Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What about Heart Healthy Herbs?

This story is interesting because it follow on a report yesterday from the BBC that seemed to indicate a plan to promote this combo pill to any one over 55 years of age.

What happened to the art of diagnosis? Maybe it is too much cell phone use as a vector, food allergy or something obscure. We may never know.

And what about side effects, or what about the cholesterol hoax and the terrible side effects of these drugs. And what about the fact that anti-hypertensives and diuretics can lead to diabetes, even osteoporosis. Then there is aspirin that can cause lots of problems like silent bleeding and 8th cranial nerve damage that can affect hearing and maybe lead to Bell's Palsy. And don't forget electrolyte loss and CO Q 10 destruction. Yes, there's more...

Sounds crazy to me, but then I'd rather try vitamin E, magnesium, vitamin C, cod liver oil, nutritional yeast, lecithin, hawthorne, meadowsweet, or something else other than a drug to maybe have a small effect along with high risk of other disease.

So are you willing to go for profit and more problems when, if your systolic B/P is 150, you can expect to lower it by .05 percent, to 142.5 mm Hg ?

Not sure this is a statistically valid premise.
from UPI: 'Polypill' combines heart medications
Published: March 31, 2009 at 1:08 AM

HAMILTON, Ontario, March 31 (UPI) -- A "polypill" that combines blood pressure drugs, a cholesterol-lowering statin, aspirin and folic acid may minimize heart attacks, Canadian researchers say.

Dr. Koon Teo of McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, says the polypill could reduce cardiovascular events by more than 80 percent in healthy people.

In a double-blind trial in 50 centers in India, 2,053 people without cardiovascular disease -- ages 45-80 and with one risk factor -- were randomly assigned to the Polycap. It consisted of low doses of the drugs: 12.5 mg. thiazide, 50 mg atenolol, 5 mg ramipril, 20 mg simvastatin and 100 mg aspirin per day.

Subjects were otherwise assigned to eight other groups, each with about 200 individuals, of aspirin alone, simvastatin alone, hydrochlorthiazide alone, three combinations of the two blood-pressure-lowering drugs, three blood-pressure-lowering drugs alone, or three blood-pressure-lowering drugs plus aspirin.

Compared with groups not receiving blood-pressure-lowering drugs, the Polycap reduced systolic blood pressure by 7.4 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure by 5.6 mm Hg, which was similar when three blood-pressure-lowering drugs were used, with or without aspirin.

The findings were published in The Lancet.



How To Increase Your Metabolism

Woman Enjoying Healthy Salad

Speeding up metabolism will guarantee weight loss success.
It must - it's a scientific process, not a wish. Learning
how to speed up metabolism in your body is a vital, but easy
step. Once you learn what causes weight gain, weight loss
and speeding up metabolism in your body... you will never
again feel frustrated, hungry or defeated by a diet that
doesn't work.

All weight loss (and weight gain) problems have to do with
metabolism. If your body is not metabolizing calories in an
optimal fashion, your dieting efforts are doomed. You will
be fighting against basic body chemistry - and you'll lose.
But, hang in there, speeding up metabolism is relatively
simple to do.

It's an ugly issue to consider, but most colons - due to our
standard diets - are impacted with a lifetime of fecal waste
the never gets eliminated. Most metabolic problems have
their beginnings in our digestive tracts and typically in
America, we have miserably functioning ones.

If you're serious about weight loss, look into some high
quality colon cleansing products. You'll be surprised at
what is lurking inside you. It's not pretty, and it prevents
your body from properly assimilating nutrition and
effectively metabolizing the foods that you eat.

Reports of clearer skin, increased energy, easier and longer
lasting weight loss and reduced illness are common after a
thorough colon cleansing.

Once you've gotten your colon squared away, you can
confidently start on your efforts to lose a few pounds.

I know that you don't want to hear it, but fast weight loss
programs are not healthy or effective for the long term.
Diets that help you lose a lot of weight in a relatively
short time pose a problem for most people as soon as they go
off the diet. Speeding up metabolism is the road to weight
loss. Most rapid weight loss diets don't address the issue
of how to speed up metabolism. Most diets actually slow the
metabolism which is why we regain the weight.

Health issues aside, the biggest problem with rapid weight
loss is that it usually comes at the expense of calories.
Almost every diet designed to lose weight quickly, requires
you to drastically cut back on your caloric intake. You are
literally starving yourself. Ok so far, most of us could
afford to miss a meal or two. But...

Your body doesn't understand dieting. It doesn't know it's
only a temporary condition. It just knows that something is
wrong and you aren't getting enough food!

So, instead of happily burning off your excess fat - what
your body does is try to protect you by slowing down your
metabolism. It tries to make do with no more than the
calories you are giving it. This causes a decrease in energy
and if you cut back enough, it could cause a decrease in
necessary bodily functions leading to coma and death!

Finally, when you stop the diet and start eating normally
again, all of a sudden you have all these extra calories.
They have to go somewhere, so they get stored as fat.
Caloric intake that was normal before your diet, is now
(because of your slowed metabolism) way too high! You will
gain all the weight back. Plus, you'll keep going. You need
to learn how to speed up metabolism in your body so the
calories are burned away.

We're bombarded by ads and testimonials from companies
showing someone who was successful on their diet. They lost
the weight and kept it off. Assuming they really did it,
(these multi-billion dollar companies would NEVER lie to
us!) somewhere in the ad is a disclaimer saying that these
results are not typical. They never tell us about all the
other things that went into the weight loss. Such as
exercise, colon cleansing, eating healthier, and sometimes
medication. They probably made a radical change in their

So, how to speed up metabolism? Two areas to begin with are
a colon cleansing and second, don't cut way back on your

Instead, speeding up metabolism in your body is as simple as
eating MORE OFTEN! Instead of two or three big meals a day,
eat five or six smaller ones. This will aid in speeding up
metabolism by keeping your metabolism constantly working.
Your body will - again - try to help you by burning off the
extra fuel at a faster rate. This shows up as increased

You should see your doctor before you start any weight loss
or exercise regimen and while there, have them check your
thyroid to eliminate any worries on that aspect of weight

Don't wait. Start right now. sure, study all the weight loss
literature, but take some minor step toward your goal every
day. Starting right now! Take a walk, eat a healthy
breakfast, stop going to the fast food places - do
something! Everything adds up and soon your weigh problems
will be nothing more than a distant memory.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Bling Bling


This last two weeks found me working on my newsletter, herbalYODA Says! that was published on March 26. The topic was "The Color of Health".

While I was researching material I found an abstract on the use of Blue Light for MRSA. This always is of interest to me because I have been cataloguing material on this topic since 1993.

"Blue, vibrating at 450-495 nanometers, represents communication. It is located in the throat and is associated with the thyroid or metabolic system in your body. Blue is the coolest, purest and deepest color of the spectrum. It will help with rest, relaxation, sleep and regeneration. Blue is a good color to help with high blood pressure, lowering your heart rate, reduce stress and nervousness, and will calm your entire body. Looking into the blue sky on a sunny day is very calming to me.

