Thursday, March 4, 2010

How to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time

How can I gain muscle and lose fat at the same time? That’s right up there with “How do I get six pack abs” as one of the most frequently asked fitness questions of all time.

The problem is, when you ask it, you get all kinds of conflicting answers - even from experts who are supposed to know these things.

So what’s the deal? Is it really possible to lose fat and build muscle at the same time?

There's now a definitive answer, which is backed by science and real world case studies:

YES - you can gain muscle and lose fat at the same time!

Natural bodybuilder and fat loss expert Tom Venuto has just published a new ebook on the subject that explains it in detail, called:

"The Holy Grail Body Transformation Program: how to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time"

You've probably heard me speak about Tom Venuto before. I have so much respect for his work, and I think everyone should follow what he’s doing as well...

Tom has definitely hit a home run again with this new "holy grail" book.

The Holy Grail is a 74 page ebook that is destined to set the record straight in a way that you could say it's the LAST WORD on gaining muscle and burning fat at the same time;

It's impressively referenced with peer-reviewed research and frankly, it just makes sense.

New discoveries in the emerging sciences of within-day energy balance, nutritional periodization, nutrient timing and natural hormonal manipulation have pointed the way to a proven method of achieving simultaneous muscle gain with fat loss...

...and it's NOT what most people think!

There's NO magical workout program or supplement that assures you of gaining muscle while stripping off fat. It takes hard work.

This is not an easy goal to achieve - So if you're looking for magic bullets, go elsewhere. This is a serious, scientific and very strategic program.

But for anyone who is serious about getting leaner AND more muscular, you just have to take a look.

Here's a sample of what you'll learn inside the "Holy Grail Body Transformation System ebook:

* Why you MUST understand "energy partitioning" - the fat burning, muscle-building process BEYOND CALORIES-IN vs CALORIES OUT! (page 13)

* The keys to forcing your body to drive energy and protein INTO MUSCLE CELLS and pull calories OUT OF FAT CELLS! (page 13)

* The power of hormones to dramatically shift fat to muscle... discover what steps you must take to achieve hormonal control for maximum muscle growth and fat loss
(page 13)

* The 4 "X-Factors" of concurrent muscle gain and fat loss - these are the special conditions that allow above average muscle gains while losing fat at the same time (page 9)

* The 5 "X2-Factors" that influence your ability to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time; They all depend on your current body composition (lean or fat) and dieting status (dieted down or not dieted down)... Depending on which category you're in, it can totally change your approach (page 11)

* How to choose the right body transformation goal: should you focus on burning fat, gaining muscle or doing both at the same time?  (page 14)

*  How to steal the proven system of training periodization from world class athletes and apply it to your muscle-building and fat-burning goals...

* How nutritional periodization might be the single biggest breakthrough for building muscle and burning fat at the same time - This is HUGE! (page 17-21)

* 5 post-workout nutrition strategies to improve muscle growth and optimize recovery from your workouts... (page 23)

* Carb tapering and carb targeting strategies explained for 2010... These are the latest updates to the time-tested techniques used by some of the best bodybuilders, fitness models and figure competitors in the world (page 24-25)

* Cycle dieting techniques under the microscope... find out which methods work and which ones will actually make you fatter (page 27)

* 4 reasons why cardio can help you gain more muscle and lose fat at the same time, if you do it right... and why you will get weaker and smaller if you do it wrong (page 33)

* 8 carb-cycling menu plans ... all DONE FOR YOU, laid out meal by meal, calculated for precision and results (appendix 1)

* Burn the Fat Foods 2.0: ... the official new calorie and nutrient data base - it's a CLEAN EATING food list - NO JUNK This is the list of foods you SHOULD eat... (appendix 3)

* Tom Venuto's NEW WORKOUT SYSTEM - "TNB" Training - As Seen in Men's Fitness Magazine ... the perfect way to train while following the Holy Grail nutrition plan
(FREE BONUS! See bonus section)

Here's the deal:

From now until Midnight (PST), March 5th, 2010, you can get a copy of the Holy Grail Body Transformation program ebook absolutely f-r-e-e when you join Tom's Fat Loss Support Community from this web page:

The Burn The Fat Inner Circle is an amazing fat loss support community and I encourage you to visit the following page to learn all about this group of supportive fat loss achievers and how they can help you accomplish your own goals...

If you're not a member of Tom's "inner circle" then this is a better opportunity than ever because you can get the Holy Grail ebook as a bonus along with the all the fabulous tools, forums, calculators, and downloadable resources waiting for you inside the site.

(not to mention, Tom is often found personally helping members inside the Inner Circle forums and while he can't possibly help everyone individually he sure tries to help as many people as possible!!)

This offer expires on March 5th, 2010 at midnight PST and it will be taken off the market for at least a couple of months before it goes up for sale on its own, so I highly recommend you visit the Burn The Fat Inner Circle website now and jump on this great deal while you still can. Here's the link again:

After you click the link you will be brought to the Inner Circle page that tells all about the site.

1.  Read that letter and see how awesome the community is and everything you get.

2.  After you join you will be able to instantly access the "Holy Grail" ebook inside the Private member's only area. 

I think you're really going to love the Inner Circle and get some awesome information from Tom's newest ebook! 

Arthur M.

PS. Remember, all Inner Circle members there are getting instant access to the "Holy Grail" transformation program this week up until Friday the 5th. More info on Tom's inner circle at:

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