Monday, June 14, 2010

Americans Getting Too Much X-Ray Exposure

UPDATE: 2 August -
After Stroke Scans, Patients Face Serious Health Risks
By WALT BOGDANICH, Published: July 31, 2010

When Alain Reyes’s hair suddenly fell out in a freakish band circling his head, he was not the only one worried about his health. His co-workers at a shipping company avoided him, and his boss sent him home, fearing he had a contagious disease.

Only later would Mr. Reyes learn what had caused him so much physical and emotional grief: he had received a radiation overdose during a test for a stroke at a hospital in Glendale, Calif.

Other patients getting the procedure, called a CT brain perfusion scan, were being overdosed, too — 37 of them just up the freeway at Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center in Burbank, 269 more at the renowned Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles and dozens more at a hospital in Huntsville, Ala. Continue Reading
From a post dated 14 June -
Ionizing radiation is a known cause of cancer. This article actually - at last - does admit to what my organization has been educating about for a couple of decades.

Americans Most Over treated with Cancer Causing Radiation
Americans get the most medical radiation in the world, even more than folks in other rich countries. The U.S. accounts for half of the most advanced procedures that use radiation, and the average American's dose has grown sixfold over the last couple of decades.

Too much radiation raises the risk of cancer. That risk is growing because people in everyday situations are getting imaging tests far too often. Like the New Hampshire teen who was about to get a CT scan to check for kidney stones until a radiologist, Dr. Steven Birnbaum, discovered he'd already had 14 of these powerful X-rays for previous episodes. Adding up the total dose, "I was horrified" at the cancer risk it posed, Birnbaum said.

Kudos to Dr. Birnbaum for taking up the cause, following the great works of John Gofman, PhD, MD.

It is very important - even though this article downplays the risk - that you also realize that EMF exposure DOES add to your cumulative exposure risk.

We have a range of radiation protecting products to readers of Natural Health News.  See also the new brown rice article regarding IP6.

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