If you have headaches or sleeping difficulty, blue may help you. It also influences digestion, heart rate, cholesterol level, muscle strength and your mental state.

Using blue in meditation may be helpful and it can also be used to improve communication, aid spiritual growth and facilitate higher mental function. It is the color of your creative power and will support you in a state of peace and balance.

Blue light is suggested as a treatment for MRSA.

Blue 470-nm Light Kills Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in Vitro

Chukuka S. Enwemeka, Ph.D., FACSM,1 Deborah Williams, M.D., Ph.D.,1,2 Sombiri K. Enwemeka,1 Steve Hollosi, D.O.,2 and David Yens, Ph.D.2


Background Data: In a previous study, we showed that 405-nm light photo-destroys methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The 390-420 nm spectral width of the 405-nm superluminous diode (SLD) source may raise safety concerns in clinical practice, because of the trace of ultraviolet (UV) light within the spectrum.

Objective: Here we report the effect of a different wavelength of blue light, one that has no trace of UV, on two strains of MRSA-the US-300 strain of CA-MRSA and the IS-853 strain of HA-MRSA-in vitro. Materials and

Methods: We cultured and plated each strain, and then irradiated each plate with 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, or 60 J/cm2 of energy a single time, using a 470-nm SLD phototherapy device. The irradiated specimens were then incubated at 35°C for 24 h. Subsequently, digital images were made and quantified to obtain colony counts and the aggregate area occupied by bacteria.

Results: Photo-irradiation produced a statistically significant dose-dependent reduction in both the number and the aggregate area of colonies formed by each strain (p _ 0.001). The higher the dose the more bacteria were killed, but the effect was not linear, and was more impressive at lower doses than at higher doses.

Nearly 30% of both strains were killed with as little as 3 J/cm2 of energy. As much as 90.4% of the US-300 and the IS-853 colonies, respectively, were killed with an energy density of 55 J/cm2. This same dose eradicated 91.7% and 94.8% of the aggregate area of the US-300 and the IS-853 strains, respectively.

Conclusion: At practical dose ranges, 470-nm blue light kills HA-MRSA and CA-MRSA in vitro, suggesting that a similar bactericidal effect may be attained in human cases of cutaneous and subcutaneous MRSA infections.

Another new product tha's just come on the market, and proven effective against MRSA, is the Alli-C gel. Just click on the Alli-C bottle in the right hand column to order. Sales help support this BLOG.

As a related note, a reader was looking for information about headache from Humira. Blue light may help as noted above, however this is a reportable adverse reaction and the reader is advised to call your doctor to report it.

and not to forget the benefits of thorough handwashing -

Handwashing More Important Than Isolation In Controlling MRSA Superbug Infection, Study Suggests

ScienceDaily (2009-03-31) -- Regular handwashing by hospital staff and visitors did more to prevent the spread of the MRSA superbug than isolating infected patients. The rates of cross infection with MRSA when patients were not moved to single rooms or nursed in separate MRSA bays were compared to the periods when patients were moved. There was no evidence of increased transmission of infection when patients were not moved. ... > read full article

Top Nutritional Supplements For Bodybuilders - Is Glutamine Right For You

Amino acids are one of the key building blocks of muscle tissue and glutamine is one of the most abundant amino acids found in the human body and, according to some fitness experts, is the most important in the process of building strength and muscle mass.

Glutamine can be found naturally in many food sources including poultry, fish, beef, chicken, and most dairy products. The most potent forms of glutamine are those that are found in over the counter supplements. 

Fitness experts and bodybuilders alike believe glutamine glutamine is one of the most important muscle building supplements and for a very good reason. One of the primary benefits of glutamine is that it preserves existing muscle tissue you have built. When you train intensely, your muscle tissue naturally begins to breakdown. Your muscle tissue also begins to breakdown rapidly when your body is protein deprived and while you are sound asleep at night.

Muscle breakdown is actually a normal process but if you are training hard and adhering to a proper diet then your body will also be creating new muscle tissue in response to the stress caused by resistance training. You can actually calculate your net muscle gains by taking the rate of muscle breakdown and subtracting the rate of muscle growth. Glutamine assists in building muscle by reducing the rate of muscle breakdown and creating greater net gains in overall muscle mass.

In addition to building muscle, glutamine also helps strengthen the immune system. Boosting the immune system is a great thing because the immune system tends to weaken as a result of constant and extensive weight training. Your body will recover quicker and you will actually get sick less often as a result of including glutamine supplements in your bodybuilding diet plan.

The best times to take glutamine supplements are approximately thirty minutes after you have completed your workout and around 30 minutes before bed time. After a very intense workout your body's glutamine levels can decrease by as much as fifty percent and in order to replenish these levels, your body will usually begin draining glutamine from your muscle tissue. Because muscle tissue tends to naturally break down during sleep, taking 3-5 grams of glutamine prior to bedtime can help minimize the breakdown and at the same time also bolster your body's natural levels of growth hormones. 

York Barbell Bodybuilding Routines

York Barbell Bodybuilding Routines

THe York Barbell Company has been around for about 65 years and has provided many a young budding bodybuilder with their first barbell set.

I remember ordering mine and receiving it about 22 years ago.

You know the type with the plastic coated, plaster of paris filled discs.

Happy memories......

I used to have competitions in my bedroom with friends for who could put the most weight overhead. At the time we saw no reason why bench press should be involved. If you could put weight over your head then you were a man!

I also recall the 1960's style workout programs that I received with my York Barbell kit. Lot's of bodybuilder stood around a swimming pool. I could only dream about looking anything like them and follow the programs and hope to get huge!

Here are the York Barbell Programs

York Barbell Course No. 1

(The first of the famous York Barbell Courses designed by Bob Hoffman)

Curls 1 x 6
Overhead Press 1 x 6
Squats 1 x 8-12
Pullovers 1 x 6
Deadlifts 1 x 8-12
Bench Press 1 x 6
Side Bends 1 x 6
Jefferson Lift 1 x 8-12
Calf Raises 1 x 8-12
Shrugs 1 x 6

York Barbell Course No. 2

Reverse Curl 1 x 6
Overhead Press 1 x 6
Squats 1 x 8-12
Deadlift 1 x 8-12
Sit-Ups 1 x 8-12
Bent-Over Rows 1 x 6
Leg Press or Front Squats 1 x 8-12
Goose Step with Barbell (walking in place with barbell on shoulders) 1 x 8-12
Bench Press 1 x 6

York Barbell Course No. 3

One-Arm Jerk with Barbell 1 x 6
One-Arm Snatch with Barbell 1 x 8-12
Bench Press 1 x 6
Squats 1 x 8-12
Overhead Squats 1 x 8-12
High Pull (to belt) 1 x 6
Overhead Press 1 x 6
Two-Arm Snatch 1 x 8-12
Two-Arm Jerk 1 x 6
Cleans 1 x 6

Simplified Barbell Training - York Barbell Course No. 4

Curls 1 x 15
Overhead Press 1 x 15
Rows 1 x 15
Side Bends 1 x 15
Clean & Jerk 1 x 15
High Pulls 1 x 15
Overhead Squats 1 x 15
Snatches 1 x 15
Deadlift 1 x 15
Squats 1 x 15

What You Must Know If You Are Planning A Vegetable Garden

Gardener with tree and shovel

By Petra Spink

Planting a vegetable garden can be a very rewarding hobby as
well as provide you with a healthy food source. Planning a
vegetable garden gives you the chance to grow only the ones
that you and your family love and it gives you the
satisfaction of knowing that they are healthy and contain no
pesticides or other harmful chemicals.

