Monday, August 10, 2009

BOSU Ball Workout Program

It might be one of the strangest pieces of fitness equipment, but you can get a good workout using it. The BOSU ball total body workout offers your body a challenge. Continue to read this article to start learning more about this workout.

The BOSU ball is a balance trainer. It looks like half of an exercise ball in a frame but it is actually quite effective. Have you ever tried to stand on an exercise ball? This is what it’s like to stand on a BOSU and balance.

Exercising on a BOSU ball works the entire lower half of the body as well as the biceps, triceps, chest, and abs. Those areas amount to all the major muscle groups in your body. Begin the experience with a warm up and a stretch. BOSU workouts are harder than they look so take it easy.

Cardiovascular exercises can be done on the BOSU ball. Find your balance in the center of the ball. Then, jump up and down, maintaining your balance each time you land. You can also jump on and off the ball.

Now that your heart rate is up, you can switch to weight work using the ball. Triceps dips can be performed on the ball side while pushups are usually done on the flat side of the BOSU. Holding the sides of the bottom, you have to balance your body in order to perform the exercise. Starting with knees on the ground helps you find your center on the BOSU before performing straight leg pushups.

The lower body is challenged on the BOSU with exercises like lunges and squats. Squats can be done standing on the ball with or without weights. For lunges, you can lunge onto the ball or perform reverse lunges from the ball to the floor. With each exercise, the abs stay tight for posture and to keep you from falling off the ball.

Just like with an exercise ball, abs exercises can be performed on the BOSU. Sitting below the top of the ball, you can perform upper body crunches. Sitting on the top of the ball is better for V sit ups when you bring your knees up into your chest to work the lower abs and while doing your upper body crunches also.

In class or using a DVD, a variety of cardio routines can be implemented with the BOSU trainer. It provides a good workout for the entire body, especially the abs since they work overtime to just to keep you balanced.

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