lose weight fast, initially. But they can absolutely destroy a person's metabolism and cause them to gain much more weight back.  Not the way a healthy weight loss diet is designed.

I believe in a much more sensible approach to help you lose weight fast. You don't need a dangerous fad diet to lose weight fast. You can achieve rapid fat loss in a very safe and healthy manner when the correct approach is taken.

The following are my top three keys for instantly recognizing a dangerous fad diet:

One Ingredient Diets:

Any diet that preaches eating only one ingredient - such as ice cream or grapefruit - for an extended period of time can be classified immediately as a dangerous fad diet. There are dozens of these types of diets on the market. Another problem with a fad diet is that fad diets are generally low on overall calories and deficient of important nutrients needed for weight loss. What many fad diets do is focus on 1 nutrient as the potential key to weight loss and in reality all they are doing is severely restricting your calories to see weight loss. Once you have met your weight loss goal and are no longer following the fad diet where do you go from there? Most people revert back to their old ways of eating and the weight comes right back on. Many times the weight gain is much worse than where you started.


Avoid any "lose weight fast" program that suggests you "fast" for an extended period of time. Very simply, not eating will wreak havoc on your metabolism. If you are looking to lose weight fast then not eating is potentially the worst thing you can do. Fasting causes your body to increase a hormone called lipoprotein lipase. Many call this a "starvation" hormone because when this hormone is elevated your body will adjust how it uses the calories you eat. Your body will start to store more of the calories you eat as fat calories when this hormone is elevated. It does this to protect itself and to make sure it has enough calories in reserve when it needs them. Fad diets that encourage you to fast or severely restrict calories will generally cause an increase in this "starvation" hormone.

Miraculous Claims:

Use your common sense when investigating a fad diet. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Please don't fall for the amazing claims of miraculous weight loss. Weight loss isn't hard, but it does take some effort and work. I recommend enlisting the advice of a qualified nutritionist or health professional when attempting to lose weight fast

Learn the 3 low carb myths at Low Carb Diet Myths

Jayson Hunter RD, CSCS is the author of the 30 Day Belly Fat Blaster Meal Plan Program. To discover how to eat healthier and lose weight fast go to

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