While many people think putting out a vegetable garden is
too much trouble, it really isn't that hard and can be quite
fun for everyone involved. If you take care of your
vegetable garden properly, then you will be able to grow
some of the most delicious, fresh vegetables.

You will want to pick a spot in an area that receives a
minimum of 6 hours of direct sunlight daily for your
vegetable garden. If you have a more shaded area, leafy
plants like spinach and lettuce are better choices as they
are more tolerant of shade.

If your garden lacks good soil, you may wish to seek to add
compost, leaf mold, rotted manure, or peat moss to enrich it.
Growing in soil that is mostly clay is also very difficult,
but humus or vermiculite may be added to improve drainage issues.
Test your soil by squeezing a handful. If it retains the shape
but can crumble a bit, then it likely will only need a bit of
organic matter to make it work well for vegetable gardening.

During early summer you need to mulch the vegetables that
you will be planting. Make the mulch thick and it will help
to keep away weeds, it will improve the coil structure, and
will help to keep the soil in the right amount of moisture.
Compost, straw, hay, and shredded bark are great materials
for mulch.

As you start planning a vegetable garden, a drip irrigation
system may be a smart choice to install for your garden.
This will deliver water directly to the roots of the
vegetables where it is needed most. A timer can even be
installed, automating the times you irrigate your plants and
freeing you for other activities.

Deciding what you wish to grow is a key consideration to
planning a vegetable garden. You will want to grow
vegetables that fit well with your soil type, and with your
personal taste preferences. Focus on these aspects as you
plan and plot out your garden. While you may find it
interesting to grow all kinds of vegetables, it may not be a
good idea if your family refuse to eat them.

You can't measure the satisfaction you will get from growing
your own vegetables. A big feeling of well being is
inevitable knowing that you are feeding yourself and your
family the very best quality available. Remember, others
before you have made a great success of this from scratch so
there is no reason why you can't. Just follow the rules and
tips that more experienced gardeners give and you won't go

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Super Squats 20 rep routine

Super Squats 20 rep routine

Basics first.

The 20 reps squat routine is hands down about the most basic (yet effective) bodybuilding routine ever.

I am unsure of the exact origins of this bodybuilding routine
but I will explain the routine here.

Simply warm up with a light weight on the squat bar, until your body temperature has risen condsiderably and you have a forehead sweat. Now take a weight you would normally squat for 10 repetitions and do 20 reps instead, taking 3 deep breaths between squats.

This type of squatting is also called breathing squats, which is for the purpose of trying to expand the ribcage.

Now, that's all you need to do - 1 set of 20 reps!

Sounds simple, but is far from it. This is one of the toughest routines there is, because it really takes it out of you and pushes you to the limit.

So, once you've completed this set then take on 3 sets of 12 light weight pullovers. Which is for chest expansion purposes.

Simple add 5lb to the bar every workout.

Drink milk, eat and rest.....GROW!!

Gerard Butler~The Ultimate Obsession

The One Tip That Will Lead To Long Term Weight Loss

Man with tight shirt

Here's a very simple weight loss tip that you can use to
start losing weight more effectively and more long term. The
tip is pretty simple, but the implementation of it may be a
bigger deal depending on how dedicated you are to it. So
here's the tip: Make small changes every week rather than
big changes all at once!

A Revolutionary New Weight Loss Tip?

You may have heard this idea before, but have you ever acted
on it? I think that it should make at least some of you
think about it for a minute. And I hope that this approach
can help you to reach more lasting and permanent weight

How many of you have gotten to the point where you finally
say to yourself, "That's it!!! I'm never going to eat that
junk food ever again! I'm going to make changes RIGHT THIS
SECOND and never go back to the way that I used to eat! I'm
sick of looking like this!" Does this sound like you at one

If this does sound like you, did you find yourself back to
your old habits within a week or two? How many times have
you gone through this cycle? Disappointing isn't it, but
this is a common story out there if you get talking to

I want you to look at weight loss motivation (and weight
loss in general) in a completely new light. Don't make huge
and overly drastic changes that are doomed to failure.
Instead you should make small changes that cumulatively lead
to a big change. This may sound to you like a revolutionary
weight loss tip, but I hope that it just makes sense!

Weight Loss Motivation is the Key!

Motivation is key if you're really going to lose weight. But
when you try to make too many changes too quickly your mind
subconsciously says to you, "Yeah right friend! Why will
this time be any different that all the other times you've
tried and failed?" Willpower alone is never enough to
overcome this inner negative voice. The correct mental
attitude is key.

You'll find that you have much better luck when you sneak up
on that negative little voice and play a little trick on it.
Willpower alone is never enough to overcome this inner
voice. You have to trick it by making small changes.

That's the main point behind this weight loss tip, and in my
mind the key to real weight loss motivation that will keep you
moving forward long term.

Here are some examples of small changes you can make:

Instead of deciding that you're going to immediately start
going to the gym every single day, try going twice a week.
Do that for a week or two, then up it to 3 times a week.
Maybe it means not eating your normal snack on one day. Then
up it to 2, then 3, etc. You see, as you make changes like
that you will be more motivated to lose weight because you
are creating small successes each week.

If you keep this up, you're bound to make the big changes -
but over time rather than drastically all at once. Your
motivation to lose weight will be a lot higher than it ever
was before. Give it a try!

Natural Health Education Series On-Line

This morning marked the start of our natural health series, herbalYODA Says! LIVE, on BlogTalkRadio.

Some of our BLOG readers and newsletter subscribers may recall the many popular programs I did with Butch Chancellor on 'These Orwellian Times' that aired on Republic Broadcasting Network.

This new series is dedicated to Butch.

I'm keeping the programs to 15 minutes for now, just because I am aware of how limited time seems to be for most people.

This is a call-in format so if you're listening to the next live program, Sunday April 12, call in with your questions, or submit them before the show and I'll answer during the program. Program topic ideas are welcome. I really do like to hear from listeners, and BLOG readers too. Your input helps me do a better job.

