Monday, October 26, 2009

Discord on Mammography Roils the ACS

Ralph Moss is an active educator regarding cancer issues.  I am pleased to see his newsletter this week and read his coments on issues surrounding mammography.

Of concern to me is the focus on the American Cancer Society's resistance to consider the impact on breast cancer rates attributed to mammogram screening.

As Moss writes, "According to a front-page article in the New York Times, the ACS intends to abandon its rigid advocacy of mammography screening of the age 40+ female population."

My concern is that elsewhere throughouit the world where breast cancer rates are lower, many attribute this to avoidance of radiological screening in the under 50-60 age group.

As you know from reading articles here at Natural Health News, Creating Health Institute has been a strong proponent for thermography and ultrasound for more than two decades.

Listen to our recent 2 part series "Pink May Not Be Protective"
Listen to Herbalyoda Says! on Blog Talk Radio
Read more of the many articles here (use blog search), at Natural Healing through Natural Health and at GreenMuze.

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