Tuesday, March 23, 2010

12 (New) & Untapped Ways To Ignite New Muscle Gains

I don’t know if you if you’ve ever met Vince Del Monte, seen his videos or his pictures but he’s pretty much a “go to guy” for muscle building advice online.

You may know Vince as the guy who was once called “Wimpy Skinny Vinny” and gained 41-lbs of muscle in 6-months then went on to become a National Fitness Model Champion and author. 

What you may not know is that Vince couldn’t crack 190-lbs and hit a crazy rut after – probably very similar to your own rut. 190-lbs became his “limit” and according to the experts – a plateau he should have accepted as “normal” and not questioned.   

But over the last 2-years, Vince has made a DISCOVERY!

That discovery helped him gain an ADDITIONAL 20-lbs of lean muscle the past 2-years.  He contributes busting through his plateau to his discovery of the “The 12 Anabolic Targets” (which works for beginners, intermediate and advanced lifters alike).

The BEST NEWS:  he wants to hook you up with all twelve of them absolutely free in his brand new 36-page report:

No catch except that the report is coming down in 72-hours.

You can get it here: http://bit.ly/bsZLyG

And this is not a sales pitch for something new and shiny…it’s a KILLER content that reveals 12 untapped targets you must hit if you want to ignite new muscle on your body.

You’ll love this! You’ll be able to unlock the target of your choice later today when you hit the gym. 

Provide him your BEST email address to make sure this makes it into your hands:

The 12 Untapped Targets To Ignite New Muscle Gains <- http://bit.ly/bsZLyG

I’ve been using Target #  (talk about the target you’ve been using and like the most). And it’s been keeping my workouts fresh and stimulating. 

Whether you’re a beginner or advanced, male or female, I’m absolutely certain that you will learn some new information that will help you blow beyond your genetic potential. 

The 12 Untapped Targets To Ignite New Muscle Gains – FREE download http://bit.ly/bsZLyG

To your new muscle,
Arthur M.

[Note: I’m an affiliate for the provider of goods and services mentioned in this post and as such may be compensated if you make a purchase. As always please note the Compensated Affiliate Disclosure at the sidebar!]

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