Friday, March 5, 2010

Elliptical Machines Suck for Fat Loss

By Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

Just over a year ago I was in Tampa, Florida, at another fitness seminar.

Between sessions, a physician from Georgia stopped me in the hall and said, "Hey Craig, you were right about those crosstrainer machines. I've had your program for a few months now and I'm getting better results with metabolic resistance training."

It's always great to meet clients, and I was curious to find out how he heard of me. Turns out, he found me through Google, landing on an article I wrote about "how elliptical machines (crosstrainers) suck for fat loss".

That's right, I think those crosstrainer-elliptical machine doohickeys are almost a complete waste of time.

"I was using one of those machines for a long time and wondering why I wasn't getting any results," the physician continued, "I'm so glad I found your program", he added.

I told him how I wasn't surprised.

In fact, I've never known anyone to get great results with one of those crosstrainer machines. Nope, it's diet and metabolic resistance training that really gets people results.

Now I know some people will be angry with what I have to say because they like exercising on the crosstrainer, but the truth is that they just don't work as well as metabolic resistance training.

To me, the crosstrainer is just the easy way out.

You'll get dozens of metabolic resistance training supersets – using my unique non-competing turbulence method - when you grab your copy of the Turbulence Training for Fat Loss program.

And you can get Turbulence Training for Fat Loss for less than the cost of a one month gym membership. That also beats shelling out $1000 or more for a crappy crosstrainer for your home gym.

Click here to get started with Turbulence Training for less than 5 bucks:


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