Saturday, January 31, 2009

Perspective on Vitamin D

I have written a number of articles about vitamin D and health. I have some concerns that for the most part have probably not been considered, but then I am not one that works off of linear thinking models.

There are a variety of opinions on vitamin D, including one that is fairly negative. However, in good science, the best outcomes are achieved if we are open minded enough to look at all possible vectors.

I agree that vitamin D is an important nutrient. I agree that it appears clear that we are experiencing a problem with low levels of vitamin D in most people.

People of color require more. People who do not go out in the sun need more. And people who exclude healthy fats from their diet, such as the philosophy of no fat promulgated on the public over the past several decades, really do need more.

Just look at the rates of osteoporosis and other calcium related health problems for starters.

Look at the history of health as it relates to sun exposure that was established as long ago as 2500 BC.

There must be something to the practice of exposing your skin to the sun, free of sunscreens that contain endocrine disruptors. Sunlight entering your eyes for a short periods of time each day also is known to be part of the vitamin D-calcium-parathyroid interplay.

If I relied on food for vitamin D I would have to look to
Concentrated food sources of vitamin D include salmon, sardines, shrimp, milk, cod, and eggs.

Sockeye salmon are an exceptionally rich source of vitamin D: a 4-ounce serving of baked or broiled sockeye salmon provides 739.37 IU of vitamin D. The same 4-ounce serving of chinook salmon, another excellent source of vitamin D, supplies 411 IU.

Why are sockeye salmon even more richly endowed with vitamin D than other salmon species? Because zooplankton constitute so much of their diet, and zooplankton-along with phytoplankton-are the key sources of vitamin D in the marine food chain. The zooplankton eaten by salmon are tiny marine animals, such as larval-stage crustaceans, while the phytoplankton eaten by salmon are small, plant-like marine organisms.

Both types of minuscule sea life create lots of vitamin D from sunlight, and zooplankton feed on phytoplankton, building up their vitamin D content to even higher levels. Unlike most other fish and salmon species (except chum), sockeye feed largely on zooplankton through all stages of life. Chinook, on the other hand, feast on insects and sideswimmers when young, then consume a variety of fish, especially smelt and ciscoes, a type of lake herring, as they mature. from WH Foods

This might be boring, and if I selected milk I would more likely begetting the synthetic form of vitamin D.

There just is much more to this than relying on supplements and staying out of the sun for fear you will get skin cancer. For my money I'll support Holick.

Also remember that vitamin B1 and a spray of vitamin C make good sunscreens without all the chemicals that might be more harmful in the long run that 15 or 20 minutes of exposure to sunlight, outside of the hottest hours of the day.

Michael Holick's experience also sheds some light on just how lineal and intellectually limiting most ivory towered institutions of "higher learning" really happen to be.
Five years after being fired from one post, sun exposure proponent keeps up the fight

If the name Michael Holick means anything to you, you will recall that he was asked to resign from a post in Boston University’s dermatology department in February 2004 for promoting “sensible sun exposure” in his book The UV Advantage.

Holick’s thesis – which was apparently anathema to Boston University derm department chair Barbara Gilchrest – is that most people who live in the US north of Atlanta are vitamin D deficient because one of the key sources of that vitamin is the sun. (Vitamin D is essential for the absorption of calcium and thus strong, healthy bones.) And even when the sun shines brightest, and for the longest, during the summer, we’re told to shun the sun and slather our bodies in high SPF sunscreens to defend against skin cancer.

But in doing so we might be hiking our risk for a variety of health problems including heart disease, breast cancer, and colon cancer, says Holick. "You have about a 30 to 50 percent decreased risk of developing colon, prostate, and breast cancer if you maintain adequate vitamin D levels throughout your life," Holick said in a 2007 interview with a Canadian television station.

In case you were wondering what happened to him, Holick was unbowed by his firing. (He is still at BU, holding down a professorship in medicine, physiology and biophysics). He has kept up his advocacy of sunlight exposure, so perhaps we shouldn’t have been surprised to see a report of rickets – a disease in which the bones become softened or weakened due to vitamin D deficiency -- he diagnosed in last week’s New England Journal Medicine, almost exactly five years after he left BU’s dermatology department.

The report is of a mysterious case: A nine-month-old baby boy admitted to Mass General with violent seizures. A battery of tests revealed that the boy had abnormally low levels of calcium in his blood, which is known to cause seizures. A blood test then revealed Holick’s specialty: Vitamin D deficiency, which causes rickets.

The vitamin D and calcium deficiencies are related, Holick told us this week. Without enough vitamin D, the body can't absorb calcium properly. Holick says that vitamin D deficiency is very common in American babies and mothers. One of his studies looking at vitamin D levels in 40 mother-baby pairs found that 76 percent of moms and 81 percent of babies are deficient, meaning they had less than 20 nanograms per milliliter of blood. (A nanogram is one billionth of a gram).

To prevent such deficiency, Holick says pregnant women, and all adults for that matter, should be taking at least 1000 units of the sunshine vitamin a day. That means taking vitamin supplements in addition to a normal multivitamin, which typically contains only 400 units. But be advised, you can overdose on vitamin D: Taking 50,000 units per day for a long period of time can be toxic. (Holick wrote a case report about it.)

The American Academy of Dermatology, however, only recommends that kids and adults get at least 200 units of vitamin D per day either from the food or the sun. Holick says the academy's recommendations pretty much ignore research that suggests that these levels put a person at risk for heart disease, infections and various types of cancer. "They continue to have blinders on," Holick says.

A cynic might say those blinders are because the Academy fears the sun. The Academy says that people should get vitamin D from a healthy diet incorporating foods naturally rich in or fortified with it, such as milk and orange juice, and/or vitamin D supplements—but not through unprotected sun exposure, which is linked to skin cancer.

"The recommendation that you should never be exposed to the sun is putting many people at risk for vitamin D deficiency," Holick says. While in the sun, it's important to cover the face but okay to expose the arms and legs for 10 minutes or so without sunscreen, he adds. "If you're going to be out in the sun for five, ten or 15 minutes, don't be paranoid."