Listen to this morning's program.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Aew 007 - Daniel Craig

Insurance Companies May Not Be Your Friend

With all the talk about the health stimulus plan and the recent wave of backlash from Big Insurance against universal care, we now have some insight into what this industry does as a routine practice.

What ever way health care goes, the issues at stake are pretty big ones. It surely is just one more reason why you should start now to get healthy and stay healthy, plus learn what you can do to maintain your health.

Reliance on insurance and the government might not be your best call.
Senate takes on out-of-network insurance issue
By ERICA WERNER, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON – Ever wonder how that bill was calculated if you had to pay to see a doctor outside your insurance network?

Might be a scam, says a senator investigating the issue.

Sen. Jay Rockefeller, chairman of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, wants answers at a hearing Tuesday from the chief executives of UnitedHealth Group Inc. and its subsidiary Ingenix Inc., a claims database used by insurers nationwide to calculate out-of-network rates.

The inquiry follows lawsuits and an investigation by New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo alleging that UnitedHealth and Ingenix manipulated rate data so insurers had to pay less and patients more for out-of-network services.

"They're lowballing deliberately. They deliberately cut the numbers so the consumer has to pay more of the cost," Rockefeller, D-W.Va., said in an interview with The Associated Press on Friday.

"It's scamming. It's fraud," he said.

In January, UnitedHealth agreed to pay $350 million to settle a suit by the American Medical Association and others over the issue. UnitedHealth did not admit wrongdoing. But, under pressure from Cuomo, the company agreed to pay $50 million toward creation of an independent claims database and eventually close down the Ingenix databases.

Cuomo has secured similar agreements from other major insurers, including WellPoint Inc., Aetna Inc., and Cigna Corp. The AMA is pursuing suits against those companies, too.

"Our view is that we've reached a resolution on this matter and we're moving forward," UnitedHealth spokesman Tyler Mason said in a voicemail message Friday. "We think it's positive that this information will continue to be made available in the health care marketplace so that people can make informed decisions."

A spokeswoman for Ingenix referred calls to UnitedHealth.

Rockefeller and other lawmakers, along with doctors and consumer groups, view the matter as far from over. They say more accountability and transparency is needed in how insurance companies determine out-of-network rates, and that patients need to understand how it's done to avoid sticker shock when they get their medical bills.

One such patient is Mary Jerome of Yonkers, N.Y. She went out of network to Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center after being diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2006. When she began getting her bills she discovered that Memorial Sloan-Kettering was not being reimbursed by her insurer anywhere near as much as the center was charging and that she was responsible for paying the rest.

"Unknown to me, they were operating with deceptive methods of reimbursement," Jerome told Rockefeller's committee in written testimony. "I had to battle cancer — and I am still battling it — and I had to battle my insurance company to try and get fair coverage."

More than 70 percent of workers who get health care through their employers are enrolled in plans that allow them to go out of network, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. Typically, those plans will pay a set percentage, say 70 percent, for an out-of-network visit.

But unknown to many consumers, when patients go out of network, their plan doesn't actually pay 70 percent of the doctor's visit cost. It pays 70 percent of what it determines is the "usual, customary and reasonable" cost for the procedure or doctor's visit in question.

Insurance companies determine that cost themselves, and there's scant regulation or oversight of how they do it.

In the case of UnitedHealth and Ingenix, they were allegedly manipulating claims data so that the "usual, customary and reasonable" costs they used were lower than they should have been, leaving patients to pay more. Cuomo's office said Ingenix was understating the market rate for doctor's visits across New York state by 10 percent to 28 percent.

Even with the UnitedHealth settlement, lawmakers and others want bigger changes in the system so rate calculations are fairer and better understood. Rockefeller said federal legislation might be needed.

"You ask me how are their 'usual and customary' rates being determined," Rockefeller said. "I don't know."

On the Net: Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee: http://commerce.senate.gov/public/

UnitedHealth Group: http://www.unitedhealthgroup.com
Ingenix: http://www.ingenix.com/
N.Y. Attorney General's office: http://tinyurl.com/d6n89j
Copyright © 2009 The Associated Press.


Make a Note of This - MAY 2009

The Mayor of Broward County (Fort Lauderdale and area), Florida, The Honorable Stacy Ritter has proclaimed May 2009 as ELECTROMAGNETIC SENSITIVITY AWARENESS MONTH.

EHS is a serious and growing illness that most politicians and doctors in North America are not willing to even talk about. Thanks to the brave and sensible stance of Mayor Ritter and her council, EHS will now get the recognition that it deserves.

What is Electrohypersensitivity

from Martin Weatherall

Bodybuilding Blog

Bodybuilding Blog

Bodybuilding takes on 2 distinct seperate categories in my mind.

Bodybuilding as a sport (Freakshow) and also Bodybuilding as means to develop the body to perform functional tasks and improve sports prowess.

This blog will address mainly the latter of the above but also touch on the Freakshow side of bodybuilding.

It is certain that a great body can be built using a hybrid method of traditional bodybuilding methods and also new athlete style workouts/training sessions.

I hope you enjoy.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Ricardo Baldin

New To Weight Lifting? - Here Are 4 Tips To Streamline Your Workout Program

Many people often wonder how they can begin to look like the gorgeous bodies found on magazine covers. It's very important to understand that no amount of physical activity can give you your ideal body if your exercise program is not also paired with proper nutrition and adequate rest. Truth be told, proper diet and rest are every bit as important as a disciplined workout program and possibly even more important as your muscles can not really develop without lots of rest and the right amount of nutrients. 

If you are new to weight lifting, here are 4 tips you can use to kickstart your workout program and streamline your muscle building efforts:

1. Use Free Weights As Much As Possible - Free weights are generally superior to nautilus machines because free weights target your supporting muscle groups as well as your main muscle group. In so doing, free weights allow you to become stronger and bigger much faster than nautilus machines. At the same time it's not necessary to focus solely on free weights. I do a mix of free weights and nautilus machines because my joints and basic physiology don't allow me exclusively focus on free weights.

2. Periodically Locate Areas Of Improvement - Everyone's body reacts a little bit differently to a given exercise routine. Because of this, it's always a good idea to thoroughly check your physique and locate areas that need improvement. For example, after nearly 6 months of working on my chest I started to notice that my lower chest wasn't appropriately responding to the intensive training. I then had to adjust my workout accordingly to focus more on my lower chest.

3. Experiment And Mix Up Your Exercises - You never know what your best muscle building exercises are unless you experiment and mix up your exercises. Again, not everyone's body responds the same to the same exercises because few people's body's are made exactly the same. 

For example, I used to be extremely strong with squats but I found that my leg muscles weren't growing to my liking and quickly discovered that my lower back and hips were absorbing too much of the stress. I then switched to leg presses and hack squats because they built my leg muscles more effectively without the added stress placed on my lower back and hips.

