Tuesday, August 3, 2010

More Disclosure About HazMat in Your Food

U.S. regulators lack data on health risks of most chemicals

When Kellogg recalled nearly 28 million boxes of cereal in June after reports of a strange taste and odor, more on the lack of health protecting data exposed.  It is what happens when the corporatocracy writes the rules for Big Ag and FDA.

In 1994, the EPA invited the chemical industry to submit health and safety data for 2-methylnaphthalene because it was being produced in large quantities, said Mary F. Dominiak of the EPA. Chemical manufacturers have yet to disclose that information, she said.
Read complete article:  http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/08/01/AR2010080103469_2.htm

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