Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Could Your Cell Phone Be Hacked?

UPDATE: 7 August: Can EMF Hack Your Health?

A few years ago there was a major discussion about hacking your wireless connection. Other discussions have been going on for years and increased as RFID tags et al move more into the mainstream.

WalMart RFID readers being implemented to read the clothing tags as they move to achieve their plan to tag every item inside each store, the readers can and will have the ability to read your hackable Passport tag or the data from your enhanced driver license, even while in your handbag or wallet.

Think about what impact this has on your privacy, and how it can have an influence on electronic medical records.

As this situation expands AT&T and Verizon plan to move into the pay-by-phone market to expand their profit base.
AT&T, Verizon Wireless and T-Mobile have a plan: move into wireless electronic payments. Bloomberg reports: "The trial would be the carriers' biggest effort to spur mobile payments in the U.S. and supplant more than 1 billion plastic cards in American wallets."

See full article from DailyFinance: http://srph.it/csGree

and Could Your Cell Phone Be Hacked?
At a recent conference, a hacker revealed a cheap, homemade device that has the potential to intercept calls from a variety of cell phones.
How to tell if you're at risk.
Then consider tagged clothing and SmartMeters.

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