Saturday, October 3, 2009

Carbohydrates Rule

Thank you for subscribing to Fitness and Nutrition Center’s series on Sports Nutrition. In this series you'll learn:

1. Part 1 - What sports nutrition is
2. Part 2 - Hydrations key
3. Part 3 - Fueling your body
4. Part 4 - Carbohydrates rule
5. Part 5 - The need for protein

Let's go ahead & get started today with "Carbohydrates rule".

Part 4 - Carbohydrates rule
We hear a lot about carbohydrates today.  Often, they are called bad and unhealthy.  Yet, this is not true.

Go back to an analogy of the team.  As a team, nutrients work together but if you take one away or lessen the amount you eat of it, you drastically lessen the quality of the rest of the team.

In this case, you need to realize that it is necessary for your body to have the carbohydrates that it needs to power through your body’s demands.  Carbohydrates are nothing short of essential.

As you will learn here and throughout this ebook, the best thing that you can do is to provide your body with the right type of food.  So, while we say carbohydrates are good, that does not mean that any carbohydrate are good.

You should always look for whole grains when it comes to carbohydrates and you should look for things that are not full of sugars, bad fats and processed foods. 

Did that just end your food tastes?  It shouldn’t.

The Role Of Carbs

As part of a balanced diet, carbohydrates are a necessary part, but what do they do to your body when it comes to sports nutrition? 

In the world of sports nutrition, carbohydrates play a large role.  They are necessary because they provide an essential source of foods for your nutrition.  If you look back at your food pyramid, you will notice that you are supposed to consume 11 servings per day of grains. 

Grains make up most of your carbohydrate intake, but that is not all.  In fact, you will intake carbohydrates when you eat fruits, vegetables and other foods as well.  Most commonly, starch foods will contain mostly carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates should be consumed at 65 to 70 percent of your body’s calories!

How They Effect Your Body

Carbohydrates are necessary for the production of energy in your body. 

Next time we'll be discussing a little about "The need for protein".

For more information about this part of What sports nutrition is, please refer to our definitive guide to sports nutrition by signing up for our email updates (see top right of sidebar on my blog). Once you've done that email me (webmaster[at] and I will immediately send you the guide in PDF format (if you prefer MS Word let me know).

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