4. Always, Always, Always Take Precautions To Avoid Injuries - Nothing can harm you and your muscle gains more severely than a serious injury. The exercises that pose the greatest risk of injury are bench press, squats, and deadlift. This doesn't mean that you should avoid these exercises altogether but rather, that you should quickly learn your weight limits, always workout with a partner, and always bring the proper equipment such as elbow and knee restraints as well as a weight belt.

There are healthy energy drinks

Commercial energy drinks are all the buzz and have been for a number of years now. Those quick energy poppers at the grocery check out are probably in the same class. Most of these contain sucralose (a toxic hydrochlorocarbon) or a blend of aspartame and sucralose or aspartame and acesulfame K (all highly toxic artificial sweeteners)
According to Wikipedia, Red Bull, the most advertised of these drinks, has health risks.

However, in an effort to stem this tide, herbalYODA developed an herbal sports tea blend shortly after creating Formula One (sold as ADVENTURX) in 2004. sportZtea is a blend of 5-6 herbs that provide you with nutrients supplying vitamins and minerals to support your health and hydration. No stimulants and no artificial sweeteners.

And for the man from Austria (not Dr. Mueller-Toeroek) that brought you Red Bull, remind him that you don't need all the stuff in RB to relieve jet lag. I guess you didn't consult this favorite herbalist.
"[edit] Origins of Red Bull
Red Bull was inspired by an energy drink from Thailand called Krating Daeng. Red Bull is the literal translation of Krating Daeng in Thai. (Krating = Bull, Dang = Red) The logo of redbull is even the same as logo of Krating Daeng. Dietrich Mateschitz, an Austrian entrepreneur developed the Red Bull Energy Drink brand. Mateschitz was the international marketing director for Blendax, a toothpaste company, when he visited Thailand in 1982 and discovered that Krating Daeng helped to cure his jet lag.[2] Between 1984 and 1987, Mateschitz worked with TC Pharmaceutical (a Blendax licensee) to adapt Krating Daeng for the European market. At the same time Mateschitz and Chaleo Yoovidhya founded Red Bull GmbH; each investing $500,000 of savings and taking a stake in the new company. They gave the remaining 2% to Chaleo's son Chalerm, but it was agreed that Mateschitz would run the company.[3] Red Bull GmbH launched the Red Bull in 1987, which is carbonated and not as sweet as Krating Daeng, the Thai energy drink. Red Bull entered its first foreign market (Hungary) in 1992, and the United States (via California) in 1997.[4]

Red Bull has taken almost half of the US market for energy drinks, and up to 80% of the market in some other countries.

In 2006, Forbes Magazine listed Chaleo as being the 292nd richest person in the world with an estimated net worth of over $2.5 billion[5] while Mateschitz was listed at number 317.[6]

[edit] Product
Marketed as an energy drink "to combat mental and physical fatigue", it contains, per 250 mL (8.4 U.S. fl. oz.) serving, about 21.5 g sucrose, 5.25 g of glucose, 50 mg of inositol, 1000 mg of taurine, 600 mg of glucuronolactone, vitamin B — 20 mg of niacin, 5 mg of vitamin B6, 5 mg of pantothenic acid and 5 μg of vitamin B12 , 80 mg of caffeine. The caffeine in one serving is similar to that found in an average cup of brewed coffee (typically 100 mg/250 ml cup, but 72 mg for a U.S. regular 6 fluid ounces cup of coffee) or twice as much as found in a can of Coke (40 mg/330 ml can). A sugar-free version has been available since the beginning of 2003. Sugar-free Red Bull is sweetened with aspartame and sucralose, as opposed to sucrose and glucose.

Red Bull has the flavor of a carbonated guarana drink. It is commonly used as a mixer with alcoholic drinks such as vodka, and is the base ingredient in a Jägerbomb.

[edit] Ingredients
A can of Red Bull from the United Kingdom states the ingredients as: Water, sucrose, glucose, sodium citrates, carbon dioxide, taurine, agave, glucuronolactone, caffeine, inositol, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, caramel and riboflavin. In comparison, a can of Sugar Free Red Bull from the United Kingdom states the ingredients as: water, acidity regulator sodium citrates, carbon dioxide, taurine, glucuronolactone, sweeteners (acesulfame K, aspartame), caffeine, inositol, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, thickener xanthan gum, colours (caramel, riboflavin).

Taurine is a naturally occurring organic acid in the human body and is also present in foods like poultry, fish, and scallops. In addition to being an antioxidant, it is mainly used by the body during physical exertion and stress.[7] In its natural form, taurine is derived from animal tissue, having been first isolated from bull (Bos taurus) bile, hence the name "Red Bull"; however, the taurine used in the Red Bull drink is produced synthetically. It is also the first energy drink to list glucuronolactone in its ingredient list. Glucuronolactone is a carbohydrate involved in detoxification. The chemical naturally occurs in the human body, but is also present in foods like grain and wine.[7] It has often been referred to have a similar taste to Dandelion & Burdock, a traditional British soft drink, drunk in the British Islands since about 1265. Traditionally it is made from fermented dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) and burdock (Arctium lappa) roots, and is naturally carbonated.

[edit] Health effects
A review published in 2008 found no documented reports of negative health effects associated with the taurine used in the amounts found in most energy drinks, including Red Bull.[8]

Commonly reported adverse effects due to caffeine used in the quantities present in Red Bull, are insomnia, nervousness, headache, and tachycardia (see Caffeine intoxication). In cases of extreme over consumption, death is possible.

A 2008 position statement issued by the National Federation of State High School Associations made the following recommendations about energy drink consumption, in general, by young athletes:[9]

Water and appropriate sports drinks should be used for rehydration as outlined in the NFHS Document “Position Statement and Recommendations for Hydration to Minimize the Risk for Dehydration and Heat Illness.”

Energy drinks should not be used for hydration.
Information about the absence of benefit and the presence of potential risk associated with energy drinks should be widely shared among all individuals who interact with young athletes.
Energy drinks should not be consumed by athletes who are dehydrated.
Energy drinks should not be consumed without prior medical approval, by athletes taking over the counter or prescription medications.

[edit] Anaerobic muscular endurance and work
A study conducted in 2007 on 15 healthy young adults, found that Red Bull consumption led to an acute increase in upper body anaerobic muscular endurance; however, no effect was found on either peak lower body anaerobic muscular work, or average lower body anaerobic muscular work.[10]

[edit] Cardiovascular effects
The results of a single study conducted in 2008 showed that the ingestion of one, 250mL can of sugar-free Red Bull, in a sample of 30 healthy young adults, had an immediate detrimental effect on both endothelial function, and normal blood coagulation. This temporarily raised the cardiovascular risk in these individuals to a level comparable to that of an individual with established coronary artery disease.[11]

Based on their results, researchers involved with the study cautioned against the consumption of Red Bull in individuals under stress, in those with high blood pressure, or in anyone with established atherosclerotic disease.[12]

Red Bull representatives, however, stated that this observed increase in cardiovascular risk was not felt to be different than that associated with drinking a regular cup of coffee. They also stated that they believed that Red Bull must be safe, as it was felt the only way Red Bull could have such substantial global sales is if various health authorities had concluded the drink safe to consume.

