Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Fit Yummy Mummy Fat Loss System

Did you know that having a professionally designed workout and following a fat loss nutrition system *still* doesn’t guarantee you’ll lose those unwanted pounds?

Frustrating but true.

I was just chatting with my friend and Moms Fat Loss Expert, Holly Rigsby and she’s discovered some interesting realities with her huge community of moms following her Fit Yummy Mummy Fat Loss System.

Here’s what Holly had to share:

“While thousands of moms have followed my Fit Yummy Mummy program and gotten great results, I’ve found that a LOT of women don’t receive the results their looking for because they fall short in three areas during their workouts:

They don’t work out at the intensity necessary to make their body improve.

They don’t follow the proper workout design and maintain the pace of the workouts that I or other fitness experts prescribe in their programs.

They simply don’t understand how to do the exercises by simply looking at a picture in an e-book.

My revelation was this: many women *need* to have a follow along workout they can watch to achieve the results they want from their workouts.

Only by actually seeing how to do the exercises and follow the workout exactly as it was designed do these women get the results that they’re looking for.”

A plan is only good if it’s followed

As you probably already know, the best diet, the most powerful workout…they’re only good if the person trying to follow them knows what they’re doing.

In other words, you can have the best workout in the world, but if you don’t know how to do the exercises properly, you’re not only going to miss out on results, but you might even get injured by using improper technique.

And it’s not your fault.

You’re trying to follow the plan…but you don’t know what you don’t know.

But if you’re willing to follow a plan and would like to know *exactly* how to do your workouts to get maximum results, you’re in luck!

Today I want to tell you about the best FAT LOSS DVDs I’ve ever seen. Holly Rigsby has just released her Fit Yummy Mummy DVD Set with her patented ‘Learn It’ and ‘Do It’ sections so you never have to wonder if your workouts are giving you the results you’re looking for ever again.

Each DVD has two of her best Fit Yummy Mummy Workouts, each complete with it’s own Learn It and Do It Section…plus if you  take advantage of her special offer she’s also throwing in ready to use workout logs to guarantee you get the results you’re looking for.

Click here for more information:

Today is the first day of a 72-hour special where Holly is offering a huge discount because these plans just went LIVE today. I highly recommend you pick up your Fit Yummy Mummy Workout DVDs if you’re ready to start losing those unwanted pounds and fit back into your skinny jeans!

Talk soon,

Arthur M.

P.S. Hurry! If you order Holly’s DVD’s before Friday, October 9th at 3pm EST, you’ll also get her entire Yummy Mummy Makeover Series and 5 other bonuses worth over $250.

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