Monday, June 7, 2010

A New Look at Fibromyalgia?

If there were to be something coming from this story I'd like to see proper thyroid testing, nutritional counseling, and supplement support.

I say this because I worked for several years as a resource person for a large urban hospital FMS/CFIDS group.

I also worked with an MD and an LMP to develop and monitor a natural approach to fibromyalgia.

Guess What? Many of our group lost the FMS and the diagnosis!

New criteria proposed for diagnosing fibromyalgia

ScienceDaily (2010-06-06) -- The American College of Rheumatology is proposing a new set of diagnostic criteria for fibromyalgia that replaces the tender point test with a rating system that includes common symptoms such as fatigue, sleep disturbances, and cognitive problems, as well as pain. ... > read full article

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