Other opinions:
Major Lab Discloses Problem With Vitamin D Testing

Friday, January 30, 2009

How To Gain Muscle Mass – Common Myths Exposed - Part 1

The overwhelming majority of misconceptions about gaining muscle mass originate from many places including casual conversations at the gym and self proclaimed experts who don't really know what they are talking about. 

Unfortunately, the these misconceptions more often than not lead to wasted time and extraordinary frustration. Indeed, many muscle gain myths can actually substantially set back your progress. You shouldn't listen to and believe every thing you hear at the gym when it comes to building muscle mass.
Very basic principles apply to all muscle gain such as overloading, adjusted frequency of repetition, and heavy weight workouts.

Let's take a look at some of the frequent misconceptions commonly found circulating around gyms:

1.A High Amount Of Repetitions Burn Fat While High Intensity, Low Repetition Workouts Build Muscle – Muscles actually get bigger by a process known as “progressive overload.” This means that you must be able to do more reps than you did the last time you did that particular exercise. If the weight doesn't change and the amount of reps remains constant then nothing really changes on you other than to maintain your present level of strength. If your goal is to burn fat and not build muscle, then your time is better spent on the elliptical machine or in the swimming pool.

2.You MUST Eat Meat To Build Muscle – Before the advent of dietary supplements it was true that you needed lots of meat to build muscle because there were few alternative that could offer as much protein as beef, poultry and fish. Scientific studies have confirmed that athletes who strictly consume protein supplements as opposed to meat generally experience identical muscle gains to those athletes who do eat meat. In other words, you can be a vegetarian and still pack on plenty of muscle mass.

3.Weight Lifting Speeds Up The Metabolism So Efficiently That You Can Eat Whatever You Want- This is actually true provided that you don't give a damn how you look or whether or not you actually gain muscle mass. While intense weight lifting certainly does burn many calories it is by no means an open license to eat anything you like. In reality you should avoid manufactured sugars (those found in soda and snacks) like the plague and always balance your caloric intake with your energy expenditure. A few departures here and there won't hurt you too bad but for the most part you will have to closely monitor your eating habits if building muscle is your goal. 

Beyond Your Type 2 Diabetes Symptom

Just because you don't have the symptoms doesn't mean you
don't have. This may not always be true though and
understanding the true nature of a type 2 diabetes symptom
may help save your life.

The Figures

Having the condition means that the cells in your body are
not reacting properly to the work of insulin which is
supposed to open up the cells to glucose. Without glucose in
your cells you will have no clear source of energy.

More people suffer from Type 2 diabetes than type 1 diabetes.
It is estimated that at least 90% of diabetics belong to
the type 2 category. The sad fact though is that more than
6% of diabetics are not aware that they have the condition.
The lack of awareness may be due to a dismissal of seemingly
harmless type 2 diabetes symptoms or a total lack of warning

Different Symptoms

Although type 2 diabetes is more common than type 1, the
former is much easier to deal with since it does not involve
the pancreas and insulin production. Despite the difference
in cause however, both types of diabetes share the same
symptoms. A diabetic might begin to feel frequently tired,
thirsty and may have occasionally blurry vision and wounds
that do not heal quickly.

The main difference between the two types is in the onset of
the symptoms . A type 1 diabetes symptom can develop rapidly
and worsen in the span of a few weeks. Even with the rapid
symptom development however, cell damage may already have
been occurring for some time before type 1 diabetes is
finally discovered. A type 2 diabetes symptom on the other
hand is not as obvious and as bad as a type 1 symptom.

Effects of No Symptoms

Effects of not detecting or not having a type 2 diabetes
symptom may be drastic. The key to effectively managing this
chronic disease is early detection. Once you fail to detect
a type 2 diabetes symptom however, you can suffer from
complications that are even more difficult to reverse. Some
diabetics only realize that they have type 2 diabetes
because of complications like retinopathy, heart ailments,
kidney problems and nerve deaths. A complication is
therefore their only type 2 diabetes symptom.

Uncommon Risk Factors

A family history of diabetes and one's weight should be
enough to warn you about the condition. You should however
also consider yourself at high risk of developing diabetes
if you are over 45 years old, had a baby over 9 pounds and
had a history of gestational diabetes or pre diabetes. For
undetermined reasons, individuals who are Asian, African,
Hispanic and American are at greater risk of developing

What Has to be Done

Naturally, you would need to consult experts in diabetes to
help you manage your condition or your type 2 diabetes
symptom. There are however basic things you should remember
on your own. You should monitor your glucose levels, take
your medication as prescribed, follow your diet and exercise
plans and watch and manage your weight.

Fitness Man Lee Kholofai

Lee Kholofai

Not in the business of saving lives

Following on Pfizer's record another Big Pharma member admits its the DO RE MI
Roche: “Saving Lives Is Not Our Business”

The Swiss company Roche makes a range of HIV-related drugs. One of them is enfuvirtide, sold under the brandname Fuzeon. Fuzeon brought in $266 million to Roche in 2007, though sales are declining.

Roche charges $25,000 a year for Fuzeon. It does not offer a discount price for developing countries.

Like most industrialized countries, South Korea maintains a form of price controls. The national health insurance program sets prices for medicines, and the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Family Affairs listed Fuzeon at $18,000 a year. South Korea’s per capita income is roughly half that of the United States. Instead of providing Fuzeon at South Korea’s listed level—and still turning a profit—Roche refuses to make the drug available in South Korea.

South Korean activists report that the head of Roche Korea told them, “We are not in business to save lives, but to make money. Saving lives is not our business.”

Read complete article -
and you might enjoy this article as well -

Introducing Snap Shots From

I just installed a nice little tool on this site called Snap Shots that enhances links with visual previews of the destination site, interactive excerpts of Wikipedia articles, MySpace profiles, IMDb profiles and Amazon products, display inline videos, RSS, MP3s, photos, stock charts and more.

Sometimes Snap Shots bring you the information you need, without your having to leave the site, while other times it lets you "look ahead," before deciding if you want to follow a link or not.

