Saturday, June 13, 2009

Get 2-3 times the results from your training NOW

Are you interested in a CONSTANT stream of extraordinary new exercises, training techniques, as well as fat-loss, muscle and strength-building "know-how" distilled from more than 17 years of "in the trenches" training experience...

If you are, you're going to LOVE this...

Because right now, you're going to learn about a brand-new, information-packed training resource that is going to get you the "good stuff"...the unique, cutting-edge, training info that you NEED to get the best results possible...served up to you on almost a daily basis!

Sound good? Keep reading...


Here it is in black and white...if you want to maximize every single rep of every single set that you do, you need to train SMARTER, NOT HARDER.

That's where I come in...

I've just discovered a MIND-BLOWING training resource that is going to send your gains through the roof!

Recently, Nick Nilsson, the author of a number of unique training ebooks such as "The Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of" and "Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss" introduced me to his site "Powerful Training Secrets."

Nick is best known for coming up with unconventional, unique and, above all, EXTREMELY EFFECTIVE exercises and training techniques. His new site is definitely no exception! This stuff is GOLD.

"Powerful Training Secrets" is a website with a NEVER ENDING supply of unique and effective training information. I have to say, I've really never seen anything like it.

If you're like me, when I learn a new exercise or new training technique, I CAN'T WAIT to get to the gym to try it out. I'm like a kid in a candy store. It keeps me motivated and keeps me excited to train!

But where do you go to get new training information? Sure, the muscle magazines have info in them from time to time but you have to be willing to dig through all the supplement ads and rehashed fluff to get to anything new.

And when you go digging to find information on the Internet, how can you be sure that the source is legitimate? How do you know if the "expert" on the forum is really an expert or a 16 year-old kid who's been training for 3 months?

With "Powerful Training Secrets," you're going to get NOTHING BUT the best information, directly from Nick...he's been training more than 17 years and has a degree in Physical Education (including advanced biomechanics, physiology and kinesiology), in addition to being a certified personal trainer for the past 10 years and a published author!

You'll get VIDEOS for practically everything so you'll know EXACTLY what you're doing, no matter how new the exercises are to you. And believe me, they will be VERY new to you...

I'm not kidding when I say you'll find a TON of stuff you've not only never seen before but probably stuff you've never even imagined existed or could be DONE with weights!

Unique new exercises...

Powerful new training techniques...

Dramatically better results for you, starting now!!

"Powerful Training Secrets" is ready for you to jump on RIGHT NOW!

Both he and I want you to have ALL this info so you can go to the gym tomorrow and just BLOW THE ROOF OFF.

Go check it out right now!

You'll be able to read more about the information on the site AND get instant-access to a pile of free samples so you can see (and try!) the kind of great information you'll be getting on an almost-daily basis!

Bottom line: if you want better results, you NEED this info and you owe it to yourself to check it out.

If you have any questions about "Powerful Training Secrets," feel free to email Nick any time at He's always ready to help!


Arthur M.

P.S. Be sure to get in on the ground floor on this one and lock in your membership now! As the "Powerful Training Secrets" site gets packed with more and more information, the membership prices will be going up.

However, once you sign up, your membership price is locked in and will NEVER go up. That's a promise.

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