Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Cell Salts for Spring Ailments


...In the spring a condition of anemia exists in the majority of people, manifested by fatigue, lassitude, inability to concentrate the mind on work, and a vague feeling of discomfort, frequently known as “spring fever.” Ferrum Phos and Calcarea Phos are the lacking salts which cause anemia. The persistent use of Ferrum Phos in the morning and Calcara Phos in the evening, during the months of March, April and May, is a wise defense against the possibilities of “Spring Fever.”...

excerpt from Dr. Schuessler’s Biochemistry- A New Domestic Treatise.

We appreciate your ordering BioPlasma from us. It helps support our non-profit organization and our work.

Our new homeopathic product, RK BioDrops is in production. This product offers the following:

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