Should you decide this is not for you, just click the Options icon in the upper right corner of the Snap Shot and opt-out.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Importance Of Whey Protein In Building Muscle

You may be wondering why whey protein is important for
building muscle. You have probably heard about this supplement
from some of your bodybuilding friends or from your personal
trainer, and wondered what exactly it was. If you are
wondering whether or not you need to supplement your diet
with whey protein, here is the information that you need to decide.

Whey protein is a really good source of protein for
bodybuilders, because it is really high in quality. In fact,
whey is about 30% to 90% protein, which means that it is
going to be a really good source of protein. You don't have
to fill up your diet with other foods to get a lot of

You may be asking yourself whether or not whey is for you,
and the answer is going to depend on what your diet looks
like. The first step is to decide whether or not you need
additional protein. If you are working out, you are going
to need a lot more protein to keep your body moving, so
supplementing with a bodybuilding supplement is going to be

Whey is going to be a good choice for those people who are
interested in getting a lot of pure protein and without getting
a lot of chemicals and other minerals in their supplements.
The only people who probably shouldn't use whey protein are
people who are sensitive to dairy products because it is made
from the byproducts of cheese.

There are three different types of whey proteins:
concentrates, isolates, and hydrolysates. There are some
differences between these three main types of whey proteins.
For example, whey protein concentrates are going to be low
in fat and cholesterol but they are only going to contain
between 30% and 90% of protein by weight.

Isolates are going to be processed to get rid of the fat in
them and are higher in protein than concentrates, but
some people report that they have a bad taste.

Hydrolysates are going to be able to be easily absorbed by
your body, but they are pricier than the other two types of
whey protein. The hydrolysates also tend to taste bad,
and you may have to mix this type of whey powder with
something else like juice to be able to stomach it.

So what exactly is whey protein going to do for you? The
answer is simple, its going to increase your muscle mass,
help you to recover faster and going to give you energy.
If these are things that you are looking for, you might want
to try adding whey protein to your supplement regimen. Whey
protein is something that not a lot of people know about,
but if you want to try it, it is going to help to improve your workouts.

Reader Comments

From time to time I like to add reader comments to posts rather than to the comments section.

Several people have taken the time to send their comments and these few seem to have read Dr. Dean's 2006 article I have posted below.

I'd also like to add that because of this effort on my part, having been on the net as a health care professional, health educator and health freedom advocate since 1991, some frivolous attacks have also been submitted.

Ad hominem attacks are like those that go with elective office, something I was involved in for about seven years, so my skin is pretty thick. The difference for me is that I do very in depth fact checking before I comment on another person, and I don't make a lot of noise that would limit that person's right of free speech.

Christine said
"Thanks so much publishing this fascinating article by Dr. Dean. The situation reminds me of Dr. Benjamin Rush's comments that we needed an amendment to the Bill of Rights guaranteeing medical freedom. Dr. Rush said his colleagues would form an undercover dictatorship if we didn't have this amendment. How right he was."
Someone stating his name to be Jason thought I read another web site that throws a lot of stuff at visitors, however he was incorrect. He did say he was somewhat suspicious of that site. He also wanted to know about a product called peri-gum.

I'll add a new post on natural dental care to respond to his query.

This reader sent an anonymous comment that included some commercial links. Here is his comment without the commercial links, which are a violation of our policy.
Being in health insurance. This article is right on target. People's health insurance claims are usually denied if the claim is not coded properly. They blame the insurance company when it's usually the negligence of the doctor's office. Another pet peeve of mine, Dr's are charging insurance companies anywhere from $50 to $150 dollars to make photocopies of a patients medical records. LOL, photocopies that take a few minutes to produce and cost a few cents to make. And people wonder why health insurance premiums are so high.

The next anonymous reader said "The AMA is comprised of thieves who should be banned from practicing medicine in the USA."

And the next said "god bless amerika--lol", as another anonymous commenter.

So you can see we get several varieties of comments, but the insurance comment is quite relevant.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Heart Health - Talk To Your Doctor

An essential step in preventing and managing heart disease
is being open with your doctor about your questions and
concerns. You're not alone when it comes to difficulties in
talking to a medical practitioner about your health
concerns. But when it comes to heart wellness no question
should be left unanswered.

There are those who hope that their questions will be
answered through the course of an examination, rather than
having to actually voice them. Physicians don't always have
as much time as they would like with each patient due to
their demanding schedules and long waiting lists. In
particular, women need to voice their concerns, since heart
disease isn't as readily associated with women, even though
they are equally at risk.

Questions that you should ask your doctor include what your
blood pressure is recorded as and what is normal for you.
Glucose and cholesterol levels need to be checked to see if
they're in an acceptable range. Ask your doctor which tests
are suggested for people of your age, both currently and in
the future.

If medication has been prescribed, do not hesitate to ask if
there are side effects, what the drug is supposed to do, and
whether you should take other medication, even over the
counter, with your prescribed medicine. Also find out if
this is a long term medication or temporary. Tests to
monitor the effects of the medication you are taking should
be conducted at a later date if it is recommended by your
doctor. The liver is one organ that most doctors consider
testing when a patient is on certain medicines.

If you always get home and remember something that you
forgot to ask the doctor, make a "need to know" list and
take it with you on your next visit. Do not forget to bring
with you the medications that you are presently on as well.
This is essential if you are under the care of more than one
health care practitioner.

Add to your list any surgeries or relevant illness that you
have had and been treated for in the past few years. This
should be in your medical chart so that the doctor can be
aware of anything that might cause a problem.

In conclusion, if you think that you may forget what you
physician has told you, you can always write it down or
record the appointment for later referral. Do not be afraid
to check around for a second opinion if you are not
comfortable with the treatment that your doctor recommends
or if you do not feel that he or she listened to your
worries or questions.

The Truth About Building Muscle – A Few Secrets To Getting Ripped!