There has been at least one case report of Red Bull overdose causing postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome in a young athlete.[13]

A February 3, 2009 article in The Daily Telegraph called, "Red Bull 'may have triggered heart condition that killed student'" reported on the death of a 21 year-old woman who died after drinking four cans of Red Bull and several VKs, a vodka based drink which also contains caffeine. It was believed, but had not been proven, that she suffered from a rare heart condition called long QT Syndrome[14]. She was on medication for epilepsy. A medical examination found that there were no illegal drugs in her system. The article quoted a doctor as saying, "The QT levels may have grown over a few years, or it may have been artificially pushed over the limit by caffeine." [15]

Energy Drinks May Be Harmful To People With Hypertension, Heart Disease

ScienceDaily (2009-03-26) -- People who have high blood pressure or heart disease should avoid consuming energy drinks, according to a new study. Researchers found that healthy adults who drank two cans a day of a popular energy drink experienced an increase in their blood pressure and heart rate. No significant changes in EKG measurements were reported. ... > read full article

Natural Health News has 38 posts with information about the toxic effects of sucralose (Splenda) and aspartame.

Thyroid care off base in the US too...

Thyroid concerns are perhaps a greater health concern that realized. This may be related to low selenium levels in food, the thyroid suppressing effect of water fluoridation, the rise in the number and use of fluoride based prescriptions drugs, and increased presence of drug waste in water. Rising impact of EMF-ELF proliferation and depleted uranium are environmental concerns.


DID YOU KNOW: Thyroid therapy was used to cure polio and breast cancer, as well as prevent dementia?

There is quite a substantial body of science regarding thyroid health on the web. Just as with anything, some of the information may be incorrect, however the majority of valuable data comes from longtime researchers and providers like Dr. Barnes, Dr. Wilson, Dr. Lowe and others.

Once again on a trip back to the future, people with thyroid problems and the thyroid were not disregarded as "flakes". And it seemed that doctors knew what tests to order and how to properly interpret them s well. They also had no fear of natural thyroid products such as Armour.

Today, it seems as if the thyroid is some taboo gland that will, if not functioning very well on the hypothyroid side, lead you only to the following scenario - a TSH only test - or if you are lucky you might get a TSH and a T4 - and maybe if your result is outside the old range up to 5 or even 8, you might get Synthroid.

Synthroid is synthetic T4 and it usually does not effectively address the physiological issues present. It also can lead to osteoporosis in long term treatment.

One problem is that several years ago the range for TSH results were redefined at 0.3 to 3.2. So if your doctor, NP, or lab is still relying on the old scale, get a new one.

And if they rely on the old scale, maybe they don't even know how to interpret the results.

Some people may need T3, like Cytomel, but with compounding pharmacies being attacked maybe this is herd to come by where you live.

Many people do not do well on Synthroid and really need natural glandular products, or a combination product like Thyrolar.

And you can have normal appearing lab results and still have a problem, which indicates more testing like an rT3 and/ or a TRH, and not to overlook both Free T3 and Free T4.

On the other side of the coin is a group of people with hyperactive thyroid conditions who are "radiated" to "kill" the gland and then require supplementation, usually Synthroid. This group of people should know that there are effective ways to address this situation, as hypothyroid as well, using natural therapy or in combination with drugs; usually you do not hear this too.

Of course it is worthwhile to consider that adrenal function might be evaluated first, and corrected if needed, before addressing thyroid concerns. Its that TPA (Thyroid-Pituitary-Adrenal) axis thing you know...
"The prevailing dogma says that all you need to know is that the TSH test is the gold standard for diagnosis, and the only treatment is T4-replacement/levothyroxine. Even then, the dogma usually stipulates that you use Synthroid, the top-selling levothyroxine drug, the most expensive of all the brands, the one that has legions of drug reps in its employ, and the one that not coincidentally spreads around millions in research money, grants, honoraria, freebies, samples, and support to doctors, endocrinologists, professional groups and patient organizations each year.

People deserve to know that:
there are other brands of levothyroxine than Synthroid, and despite a doctor's allegiance to one brand, another brand may work better for you (not to mention cost you far less)
some patients will not be relieved of their hypothyroidism symptoms -- such as fatigue, depression, weight gain -- despite treatment to the so-called "normal range," and will need additional treatment to regain their health
patients deserve to know that there are other thyroid medicines that for some, may better relieve their symptoms -- additional T3 as Cytomel or time-released T3, a synthetic T4/T3 combination Thyrolar, or the natural desiccated prescription thyroid drugs Armour and Nature-throid
the TSH test itself is one part of diagnosing thyroid problems, but T4, T3, free T4, free T3 tests, antibodies tests, clinical evaluation of signs and symptoms, and consideration of medical and family history, should also be part of a thorough diagnostic process for thyroid disease
The TSH "normal" range that is used to rule thyroid disease in and out may not be relevant on an individual basis, it may be flawed, and it is subject to change, making it a rocky foundation on which to base an entire diagnosis and treatment regimen"

from David Odom, MD, a UK physician: "Of course, this move in Britain is politically based. This document is no more than ossified opinion. This is in a country that has 'cookbook' medicine. So, politics rules! Likely, this our future, approaching rapidly. In my practice, I have the patient supplement Thyroid USP, so as to maintain relief from low thyroid symptoms while maintaining a youthful Free T3 (& coincidentally suppressing TSH). It is ironic that the British medical literature has pointed out 'the emperor's new clothes' regarding treatment of hypothyroidism. It turns out that suppression of the TSH is an expected consequence of thyroid supplementation that has no adverse health consequences, moreover the TSH has no specific or reliable correlation with thyroid function. The large majority of medical practitioners follow the system of prescribing synthetic levothyroxine to regulate the TSH, even though this practice has no scientific foundation. Doctors who practice Natural Hormone Replacement therapy, on the other hand, prescribe Thyroid USP or compounded T4/T3 combinations, seeking symptom reversal without regard to the TSH and find success with great benefit for patients."

Thyroid disorders 'misdiagnosed'
People with suspected thyroid disorders are being mistreated and misinformed, experts have warned.

British Thyroid Association doctors say some people are being given the wrong tests and the wrong treatment.

NHS doctors abide by expert guidelines - but the BTA says the problem comes when patients go outside the NHS.

Around 3% of the UK population has an underactive thyroid, which should be diagnosed with a blood test and treated with a synthetic hormone.

An under-active thyroid, or hypothyroidism, develops when the thyroid gland produces too little thyroxine, and it is becoming more prevalent because of the ageing population.

