Saturday, March 27, 2010

Data Safety

Your data, especially electronic data, is always at some degree of risk, and of course electronic health records pose a risk of dissemination without your consent.

A concerned person took the opportunity to address the push to have you store and/or backup all your data on line, and here he shares some of his thoughts and tips: Think BEFORE Using ANY Online Backup Service

Since 2006 we've discussed this issue in two dozen different posts, just use our search box and you'll find them easily.

Consider this from the UK press -
As many as 140,000 non-medical staff, including porters & housekeepers, have access to sensitive NHS patient files, it emerged last night. The lack of privacy protection has been revealed by a Freedom of Info survey. Govt. guidelines say only staff involved in providing & supporting patient care should have access, but Trusts are interpreting the rules so widely that administrators, porters & IT staff are all cleared to potentially delve into a person's medical file. Critics say it will be even easier to gain access when they are stored on the new NHS computer database.

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