It's impossible to exaggerate how angry I get when I see bogus ads and sales letters claiming to offer divinely inspired muscle building secrets for a one time fee of $20, $30, or even $40 or more. If you're looking for a quick fix to getting ripped in a flash then you are doomed to lose money to these phonies and are likewise doomed to never really get anywhere with overall muscle building efforts.

The truth is (and you're not going to like this) getting really ripped and looking great takes a heck of a lot of work, patience, strict dieting, and dedication. But the great news is that the average male has the potential to look really great and achieve massive muscle gains. Never believe for a minute though that there is some secret sauce recipe that will allow you to look like a bodybuilder in only a few months and only require a couple of hours of work per week.

That being said, here are a few secrets to getting really ripped that I have used over the years to pack on more than 30 pounds of lean muscle:  

1.Sleep – Getting the right amount of sleep every day is probably the easiest task in the world and yet is one of the most overlooked by muscle building enthusiasts. You should aim for 9-10 hours of sleep per day following each and every intense workout. A few naps here and there certainly don't hurt either.

2.Supplements – There are millions of supplements out there which claim to do everything under the sun. The only ones you really need are: Muscle Milk, Creatine, Amino Acids, and multivitamins. If your joints have a tendency to get sore after a workout you may also want to include joint soother supplements into the mix.

3.Protein – Protein is to muscle building what cement is to building sturdy homes. You need to get 1.5 grams of protein per day per pound of body weight e.g., if you weigh 150 pounds you will need around 225 grams of protein per day.

4.Occasional Light Weight Workouts – It's very unsafe to do heavy weight workouts each and every time you go the gym. Aside from being painful and very debilitating, a serious injury could keep you out of the gym for months which could in turn easily erase you muscle gains. To prevent this from happening, you should do 1 light weight workout for every 3 heavy workouts . A weight is considered light if you can do10 or more reps.

5.Workout Partner – Your own laziness can be easily be your biggest obstacle in building muscle. A workout partner who shares your common goals will keep you and them on track and provide you both with encouragement when each of you need it. Yes, even bodybuilders need positive encouragement from time to time.


How To Cleanse Your Colon With Food

Frequently people rely on a healthy diet to keep their colon
clean. A healthy diet is an alternative to more invasive
therapies, such as colonics, or colon hydrotherapy, but a
combination of diet and some form of colon flushing remedy
is a better alternative. There are many foods that help keep
the colon clean, consumed in combination they can have a
more powerful effect.

Juice Fasting. One of the most effective ways that foods can
cleanse the colon is really the lack of foods, or a fast.
You can fast and refrain from eating most foods to help the
body purge itself of built up feces in the colon. Juice
fasts are popular, as they will provide you with the
nutrients your body needs during the fast. Make sure to
consult your doctor before going on any type of diet or

Leafy Green Vegetables. There is a reason your mother
tried so hard to persuade you to eat your spinach.
Studies show that leafy green vegetables such as broccoli,
spinach, and kale can have a positive effect on the colon.
You can eat these types of fresh vegetables in a salad or add
them to your favorite meal.

Fruit. Fruit is one of the best foods that cleanse the colon
quickly and efficiently. The natural fibers found within
fruits help to promote regularity. Many fruits, including
prunes and grapes, actually serve as a laxative and can help
break up constipation.

Whole grains. Whole grains act like little brushes in the
colon. To get the cleaning action from whole grains, add
whole grain breads, and whole wheat pasta, or any other
whole grain to your diet.

Avoiding the wrong foods is as much a part of colon
cleansing as adding healthy foods is. You should eliminate
fried or fatty foods including fast food, burgers and french
fries. Cook with olive oil instead of vegetable oil or
butter and use sparingly.

High calorie foods devoid of nutrients such as ice cream,
cakes, cookies and candy should be avoided as well. By
avoiding some unhealthy foods, adding some healthy foods,
and getting regular exercise you'll come along way in
keeping your colon clean.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

One Thing You Need to Know About How Health Care Works

There are, and always have been, people who seem to have a knack, like folks selling things at the fair, of getting you to believe they know just about everything there is to know about a subject. It is more of a concern when the people involved have no background in health care or related fields.

Recently I was provided with a promo piece pushing a spendy program alleging to be the one source you need to purchase at $125 - after your $70 discount - that includes a 243 page digital publish-on-demand book and a set of CDs.

Having been in the health care industry for too long of a time there is not much that has really changed over the decades and not much I don't know about what's happening now.

If you are gullible enough to buy in to this website promotion, along with their other very superficial material, then I feel sad for you.

While I am a staunch supporter of health care freedom and have been for the majority of my life, I'm not for the Barnum & Bailey approach to educating people about it.

I'll openly recommend that you skip the fluff and forget to buy the $125 deal after your $70 discount.

I'll also openly recommend that you start here with an article written by a medical professional who knows a lot more about the facts. Certainly much more than a self-proclaimed "expert" who claims to have a 1200 digital book library.

Posted with permission of the author -
The Healthcare Codes Monopoly
Dr. Carolyn Dean MD ND
Originally Published in Total Health for Longevity, June 2006

Most people have no idea that there is a healthcare codes monopoly and don’t even know what it means. It’s time we did.

Billing Codes
The billing system of American healthcare is based on a complex coding system called Current Procedural Terminology (CPT codes). Established in 1966 by the American Medical Association (AMA), the codes garner the AMA hefty annual licensing fees. Each time a CPT code is used, the AMA gets paid.

There has never been a law against including codes to cover all healthcare practitioners but the AMA has developed very few codes for non-medical practitioners. This keeps other practitioners from becoming equal business partners in the world of insurance reimbursement for services rendered.

CPT codes are designed to document what a medical doctor does for a patient. Think of a department or grocery store where every item has a bar code, and if it doesn’t, the item can’t be sold without a clerk running back to the aisle to find the price. Swiping a bar code across the cashier’s scanner not only calculates the price, but also automates inventory control and financial management. It’s the same for healthcare, without a code there is no way to calculate appropriate payment and no itemization of what has transpired. It’s that simple.

