Monday, August 17, 2009

The Top 3 Reasons Why Bodyweight Exercise is King!

by Virgil Aponte
No Gym Necessary (NGN)

I started bodyweight exercises when I was about 12 years old because I felt the need to get stronger for football. Earlier in the day I took a hit from another player that sent me crashing into a car! I was embarrassed, hurt and just knew that I had to get stronger if I wanted to excel at football or any other sport for that matter.

I originally thought that I needed to lift weights but I didn't have any money to buy any so instead I decided to start doing all types of bodyweight calisthenics I could think of. And I would do this every night for months. Although I didn't gain much weight (I was just naturally lean) I did get much stronger and faster.

I remember being able to bang out 70 pushups, 20 pullups (I saved up 20 bucs to buy a pullup bar), 100 situps, 100 legs raises and 100 squats.  It was back then that I fell in love with exercise because I got a chance to see what it could do. The next thing I did was join a gym around the age of 16 and while I did get stronger I did start to experience a lot of injuries (due to overtraining & improper form)

And that brings me to my #1 reason bodyweight training is best...

#1 Reason

Bodyweight training is safer that weight training exercises as well as machine training. The reason for this is that most bodyweight exercises are designed from what your body is already meant to do and natural. We are all meant to push, pull, squat, lunge, rotate or a combination of these. This is inherently safe for the body and where most  people should focus. Even experienced weight lifters can benefit a great deal from bodyweight training...

#2 Reason
The number 2 reason is that bodyweight exercises can do done most anyplace with the exception of pullups (you something to pull) I love to train out doors at playgrounds and love to use hills and stairs.

At the playgrounds you'll have no problem finding something to pull which I always like and with the hills & stairs you can throw in most bodyweight exercises except pullups. Although bodyweight training guru Rick Seedman always seems to find something to pull off like a fire escape ladder or something. Yup he's a bit wild and takes what ever urban life offers him. Check out his web site at:

#3 Reason
And my #3 reason why bodyweight is king is the tremendous variation you will have with bodyweight training.

Just take the squat for example:
Squat with heels flat
Squat with heels off the ground
One legged squat
Squat Jumps
Squat Jumps onto a bench
Squats with rotation
Squats with hands behind the head
And the list goes on and on

In truth there are many other reason why bodyweight training is king but I just wanted to share a few with you. My NGN program uses a series of bodyweight exercises called Get Fit Anywhere along with my NGN Training Secrets Go there now to take advantage of them!

Learn everything about NGN by ordering below!
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Click here to try NGN for Only $4.95!

As Always
Best In Strength & Health
Virgil Aponte
No Gym Necessary

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