Monday, August 31, 2009

10 Benefits Of A Super Toned Body And Hot Legs

You know, for long time it was thought that women who worked out were somehow a little unfeminine. Not just the guys, but even the girls thought that too. Not me - I have always thought that women who work out, and especially those with well-developed legs, are head turners. And it seems it's not just me.

These days women everywhere are finally accepting that strength training exercises are an essential tool in the battle against body fat, and that the results are more than worth the effort. Truth be told, no other exercise or activity provides so many benefits for women. Strength training is unmatched in its ability to promote a lean, strong, firm, shapely, and energetic body, no matter what your age.

I think it is probably safe to say that most women are unhappy with their lower body, and that most just do not appreciate that they really can reshape the area, and get themselves a pair of smoking hot legs, simply through the application of the right types of exercise.

Besides looking good there are a bunch of other benefits that go along with this. Here are the first 10 that spring to my mind:

1.) An increased metabolism - You can alter your body's chemistry to burn fat long after the exercise session is finished if you focus on using the right exercises to strip the body fat from the lower body to reveal a great looking pair of legs.

2.) Greater muscle tone, strength and firmness - allowing you to function better and *look* so much better too. Firmer, more toned muscles even help to pad out your skin so that the wrinkles disappear.

3) Increased and restored bone density and strength - You can both prevent and fight osteoporosis by building and maintaining strong bones. Only strength training will do this for you. Low intensity activities, like walking, are simply not intense enough to work the muscles they are attached to, and challenge the bones. Walking, by itself, will never give you a set of hot legs.

4.) Boost your body's stamina and endurance - If you want to be able to breeze through your daily chores and activities, and have enough energy left over for leisure activities to enjoy at the end of the day, strength training will help you with that.

5) Improved balance - Strong legs and core muscles help to stabilize and reduce the risk of falling, by promoting better co-ordination and balance. If you should fall, strong muscles will act like cushions around your bones and joints and help to protect them.

6) Decreased risk of disease- When your body is strengthened, the immune system is strengthened as well. Muscle tissue is the place where proteins are stored that the immune system calls upon when needed.

7.) Increased lean muscle tissue - This is your friend and will help you lose excess body fat or help you manage your weight. Every extra pound of muscle tissue burns 35-50 extra calories each day. You would not even notice a few extra pounds of toned muscle but you would notice how slimmer and trimmer you will become.

8) Injury prevention- A solid foundation strengthens bones, ligaments, and tendons. You can use strength training exercise to aid rehabilitation during recovery from an injury, by slowly building your strength around the injured area.

9) Enhanced performance in sports, exercise and life - Whether climbing stairs, carrying the kids, or lugging the groceries. Everything we do becomes easier and more enjoyable when we increase our strength and fitness.

10) You will feel better and look better  -  Strength training reduces your overall body fat, tones your muscles, and helps you to feel good, building confidence and maintaining a healthy self esteem. These things are important because they help you to live your life at its full potential.

The bottom line is that if you don't want to miss out on these priceless health benefits that will give your life both extra vitality and energy, along with your new dream body and firm, toned hot legs, you need to get started today with the right strength-training regimen.

To get started on your own plan to kick off the pavement with a pair of smoking hot legs, check out ex-bodybuilding champion Carolyn Hansen's product Hot Legs Workout

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