Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Medicare: Coming Accessibility Crisis

In 1995 I started teaching a series of health education programs for Elders known and well-respected as "Healthy Options".  The program originally were sponsored by Secure Horizons and later were offered at community colleges, for business and government, as well as community organizations. One of the most popular versions was "Healthy Options for Seniors".  I even had 'groupies' that would go from place to place to hear me speak.  Of course this is what I have been advocating for decades, learn what you can do for your health, and please learn it from the best resources!   Learn more about "Healthy Options"
Access to medicine in question for future Medicare patients who suffer from disabling hip and knee arthritis

ScienceDaily (2010-06-01) -- Healthcare reform -- and the many options for fixing a broken system -- have appeared in the news headlines for months. According to a new article, Medicare patients -- many who suffer from disabling arthritis of the hip and knee, among other age-related ailments -- may end up facing an accessibility crisis to medical care. ... > read full article

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