The current coding systems cover only a fraction of what is happening in healthcare—coded interventions are the only transactions that are tracked, marketed, and reimbursed. This is why so little is known about what transpires in the marketplace with regard to healthcare practitioners who are paid cash.

Without codes for all types of healthcare practitioners we can’t document the effectiveness of their care or the potential money that is saved by including them in insurance reimbursement. It’s a lose-lose situation. Patients lose, practitioners lose, and the nation keeps losing millions of dollars paid out to ineffective and costly drug-based medicine. For example, healthcare trends are tracked by data obtained from insurance companies. Since insurance companies can’t measure data they don’t have, they have no way of knowing, for example, that patients who see midwives have a much lower rate of cesarean section, about 10-15%, compared to patients who are delivered by obstetricians with over twice the rate –of about 30%.

Lack of relevant data is also why we can only depend on small samples and surveys to tell us what forms of natural healing arts people are using because we have no other way of gathering the data.

It’s Getting Worse, Not Better
There used to be state codes (HCPCS III) that individual states created to meet their needs. The state codes were abolished in 2003, costing many states’ Medicaid programs millions of dollars.

Square Pegs in Round Holes
Being required to fit everything a practitioner does into an allopathic/medical code leads to a high degree of inexactness. Because CPT codes include very few non-medical modalities, many doctors must limit their practice to allopathic medicine—so they can get paid by insurance, which, in turn, limits the type of care available to the public. Practitioners who use non-allopathic modalities have to fit their care into a CPT code—square pegs into round holes. For example, all states allow nurse practitioners to bill directly for their care, but they lack appropriate codes. So, while insurance companies may direct them to bill using CPT codes, the American Nurses Association has determined that CPT codes do not describe or document that the care is from a nurse. ABC codes solve this problem, for all practitioners by giving each practitioner their own set of codes.

State of Exclusion
Due to discrepancies in state “scope of practice laws”, insurance companies don’t know the scope of practice for each type of practitioner in each state, and because of potential legal liabilities, they just don’t pay for these services. To be fair, they don’t want to pay a claim illegally, but it suits them just as well to not pay –it saves them the hassle of processing claims without codes.

This graph shows practitioners left out by the medical monopoly in coding:

ABC Codes
Knowing the limitations of the CPT codes, a unique company called ABC Coding Solutions developed “ABC Codes” that describe services, remedies, and equipment items used by all healthcare practitioners, not just medical doctors. And, they include codes for most aspects of alternative medicine as well including homeopathic remedies.

Ms. Giannini, the CEO of ABC Coding Solutions knew the healthcare system was unhealthy. But it wasn’t until she experienced a chronic illness that she became a victim of it herself. She struggled with her illness for two years, going to medical doctors who billed her insurance company a total of $15,000 -all legally coded and absolutely ineffective. After none of the medical treatments worked, it only took a few visits and with a doctor who provided care that was not in the CPT codes, and $500 in out of pocket expenses, to get her well.

Ms. Giannini found it incredible that an insurance company would gladly pay $15,000 for treatments that didn’t work and refuse to pay $500 for treatments that did. The doctor that helped her get well is one of millions of practitioners forced to operate outside the “system”, which also forces millions of patients like Ms. Giannini outside as well.

Playing Monopoly
The AMA was told by the federal government in 1993 to create codes for non-MDs, but they haven’t complied. It’s like asking Ford to create service and supply codes for Chrysler! Nobody is going to willingly stop something that works in their favor. Nurses have tried for decades to get nursing codes by participating on a coding panel with the AMA without much luck. And, as of 2006, out of over 8,000 CPT codes for medical care, there are only four CPT codes for chiropractors and acupuncturists, and massage therapists have one code.

Cut the Bureaucracy
ABC Coding Solutions keeps current on the legal scope of practice of all practitioners in all 50 states and ABC codes legally reflect the practices of more than 3 million underserved healthcare practitioners. But they are not meant to supercede the current codes; when used together with CPT and government codes, ABC codes support a complete, accurate, and precise documentation of patient encounters and a common language for comparing the economic and health outcomes of competing approaches to care. The fact that ABC Coding Solutions can determine if a code is legal or not saves billions in administrative costs spent haggling over inappropriate codes.

ABC Coding Solutions estimates that using ABC codes will save more than $51 billion per year in U.S. healthcare costs when implemented across the healthcare industry.

Using the example of the Medicaid Behavioral Health Department in Alaska, by using ABC codes in place of state codes that were retired in 2003, this department saved $2 million in one year. This department has thus far used ABC codes to process more than 500,000 health claim and payment transactions. A Medicare Advantage plan in New Mexico has paid claims on ABC codes for over five years with similar outstanding results.

Having ABC codes will not change healthcare overnight—but ABC codes are a big step in the right direction. Unlike technologies that cost millions and take years to return a profit, ABC codes are a turn-key operation and begin saving everyone money immediately.

With ABC codes, insurance companies, government and the public will have information to make informed decisions on healthcare spending and reimbursement.

Consumer Directed Healthcare (CDHC)
CDHC and Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) are an attempt to “solve” the problem of rising healthcare costs. They raise consumer awareness about the real costs of healthcare and help people make better decisions about how to spend their healthcare dollars. However, they are currently set up using only the medical model of care and AMA CPT codes. They do not currently address the demands of millions of people who want alternate options to prescription drugs and surgery.

ABC codes, however, allow all practitioners to effectively document their care and thereby potentially participate in insurance reimbursement and HSAs. Thus ABC codes will help maximize the benefits of HSAs by providing consumer access to a wider variety of caregivers.

What You Can Do
ABC codes have been in use since 2003. However, ABC codes need to leap over one more hurdle. They need to be named a permanent government standard so that insurance reimbursement will be also become standard for all types of health care.

ABC codes are authorized for use through October of 2006. We have until then to lobby our elected officials to have ABC codes made a government standard. Please visit for information on how you can urge your elected officials to break the healthcare codes monopoly. From there you can send your elected officials an email urging them to support naming ABC codes a permanent government code-set. You may also contact ABC Coding Solutions at 1-877-621-5465.

