Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Research on S-E-X, TEST0STER0NE...and MUSCLE!

Ok, here's the question...

"Does $-ex actually LOWER test0ster0ne...and your ability to build muscle?"

We all know that raising your "T" levels can DRAMATICALLY increase your libido as well as pack on layers of thick new muscle, right?

So is your "love life" holding you back from some KILLER gains in the gym?

I mean, what about the "old school" BOXING rule of not having $-ex the night before your fight?

Was it because it took the "lion" out of the fighter?  Made him WEAKER?

Actually, this was a question that bodybuilding expert and "hormone enthusiast", Jeff Anderson took head on.

And he's the PERFECT guy for the job!

After all, Jeff's best selling program "Optimum Anabolics" IS focused primarily on naturally increasing your body's levels of Gr0wth H0rm0ne and test0ster0ne (by as much as 1,000%!)


But it wasn't EASY finding an answer!


After tracking down several endocrinologists and urologists, all of them just shrugged their shoulders and told Jeff they "didn't know the answer".


You'd think guys who are supposed to be experts in healing E.D. and low "T" levels would have at least a CLUE about this, right?

So Jeff dug deeper...

He called up a friend of his who is a a world-renowned researcher in hormone replacement therapy and after a long discussion, they came up with the DIFINITIVE answer...

YES!  sex CAN reduce your "T" levels AND your muscle gains!

I'll explain WHY in a second, but...


Here's what's MOST important...


I'm ALSO going to give you Jeff's SECRET to not giving up your love life in order to have MORE MUSCLE!

Ok, follow along...

Test0sterone is a VERY important hormone for gaining muscle. 

You knew that, right?

Well in order for your body to optimize output, you MUST have enough of the mineral ZINC in your body.

Zinc is an essential nutrient for your internal "T-Factory" and your body uses it up very rapidly but doesn't store very much in reserve.

Therefore, zinc must be replenished DAILY, but...

...our diets these days are naturally DEVOID of zinc due to our poor choices AND the degradation of our food supply from poor farming methods (don't get me started!).


But here's the kicker...


We men also lose zinc during $-EX!

We lose up to 1mg of zinc for each "happy ending" we have...and even MORE while sweating (so sweaty $-ex is basically a "zinc SLAYER"! ;-)

Ok, so if you've been following along...

Sweaty $-ex = Zinc Deficiency = Low Testosterone Levels = Less Muscle

Ok, now the solution (and NO...the answer is NOT to stop having sweaty $-ex! ;-)

First, testosterone is a "supply and demand" hormone so you'd damn well better be using a program that triggers natural "T" release.

Actually, this is the entire basis of Jeff's "Optimum Anabolics" program because he reveals a unique method for naturally increasing test0ster0ne and gr0wth horm0ne through what he calls "h0rm0ne triggering".


You can check out Jeff's best selling "Optimum Anabolics" at: <= Click To Become A "T-Machine"


Bottom line, you MUST be providing your body with the "need" for more "T".

That's what Jeff's program was SPECIFICALLY designed to do with his breakthrough "triggering" technique.

Fortunately, having more $-ex ALSO creates a "need" for more "T" so it's just a matter of SUPPORTING your own natural production and Jeff covers this in detail in his book.

(BTW...feel free to use this excuse with your partner if things have been a bit "slow" lately - "Really honey!  It's for my health!)

Next, make sure you're supplementing with about 15-25mg each day of zinc picolinate.

It's best to take it at night on an empty stomach, right before you go to bed.

This will make sure you have adequate levels of the "raw nutrient" to optimize natural test0ster0ne production...

...and of course, BUILD MORE MUSCLE!

Arthur M.


P.S. - As you can tell, I'm a fan of Jeff's Optimum Anabolics program. ;-)

The before & after's on his website PROVE that NATURALLY increasing "T" using his method WORKS...BIG TIME!

Go see for yourself at: <= Click To Become A "T-Machine"

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