Saturday, August 8, 2009

Stone Training for Gladiators

Who ever said you need to have perfectly round atlas stones to dig into stone training and derive the benefits of using stones.

I began using the stones from playgrounds, backyards and the woods near my home.

I even carried a few back home, heck, no one else was using them, so it wasn’t really “stealing”

Check the video below of me tearing it up in my parents back yard….

If you have a stone and a pull up bar, you can develop some kick ass strength and muscle.

Try this stone and bodyweight workout on for size:

1) Stone Clean & Press 5 x 5 reps

2A) monkey bar hand walks (yep, just like you did as a Kid!) 3 x max reps
2B) Stone Squats 3 x 6 – 10 reps

3) Truck or car push 5 x 30 seconds

This workout will thoroughly kick your butt and will add strength and muscle without the fancy machinery!

Like I said in The Underground Strength System, ditch your money wasting gym membership!

Kill it!

--Coach Z—

For the ultimate strength building and muscle building program without the fancy, high tech bull crap,
check out The Underground Strength System HERE.

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