We don’t need more caregivers in America, instead we need to rethink coding. Coding is creating an artificial bottleneck for direct consumer access to quality healthcare. Consumers are demanding choice in healthcare. You can help create choice by demanding that ABC codes are available to document the care that consumers are already using.

Carolyn Dean M.D., N.D. is a medical doctor, naturopathic physician, researcher, educator, and wellness consultant. She has written eleven highly-acclaimed books, the most widely read is The Miracle of Magnesium along with her most recent, The Yeast Connection and Women’s Health, IBS for DUMMIES, and Hormone Balance: A Woman’s Guide to Restoring Health and Vitality. Dr. Dean disseminates the message of health and self-responsibility in both private Wellness Telephone Consultations and at public seminars. You can find her at

Monday, January 26, 2009

LASIK Eye Surgeries - A Few Important Facts

By Vincent Tanita

LASIK eye surgery is a procedure which uses a specialized
laser and treats refractive errors of the eye. After the
surgery, you can expect to have improved vision without the
need for spectacles and contact lenses. This is the
overwhelming reason for most people who think about having
the procedure, because their occupation or way of life is
compromised by wearing glasses. In some occupations, you are
disallowed if you need to wear glasses or contacts.

Some, but not all, can be helped with Lasik surgery.
"Refractive error" occurs when there is an incorrect
alignment of the two elements responsible for correct focus
- the cornea and the lens in the eye. The result for the
patient is blurred vision, either close up or at distances.
Spectacles are prescribed to correct the problem which
allows the person to see normally. Lasik surgery corrects
the refractive error permanently.

Wavefront Lasik treatment, which uses a Wavefront laser, is
the latest and most popular type of Lasik eye surgery. This
system uses calculations based on the eye prescription of
the patient and the thickness and curvature of the cornea.
Each procedure is finely calculated to the individual
patient. It is effective in reducing the side effects
previously common in conventional Lasik surgery, though they
can still occur.

The first question most people ask is about side effects.
Lasik eye surgery has been performed on thousands of
patients over the years, and has proven itself to be
effective, with most patients happy with their results. As
with any surgical procedure, however, there are risks

Some of these risks can include inaccurate results causing
over or under correction. Resulting effects of the surgery
may not be permanent. Vision problems can be caused like
double vision, halos, sensitivity to light and glare, hazy
vision. A dry eye condition is also possible, which can be
very uncomfortable. There is also the possibility that the
surgery could make the vision worse than before.

Specialist clinics have been established to offer the Lasik
procedure and are staffed by qualified doctors. Prices can
vary greatly between clinics so it is wise to shop around.
Find out what exactly is covered in the price quoted and if
there are any additional costs. You can expect Lasik eye
surgery to cost you between $1,600 and $2,400 per eye.

Research will help you find a doctor to perform your
surgery. Look for an eye clinic or doctor who is experienced
in Lasik procedures and has earned a good reputation. Make
an appointment with more than one clinic or surgeon and ask
all the questions you have and discuss the procedure fully.
A good doctor will have no problem with this strategy.

What money buys

Perhaps Pfizer growth is not best for your health -

US drug maker Pfizer, the world's largest pharmaceutical firm, is to buy rival Wyeth in a deal worth $68bn (£50bn), the two companies have announced.

At the same time it announces at least 240 layoffs.

Its third quarter earnings show total revenues of 12 billion.

Pfizer manufactures Lipitor and Viagra. One-fourth of its profits come from Lipitor, but patent protection will be disappearing soon.

Legal settlements have shown that the firm needs to protect itself from downturn and losses.

However, Pfizer has infiltrated the natural health market place (and supplement companies) through many subsidiaries, placing key corporate personnel in these related venues.

Muscle Building Secrets – Recipe For Ripped Chest Muscles

Male chest muscles are a favorite muscle group amongst both men and women. If your goal is to really get noticed by the ladies and earn respect from other men, then concentrating on your chest muscles should be your prime objective. Many chest exercises are actually great all around workouts because you will usually be working out several other muscle groups simultaneously.

Just like you can't build a house without a sturdy foundation, you can't get ripped chest muscles without a great diet. A great diet that is both low in sugar and fat and high in protein and carbohydrates will provide your body with essential nutrients, amino acids, and energy necessary for muscle mass development. From here on out you will have to pay very close attention to what you eat on a daily basis if a ripped chest is what you really desire. Developing strict eating habits can be tough at first but will become much easier the longer you stick with it.

If you are between 150-200 pounds then following this daily diet will help you get ripped in the shortest time possible:

1.1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight
2.10 grams of creatine (only take 5 days a week)
3.2-3 servings of meat, preferably chicken
4.2-3 baked potatoes
5.28-32 ounces of 1% milk (can be mixed with a protein shake)
6.3 Amino acid tablets
8.1-2 servings of vegetable juice (helps to maintain proper nutrient levels)
9.Reduce high sugar snacks, desserts, and drinks to more than 4 total servings per week.

You can and should eat more than this each day. In addition to the the above diet you should have about 2 extra meals each day which can consist of anything you want so long as what you are eating is low in sugar and fat and high in carbs and protein. 

A good nights sleep and even a few naps here and there will allow your body to recover faster as well as speed up your muscle and strength gains. You should aim for about 9 hours of sleep per night and a 90 minute nap after each intense workout.

If you stick to this recipe for ripped chest muscles for at least 90 days you should begin to notice serious and attractive improvements.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Preventative Health Can Save Billions

Dr. Paul Zane Pilzer, and economist, predicted the internet
revolution and he predicts that the wellness industry will take
over from the sickness industry as the next trillion dollar
market. That was a few years ago. I think we are well on our
way to achieving this but still more needs to be done.

It is no secret we will likely live longer then our grandparents
did. This fact makes the need for preventative health care a
necessity. We must remain proactive if we do not wish to suffer
in our later years. Preventive care has been proven to promote
healthy lives.

The key to combating chronic illness is to nip them before
they get a chance to take over. A preventative exam can
point out these illnesses before they have a chance. You
can make changes before they become a real problem.

