Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Putting Pain Sufferers Health at Risk

In its infinite wisdom, FDA is planning to consider Cymbalta for pain relief -
-FDA Panel to Consider Pain Indication for Antidepressant (excerpt)
Patients in the duloxetine arms were more likely to discontinue treatment because of adverse events, including nausea, sleep disturbances, dizziness, dry mouth, somnolence, constipation, and fatigue. Most of the events were dose-dependant.
Duloxetine use also appears to be associated with an increased risk of Stevens-Johnson syndrome, a skin disease that usually results from a drug reaction, as well as another form of the disease called toxic epidermal necrolysis. The FDA reviewers recommended that, if duloxetine is given the chronic pain indications, it should carry warning labels about the increased skin disease risks.
The FDA also has concerns about duloxetine's risk of serious liver toxicity, already included in the drug's labeling.
No deaths were reported during the trials.
The safety findings aren't new or unexpected and are very similar to duloxetine's current safety label, the FDA reviewers said.
The drug also carries a boxed warning for suicidality in children, adolescents, and young adults taking antidepressants for major depressive disorder and other psychiatric disorders.
"...duloxetine is not universally tolerated nor free of safety risks," wrote Eli Lilly staff in the company's briefing documents posted on the FDA's website. However, the safety profile is "well-characterized" and not any different for chronic pain patients than it is for other patients who are already using the drug.

Consider that you do encounter much higher risk with these and may other drugs used for pain relief. Lyrica for example depletes your platelets and they don't mention that in the TV ads.
You might want to learn more about natural pain relief.

from Natural Health News Search
Sep 07, 2008
The FDA also said it is evaluating reports of urinary retention with Eli Lilly's antidepressant Cymbalta, and skin melanoma with Biogen and Elan Corp's multiple sclerosis drug Tysabri. Biogen spokeswoman Shannon Altimari said two cases ...
Feb 13, 2009
When cymbalta first came out, it was the "wonder drug" that was going to end my troubles. Well, it almost ended ME altogether!!! I had horrible suicidal ideations, and I even brought home insulin and a syringe to do myself in (I'm a ...
Dec 28, 2007
In October, the FDA told Lilly to stop falsely claiming antidepressant Cymbalta produced “significantly less pain interference with overall functioning” and start mentioning its side effect of liver toxicity. ...
Nov 18, 2008
Duloxetine (Cymbalta) * Fluvoxamine (Luvox) * Mirtazapine (Remeron) * Trazodone (Desyrel) * Nefazodone (Serzone) * Venlafaxine (Effexor) The guideline also calls for physicians to modify treatment if patients fail to respond adequately 
Jun 02, 2010
Not all SSRI antidepressants were found to increase cataract risk, although this may be because not enough people in the study were taking them for the researchers to detect a risk. Risk was found for three different antidepressants:
Jul 06, 2007
In June 2001 I posted a response to the just reported Andrea Yates case, directing my comments to the negligence of the prescribing physician for the overload of SSRI and related psychiatric drugs, including Haldol. ...
Nov 26, 2008
Prozac use has shown that women who took the SSRI (and fluoride based) antidepressant during the first three months of pregnancy gave birth to four times as many babies with heart problems as women who did not. ...
Mar 16, 2009
SSRI anti-depressants are based in fluoride and are endocrine disruptors. All campus shootings have been associated with people who have been taking SSRI anti-depressants, which recently have been proven - AGAIN - to be ineffective for ...

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