Thursday, August 19, 2010

Trauma Care, the effective medical care

This is not a new finding but reiteration of one that has been studied and known for decades.  I think it should serve as a wake up call to the Medical Mafia that much more needs to be accomplished in the way medical care is organized, how education happens, and how medical care is delivered.

We know also, according to many studies, that only about 20 percent care is effective.  The 20 percent is trauma care!.

Trauma care effective, and cost-effective

BALTIMORE, Aug. 19 (UPI) -- Trauma center treatment is expensive but the benefits, in terms of lives saved and quality of life-years gained, outweigh the costs, a U.S. researcher says.

Ellen MacKenzie of The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health's Center for Injury Research and Policy in Baltimore says the added cost of treatment at a trauma center versus non-trauma center is $36,319 for every life-year gained or $790,931 per life saved. By way of comparison, a cost of $50,000-$100,000 a year is often cited as acceptable for renal dialysis.

The report found trauma center care is cost-effective for all patients taken together, and is of particular value for people with very severe injuries and those younger than age 55.

To determine cost-effectiveness, the researchers calculated the cost per life saved, cost per life-year gained and cost per quality-adjusted life-year gained. A total of 5,043 patients contributed to the cost-effectiveness analysis from 69 participating hospitals -- 18 trauma centers and 51 non-trauma centers -- in 14 states.

"Taken together with our previous work demonstrating the effectiveness of trauma centers in saving lives, the results unequivocally support the need for continued efforts and funding for regionalized systems of trauma care in the United States," MacKenzie said.

The study is published in the Journal of Trauma Injury, Infection and Critical Care.

© 2010 United Press International, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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