Symptoms can include being very tired, feeling the cold, having difficulties with memory or concentration, weight gain and fertility problems.

These are symptoms that can mimic other conditions, and experts warn an incorrect diagnosis could mean some patients could suffer harmful effects from excess thyroid hormones, while other serious conditions may go undiagnosed.

The Royal College of Physicians (RCP) recently set out guidance for how hypothyroidism should be diagnosed and treated in the UK.

It says the only accurate way to diagnose a thyroid disorder is via a blood test which measures hormone levels, and the only scientifically proven way of treating the condition is by topping up a patient's natural thyroxine levels with a synthetic form of the hormone.

But the BTA warns that information on the web and in the media about alternative ways of diagnosing and treating the condition are leading people to turn to alternative methods of diagnosis and treatments.

It says urine tests, saliva tests and measuring body temperature are not reliable ways of diagnosing the condition.


Dr Amit Allahabadia, the secretary of the BTA who wrote the editorial, said: "This is potentially an enormous problem, given that in any one year, one in four people in the United Kingdom have their thyroid function checked.

He added: "I think it is essentially doctors who are outside the NHS [who] may be misdiagnosing the condition.

"Patients may go to see them when they think they have an under-active thyroid, or when tests have shown they have normal hormone levels but they still feel ill."

Dr Allahabadia said he believed a "significant minority" of patients were affected, either directly through misdiagnosis or mistreatment or because they were being confused by inaccurate information.

Professor Peter Trainer, who chairs the clinical committee of the Society for Endocrinology which represents the specialists who treat thyroid disorders, said: "Our sympathy has to lie with the patient because there is potentially misleading information available on the web.

"It can be confusing for patients, and it can be difficult for GPs when they are confronted with that information, which is why the RCP guidance was published."

Story from BBC NEWS:http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/health/7965417.stm
Published: 2009/03/27 © BBC MMIX

Read more

Thursday, March 26, 2009

How To Prevent And Get Rid Of Constipation

Businessman holding buttocks in rude gesture

Constipation affects almost everyone at one time or another.
Constipation is common, yet clearly there is a need for
better understanding of this condition, and for improved

People who suffer from constipation will tell that it is one
of the most uncomfortable experiences they've had. So what
is the causes and cure to constipation?

Constipation is usually defined as having infrequent bowel
movements that are hard and painful, and is most commonly
caused by a diet that is low in fiber, but can also be
caused by drinking too much milk (more than 12-16oz/d), not
drinking enough water or waiting too long to go to the

Stress, even a new routine can temporarily cause a slowdown
in the bowels that leads to constipation. Pregnant women
also suffer from constipation as a result of a change in
hormonal balance in the body, and also because of the
pressure of the now occupied uterus on the intestine.

A lack of exercise will cause you constipation as well.
People who don't take care of themselves physically, tend to
easily develop constipation as a result.

Cure to constipation depends on the cause, severity, and
duration, in most cases dietary and lifestyle changes will
help relieve symptoms of constipation and help prevent it.

Dietary fiber which is also known as bulk forming laxatives
may benefit individuals with relatively minor or occasional
constipation. Vegetables, fresh fruits, dried fruits, and
whole wheat, bran, or oatmeal cereals are excellent sources of

Taking fiber supplements such as wheat bran, oat bran,
psyllium seeds, if you find it hard to cope with the bulk of
vegetables, fruits needed.

Insufficient intake of fluids can result in constipation as
well. Drink plenty of liquids (1 to 2 quarts daily), unless
you have heart, blood vessel, or kidney problems. Drink it
on an empty stomach stimulates peristalsis by reflex.

Individuals who do a lot more exercise are often better
physically that those who live a sedentary life. One of the
many benefits of regular exercise is improved bowel
motility. Exercise is perhaps the best prevention for

Laxatives can be used for short term constipation relief but
most people who are mildly constipated do not need laxatives.
They are also safe to use during pregnancy include the
bulk-forming laxatives Lactulose, and Macrogols.

Getting up and walking around the block in the morning is
good enough to get your bowels moving. Developing a good
diet habit will play a large part in preventing and
eliminating constipation.

Model David Miliband

How Does Your Garden Grow?

UPDATE: April 1
First Aid Remedy for your gardening medicine chest- #1 Remedy: First in First Aid for its ability to minimize trauma, bleeding, bruises and swelling after accidents and to relieve soreness, muscleaches, back and joint pain after trauma, workout, exertion, childbirth... Arnica comes first in first aid for its ability to minimize bruising, bleeding, swelling, initial shock and pain following injuries, dental work, surgery, childbirth... Whenever backs are lifting and joints are twisting, Arnica can minimize the swelling, bruising and pain that can aggravate the initial trauma. Even with no obvious sign of injury, Arnica helps ease stiffness, muscular soreness and pain following frights, exercise, overexertion, sprains, lifting, or even a strong cough. A dose before and after a workout can minimize the next day's stiffness and help the muscles heal. A dose after any head injury is highly recommended, but don't put off the ambulance just because it feels better. For its importance in minimizing trauma, Arnica should be in every room, playground, purse, tool box, first aid kit, office, sports arena and automobile. --------------------------------------
UPDATE on Important Legislative Issues
While HR 875 (DeLauro's bill) has been the primary target of oppostion via the blogosphere thus far, close scrutiny reveals that HR 759 is even MORE dangerous to small farmers, but HR 875 is still very dangerous, although its apparently only a placeholder bill. The danger in it is that it removes Food from FDA purview putting it under a new Food Agency separate from FDA, while LEAVING dietary supplements AT FDA (as if they are drugs which is how FDA has always thought of them.
This could turn DSHEA on its head.
Dingell's bill, HR 759 is called the Food and Drug Administration Globalization Act of 2009 (Introduced in House) http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c111:H.R.759:
Dingell has been our arch enemy for years.
See http://www.ccof.org/pdf/Food_and_Water_Watch_re_HR_875.pdf

Originally posted 3/11/09

I'm getting ready to start my garden up here at about 2700 feet above sea level. I'll be adding new soil to my raised beds and spading in some new peat moss in about another week when this cold snap has finally passed over.

It should be 50 degrees by now, but today it barely made 25. It has just been a weird weather year.

And I won't be gardening with out the handy dandy good green stuff from my buddies in Trenton aka wild west worms or Just Plain TerraCycle.

Don't forget to stock up yourself, you will be amazed at the results!

And I bet you'll never go back to that blue stuff.

On a related note, especially if you have a large property, you can grow specific plants that can be used for fertilizer and other plant and soil amendments. All the information is is my now 10+ year old book, "My Happy Garden". Order it with your $8.00 payment to Creating Health Institute via PayPal, which includes mail delivery in the US. Foreign orders, please contact us.
You can also consider this tip - Grow Your Own Salad

Also for your consideration is this information related to one very good reason for growing your own.
They tell us it is for our own good, that they are simply trying to help, that we should trust them to do what we cannot do for ourselves. They lead us to ask…

Will House Bill 875 federalize all farms and ranches in the USA?

