Thursday, June 24, 2010

Health Concerns for Gulf Coast Residents

6/24/10   More now on the oil spill and health
Photo by: David Rencher

5/26 UPDATE: Louisiana Shrimp Association has spill updates
Heat Stroke reported as a health risk to cleanup workers.  Heat Stoke can impact kidney function and cause other serious health problems.
Clint Guidry, of the Louisiana Shrimp Association, has accused BP of threatening to sack workers who turn up wearing respirators. The oil firm said it was not aware of any workers being turned away, but noted that it was the responsibility of the Obama administration to decide whether such protective gear was warranted.
EPA tests indicate that the combined effect of dispersants and crude oil are even more toxic than individually. "There are dispersants being applied by aeroplane and by boat, and these people on the water are being sprayed over and over more
Original post -

With the issue of toxic exposure to the oil dispersant and oil from the explosion, it would be timely to consider the use of vitamin C, at least 3000 mg a day, and milk thistle to help keep your liver functioning in its important work of detoxification.

If you would like more information about proper detoxification please contact us. Anyone working on the clean-up will also benefit from this information.


Prince William Sound 21 years after the Exxon Valdez oil spill disaster -
20,000 gallons of oil still remains along 20,000 miles of shoreline in Alaska.

Corexit was utilized.  More than 19 months after treatment the toxins still were evident in the area. 

Congenital heart disease was found in subsequent generations of animal life following the use of Corexit. 

In the Gulf, a major impact will be on Atlantic Blue Fin Tuna as well as other marine life (read more about shrimp, link above).

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