Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Prevention and Colon Cancer

Recently a study pointed to the usefulness of Omega 3 to help in the prevention of colon cancer.  Other studies looked at the preventive benefits of B complex vitamins like B9 and B6, and also the protective benefit of magnesium.

What hasn't been restudied of late is the well documented preventive effect against colon cancer from vitamin E.

This protective benefit was well covered in the 1990s and also in many studies from decades earlier.

Vitamin E (choose non-SOY) natural tocopherol and tocotrienol sources, as well as good foods. If you'd like vitamin consultation just get in touch with us for this service.

What foods provide vitamin E?

Walnuts are well established to provide a good source of vitamin E; raw and organic is the best choice, about 1/4 cup daily.  But do remember that walnuts are in the group of foods, like mustard greens and others in the brassica family, that effect the thyroid gland.

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