This Saturday at 9am Pacific, Michael Olson’s Food Chain Radio hosts Pete Kennedy, Acting President of the Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund, for a conversation about the impact HB 875 might have on the nation’s food chain.

Click the blue to listen on your radio, computer or IPOD: Food Chain Radio

Topics include how HB 875 would place every farm and ranch under the direct supervision of a new federal Food Safety Administration (FSA); how the FSA would have the power to access and inspect every farm in the United States, as well as the customer list of each of those farms; and whether the federalization of the entire food chain would make for a safer food supply.

Take A and See

Here is a story that really gets my goat!

What these researchers always fail to do is to use all of the vitamin A complex. The fact is that a very large percentage of the population CANNOT convert beta-carotene to vitamin A. And that's the rub.

Back to the drawing board boys. Give real vitamin A (best from cod liver oil) along with the other fractions you tested (and were they synthetitic vitamins?) and see what a different outcome you'll achieve.
Carotenoid supplements tied to lung cancer risk
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Based on the findings from a new study, it appears that people who take higher than recommended doses of carotenoid supplements hoping to keep from getting sick, may actually be doing themselves harm. The long-term use of beta-carotene, retinol, and lutein supplements at doses higher than in multivitamins, increases lung cancer risk, especially in smokers and former smokers, according to investigators from the Vitamins and Lifestyle (VITAL) study.

High-dose beta-carotene supplements increase the lung cancer rates in high-risk individuals, even though carotenoids from dietary sources tend to lower risk, Dr. Jessie A. Satia and co-researchers note in the American Journal of Epidemiology. "Whether effects are similar in the general population is unclear."

Satia's team analyzed data from 77,126 subjects ages 50 to 76 who filled out questionnaires in 2000-2002 regarding supplement use over the previous decade. The group was predominantly white and generally healthy, the authors note, and while there were few who never smoked among the lung cancer cases, there were fewer current smokers in the overall group than in the general population.

By linking the data to the national cancer registry, Satia, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and her colleagues identified 521 cases of lung cancer. They then estimated the risk associated with the individual supplements after considering the possible effects of age, gender and smoking history.

Each supplement raised the risk of non-small-cell lung cancer, the most common type of lung cancer, with retinol and lutein also having a modest association with lung cancer overall.

When beta-carotene was used for at least 4 years, the overall risk of lung cancer was not significantly increased, but the risk of small-cell lung cancer rose by more than 3-fold.

For retinol, the overall risk of lung cancer increased by more that 50 percent and for non-small-cell lung cancer, it increased by 80 percent.

For lutein, the overall risk increased by 2-fold, while the corresponding risk for non-small-cell lung cancer increased by 2.5-fold.

The researchers speculate that "these nutrients from supplements may be more bioavailable than those from dietary sources" and large amounts of these supplements might interfere with the absorption, transport and or metabolism of micronutrients or other carotenoids that may be protective against lung cancer.

"Too high a dose of an antioxidant vitamin may interfere with generation of reactive oxygen species needed for beneficial processes, such as normal immune response and apoptosis," Satia's team adds.

Whatever the reason, they conclude that the "long-term use of individual beta-carotene, retinol, and lutein supplements should not be recommended for lung cancer prevention, particularly among smokers."

SOURCE: American Journal of Epidemiology, April 1, 2009.
Copyright © 2009 Reuters Limited.

The 7 Secrets To A Thin Figure

Vinyl Ready Art - Wrestling and Martial Arts

Everyone is intrigued by thin people. We wonder what it
will take for us to get that kind of figure or if the thin
are that way because of their family characteristics. Did
they hit a lucky streak? Or must they work extra hard
to keep that svelte figure.

Well, yes, and no

Those who are really thin likely work really hard to stay
thin. These are the folks who watch every single calorie
that crosses their hips and eat rabbit food with no

There is a whole other group of thin people that make being
thin look easy.

Many common character traits are shared by the naturally
thin that help to maintain their svelte figures. If you can,
try to identify with some of them. Also, see what changes you
could easily make to become a naturally thin person with a
svelte figure too.

1. Thin is the thinking of the day with thin people. They
KNOW they will be thin forever. They never talk about being
fat, or not having enough to eat. They tell themselves thin
stuff and their reaction to circumstances is different.
They don't use food to placate themselves if something
unpleasant happens or go on an eating binge when
procrastinating. They don't see food as anything more than
as fuel for their bodies. They may enjoy it, but that is
all there is to it.

2. Thin people don't diet. True Fact. Dieting would never
enter the thoughts of these naturally thin adults. You ask
Why?, because they have never had to and have never thought
of themselves as anything but thin. If you ask a thin person
if they were concerned about becoming heavy and their
response invariably is no! When pressed as to why:
because Ive never been overweight.

3. The naturally thin don't mix emotions and food. If the
thin are sad, they cry or call a friend. If they are angry,
they go work out or punch their pillows. There is little to
no crossover between emotions and eating. It simply doesn't
make sense to them. The only reason food is ever thought of
is because they get hungry, that's it. If they are not
hungry, but sad, they will deal with their sadness. Dealing
with emotions in an emotional way is commonplace for this
thin group.

4. The naturally thin can be social without eating. If the
thin are invited to a bbq and they aren't hungry, they have
no problem standing around not eating. If and when they get
hungry, they will gladly grab a dog or burger, but not until
then. They go to a bbq to enjoy the company of friends and
family. Grazing for the simple act of grazing is not an

5. Naturally thin people eat what they love. They would
never think of eating celery sticks unless they were craving
celery sticks. And when they are hungry, they eat foods they
crave. They never deprive themselves of something by saying
no, I can't have that. They know they can eat anything they
want when they are hungry. They don't say no to any food
unless they are sensitive or allergic to specific foods.

6. Naturally thin people never eat just for the sake of
eating or to numb themselves
. They are conscious of the
effect what they eat have on their bodies. They probably
wouldn't be found at the movies with their hand at the bottom
of the empty bucket of popcorn looking around for who ate it
all. Naturally thin people pay attention to how hungry or
full they are from the time they begin eating until they
have finished the meal. These people don't know anything
about diets, counting calories or any other shenanigans.

7. These thin people never overeat. They are appalled by
overeating. They know it sucks their energy and bloats
their stomachs. The extreme discomfort prevents them
from repeating the experience and reinforces the negative
aspect of overeating. Average naturally thin people overeat
less than two percent of the time.

See, there is a difference in their mindset and their

Now you know that thin has nothing to do with luck, or
genetics, the quality or type of food. Thin people don't
gain weight because of how they eat, their connection with
their body, when they eat and the freedom to choose any type
of food.

Having said that, if you're thinking about losing weight,
now is the time to do it. You don't have to diet. The naturally
thin don't.