Tuesday, August 3, 2010

It must be a day for graphics at Natural Health News

"Neo" Health Care
By Rocky Vega, The Daily Reckoning

08/05/10 Alexandria, Virgina — This week, over 70 percent of Missourians voted for Prop C — to exempt the state from the federal insurance mandate — and, by extension, against President Obama’s health care plan. Three more states — Arizona, Florida, and Oklahoma — also have votes on deck with the hope of a possibly-binding opt out of the mandate.

From STLtoday’s coverage, via The Daily Bail’s post on the landslide vote:

“Missouri voters on Tuesday overwhelmingly rejected a federal mandate to purchase health insurance, rebuking President Barack Obama’s administration and giving Republicans their first political victory…

“‘The citizens of the Show-Me State don’t want Washington involved in their health care decisions,’ said Sen. Jane Cunningham, R-Chesterfield, one of the sponsors of the legislation [...] With most of the vote counted, Proposition C was winning by a ratio of nearly 3 to 1.”

Health Insurance Reform and how it works (sic), a flow chart from Congress

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