Thursday, October 8, 2009

Are you being lied to?

Yesterday I (along with my friend, Holly Rigsby) told you about the difference between trying to follow a workout and actually doing a workout as it’s designed – and how much impact that will have on your results.

Let’s talk for a minute about those workouts.

A lot of people make the mistake of thinking they need to workout for an hour or two a day, doing miles of long, slow cardio to reach their fat loss goals.

It’s a lie.

You’ve been lied to by health clubs, infomercials and expensive personal trainers – all telling you that you need to work out for hours on end to get the body you want.

You’ve been told to that you can spot reduce your trouble spots and you can use the ‘fat burning zone’ to lose your love handles.


It’s no wonder so many moms just give up.  They don’t have time to sift through all the B.S. along with all of the other responsibilities on their plate.

The truth is…you only need about 90 minutes a *week* to get the body you want.

If you’re doing the right exercises in the right combinations, you can get great results in less than 15 minutes a day.

That’s why I want you to get Holly Rigsby’s Fit Yummy Mummy DVD Set available at


If you want to burn your baby fat and get your pre-baby body back in only 15 minutes a workout, it’s critical that you know how to do every exercise with the right technique, in the right combinations, with the right intensity.

Otherwise you’ll miss out on most of the results.

I love these DVDs because Holly teaches you exactly how to do each move and then guides you through each workout to ensure maximum fat burning effectiveness.

Basically, everything is already DONE-FOR-YOU!

You just follow along and watch those unwanted pounds melt away.

You can check out Holly’s Fit Yummy Mummy DVD Set here:


To your success,

Arthur M.

P.S. – Hurry! Holly has included 6 Incredible Success Bonuses to jumpstart your success, but only if you order before Friday, October 9th at 3pm EST.

Click here to join the thousands of other moms who have already PROVEN Holly’s system works –>

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