Thursday, October 1, 2009

Best Bicep Exercises

Best Bicep Exercises for Mass Building

Smitty from the Diesel Crew and AMD (Accelerated Muscular Development System) has provided us with a great resource for Exercises for Building Big Biceps!

It possibly contains exercises for building biceps that many of you have never seen before or wondered exactly what they were and how they are performed.

Not only is this a great video for giving you ideas for building big guns, the exercises contained in this video will also greatly strengthen the grip, elbow and hands to a degree that can pass over into many sport (especially arm wrestling)

Best Bicep Exercise List

2 Handed Hammer Grip Preacher Curls
Crush Curls
Low Pulley Towel Curls
Towel Pull Ups
Neutral Grip Towel Barbell Curls
Reverse Curls
Plate Preacher Curls

Before you go any further with training to build big biceps check out my article How To Build Big Biceps first

Bodybuilding Routines

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