If symptoms are caught early enough some major problems can
be prevented. For instance, what if you have high blood
pressure. This, if not addressed with early treatment can lead
to a massive heart attack. Doesn't it make perfect sense to find
it before it becomes a problem.

With early detection thousands of dollars can be saved.
Think about how much more a acute illness versus a chronic
illness costs. This alone should motivate you to be
proactive when it comes to your health.

Many health care experts believe that preventative
measures can help save the health care industry. The
industry losses billions each year due to the high cost of
treating chronic illnesses. Those billions saved could be
used to lower premiums for the consumer.

Experts say that only about 10% of people that have
preventative benefits utilize them. That number is
staggering! It is one of the most important benefits you
may have. And did you know your insurance company usually
pays 100%. That tells me they know the facts! They know
how much it saves in the long run.

Don't hesitate, schedule your annual preventative exam today
if you have not had it this year. Start exercising, eating
right and stop bad habits. Make this commitment to good
health. Your body and your bank account will thank you.

Don't just think about how it will benefit you either.
Think about how it will benefit your friends and family if
you encourage them to do the same. And if you plan on
having some grandchildren they will thank you for your
efforts and you will be a perfect example of good health.

Quick Weight Loss Begins With A Sound Diet

When you're ready to lose weight shoot for the first 10
pounds. Your first focus is to pay attention to the amount of
food you're eating. Eliminate those unnecessary sugar and
fatty foods from your meals while making delicious meals and
snacks that keep your palate happy.

A not difficult, balanced and flexible weight loss program is
best. Plan to focus on the first 10 pounds of weight loss
and the rest will follow.

One of the top secrets to lose weight is to keep track of
everything you eat and drink. No need to estimate calories
just write down the type of food or beverage and the amount.
Cut your fat intake in half, that means half as much
margarine or butter on toast, vegetables and your muffin,
half the mayonnaise on your sandwich, and half the oil in
the pan when you saute foods. You get the idea!

Use skim milk and make a habit of drinking tea. If you insist
on using whole milk at least use two percent milk in your
diet. This helps cutting down on your fat intake.

Be certain to include legumes, peanut, cottage cheese,
chicken, fish, eggs or yogurt. Try to curb your sugar treats
to a few times a week max. Eat one or more meatless lunches
and dinners each week.

Eat at least two servings of fresh fruit every day. Choose
whatever type of fruit is in season. Instead of fruit juice
for breakfast or snack, drink water. Add a slice of lemon or
lime for zest. Include two servings of vegetables with lunch
and dinner, for a total of at least four servings per day.

Kill the thought of eating food or snacks while watching
TV. Many studies show that people watching TV and eating
tend to eat more and opt for higher calorie snacks high in
fat and sugar.

Don't consume liquids teeming with calories by drinking them.
That means cutting out soda and high-calorie fruit juices and
drinking tea or water instead. Plan ahead what you are going to eat.
Last-minute planning tends to veer you off your diet.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Building Muscle Without Weights – 3 Killer Bodyweight Exercises

There's nothing I love more than going to the gym to socialize, work out and be seen. However, there are also those times when I just don't have time for the gym or happen to be on one of my off days. Admittedly, I know there are also some muscle building enthusiasts out there who are not fond of gyms and prefer to stay at home. This is somewhat understandable as gyms can be uncomfortable places to be at times not to mention that they all require a monthly fee.

Bear in mind that if you are interested in getting truly ripped you are going to have to do some actual weight lifting as bodyweight exercises tend tone and condition rather than build muscle mass. It's entirely possible to look and feel great with just bodyweight exercises but getting really ripped is another story.

That being said, here are 3 killer bodyweight exercises you can do without weight that will build your chest, arm, shoulders, and abdominal muscles: 

1.¾ Ab curls – Forget everything you've ever heard about plain sit ups. For the average person sit ups are a joke and will likely not result in defined abs. In sports practice, boot camp, and gym class sit ups are designed more to punish than to actually build muscle. Here's how you do a ¾ ab curl that will work your lower and upper abs: lay on your back with your hands behind your head and your legs and knees in an upright position. While keeping your head and feet one inch off the ground lift your head until your elbows touch your knees. Rinse and repeat. 20-30 reps per set and 12-15 sets total is ideal here.

2.Pull-Ups – These are a tried and true bodyweight exercise. For this exercise you will need a bar installed securely in either your ceiling or wall. There are actually two types of pull-ups: long grip and short grip. With the long grip your hands will need to be about shoulder width apart and you should aim to raise yourself 6-8 times per set. With the short grip you will need to place your hands squarely in the middle of the bar and you should raise yourself 8-10 times. A good pull up workout consists of 6 sets each of long and short grip pull-ups. 

3.Incline Push Ups – These are also a tried and true bodyweight exercise. For this you will have to have access to a step or stairway. Place your hands shoulder width apart and place the toes of your feet at the bottom of the stairs. Now simply raise yourself up as you would with a normal push-up. For a more concentrated push up you can place your hands next to each other rather than shoulder width apart. 20-30 reps per set and 10-12 sets total is ideal here but you may be able to do more or less depending on your bodyweight.

Focus on Bone Health Naturally

UPDATE and REPOST: 24 Jan., 2009
There are many articles I've posted here at Natural Health News in the past five years. Bone health is not a lineal process as mainstream medicine pundits would have you believe. It isn't even properly evaluated with the bone density testing offered around the country; the ones that allegedly do the testing by using your heel in a machine (DEXA) that emits radiation. Ultrasound isn't completely revealing either.

You might want to know of a test approved in 2000 at the FDA called the Access Ostase blood test. This test determines bone metabolism by measuring the level of a certain enzyme in the blood called bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (BAP). If a particular osteoporosis therapy is not working, physicians may be able to tell within a matter of months.

Information on lab tests for bone health concerns

"Osteoporosis is a degenerative bone disease affecting roughly 25 million Americans, mostly post-menopausal women. Osteoporosis is currently one of the most under-diagnosed and under-treated disorders in medicine. It is estimated that one-third of women over age 50 have osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is characterized by a decrease in normal bone density due to the loss of calcium and collagen. ***A loss of bone density causes bones to become brittle, and in turn, leads to frequent fractures and other serious effects. Osteoporosis accounts for more than 2.3 million fractures per year in the United States and Europe."

