Thursday, June 3, 2010

New Drug, New Risk

 Today it was announced that the FDA approved this new genetically engineered drug for osteoporosis.  AMGEN is certainly looking forward to it being a "blockbuster" and generator for big profit.

My hope is that it is a wake-up to women who need to have much better information about what they can do to prevent and treat bone loss issues in a more natural and nutritional way.

Vitamin D is certainly important, some use of calcium supplementation (natural sources are better like horsetail, nettle, etc), better overall nutritional support, avoiding calcium-depleting soy, weight bearing exercise, adequate hydration, and customized natural care.
Denosumab is known to cause significant suppression of bone turnover and this suppression may contribute to the occurrence of osteonecrosis of the jaw, a factor that raised concern at an FDA advisory panel last August.

Other common side effects reported with denosumab include back pain, pain in the extremities, musculoskeletal pain, high cholesterol levels, and urinary bladder infections.

Serious adverse reactions include hypocalcemia, serious infections, including infections of the skin, and dermatologic reactions such as dermatitis, rashes, and eczema. from MedPage Today

Immune suppression for osteoporosis?  one of 32 posts regarding osteoporosis found on Natural Health News
Prolia application info

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