***Just remember that as bone density leads to brittle bones and fracture, so do the prescription osteoporosis drugs.

It isn't as simple as taking a very risky drug your doctor tells you you need to take. Bone health, just like all health is a complex process involving numerous factors, and especially many nutrients.

Nutrient Supports Bone Health Over Time
By Rosalie Marion Bliss, January 14, 2009

Findings from a new study suggest that natural pigments found in plants may help protect against bone loss in older men and women. Researchers funded by the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) reported the findings in a paper published online by The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

The study was led by epidemiologist Katherine Tucker with the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging (HNRCA) at Tufts University in Boston, Mass. Tucker directs the HNRCA's Dietary Assessment and Epidemiology Research Program.

Other studies have consistently shown that fruit and vegetable intake is good for bones. Biological antioxidants in fruits and vegetables, such as carotenoids, protect cells and tissues from damage caused by naturally occurring oxygen free radicals in the body. Such plant nutrients may help protect the skeleton by reducing oxidative stress and thereby inhibiting bone breakdown or resorption.

The researchers examined potential effects on bone mineral density of overall and individual intake of several carotenoid compounds, including alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin, lycopene and lutein+zeaxanthin.

For the observational study, the researchers tracked changes in bone mineral density at two areas of the hip and lumbar spine of male and female volunteers, aged 75 years on average, participating in the Framingham Osteoporosis Study. Among these volunteers, 213 men and 390 women were measured at the beginning of the study and four years later.

Over the course of the four years of the study, carotenoids were associated with some level of protection against losses in bone mineral density at the hip in men and at the lumbar spine in women. No significant associations were observed at the other bone sites.

The results suggest there is a protective effect of carotenoids, particularly of lycopene, against bone loss in older adults. The researchers concluded that carotenoids may explain, in part, the previously observed protective effects of fruit and vegetable consumption on bone mineral density.

To look up the levels of individual carotenoids in selected foods, go to "Reports By Single Nutrients," provided by the ARS Nutrient Data Laboratory at:

ARS is a scientific research agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

The above report is heartening however much of the information in the report was made known well over a decade ago in the work of Susan Brown, PhD., and many researchers before her.

Other information you may not know. Part of this missing link is the bone-damaging impact from many non-osteoporosis drugs. Another is that there are very effective natural approaches to insure and improve bone health that are not based on bone destroying fluoride drugs.

Please contact us for more information.

While Dr. Karsenty's research may lead to a shift in mainstream medicine I would call for a totally different approach.

We do not need another new drug and we certainly do not need the current fluoride and bisphosphonate type drugs that are replete with a plethora of side effects that can cause cancer and fracture.

I'd like to see a totally different approach like the one I developed for clients that is showing positive benefits of healthy new bone growth and strengthening. Or as an option you might find help with an herbal formula proven at Harvard's Dana Farber I have used with others as their choice.

Not only do we need new health care, we need new ideas and new approaches with out fear of going outside the controlling and repressive "standards of care" controls to keep providers in line with Big Insurance and Big Pharma dictates.

And we need to move from the "study" model to the application model.

It Takes Guts To Build Bone, Scientists Discover

ScienceDaily (2008-12-01) -- Bone growth is controlled in the gut through serotonin, the same naturally present chemical used by the brain to influence mood, appetite and sleep, according to a new discovery. Until now, the skeleton was thought to control bone growth and serotonin was known as a neurotransmitter acting in the brain. This insight could transform how osteoporosis is treated by giving doctors a way to increase bone mass, not just slow its loss. ... > read full article

Friday, January 23, 2009

What Are The Top 5 Energy Foods?

Many of us find that we are a bit low on energy, especially
if we are dieting or we have had weight loss surgery.
Dieting seems to take a lot out of us because we are consuming
less food, we are not taking in caffeine like we used to,
and there is also the fact that the body can be deprived of
certain nutrients. Although many dieters feel that they are
eating the right foods, the question is if they are eating enough
of the right foods and if they are taking a dietary supplement
to help them along.

The dietary supplement

A good dietary supplement is great to take each day so that
you can have more energy. However, it cannot work alone in
providing your body with the natural nutrients it needs to
create an adequate amount of energy to help you through your

However, a good supplement that will help you along will
contain Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin,
Vitamins B6 and B12, Folate, Biotin, Pantothenic Acid,
Calcium, Iron, and Phosphorus. Some supplements are now
including tri-Amino blends that include L-Taurine,
L-lutamine, and L-Carnitine. These are great for helping
provide a little extra energy.


And now that you know a dietary supplement can't do it all
on its own, it is very important that you be made aware of 5
good energy foods and vegetables that will help in providing
you with the energy you need. It doesn't matter if you are
on a weight loss mission, have had weight loss surgery or if
you just want to have more energy, these are foods that you
should eat because they work in making you healthier.

Those 5 foods are:

1. Wheat and barley - Anything containing these two food
items will be high in energy. This explains why runners and
other athletes will eat pasta the day before a competitive
event. However, this is not something that you should eat a
lot of. You must portion this. If you have had weight loss
surgery such as lap band, this is something that your doctor
will review with you.

2. Fruits - Take into consideration that the earth bears
fruit and fruit is good for us. High energy fruits include
bananas, strawberries, and pineapples. Stick to the organic
fruits, which have not been treated with herbicides,
pesticides and other chemicals.

3. Vegetables - Amongst vegetables, some of the most high
energy foods that are great for those on weight loss endeavors
are green leafy vegetables. Cabbage and spinach have been
pinned as the two that create the highest degree of energy.
Use the same criteria when acquiring vegetables as for fruit above.

4. Chicken - Chicken is high in protein and is great for
weight loss. However, it must be skinless chicken or it will
defeat the purpose.

5. Yogurt - Dairy is the tricky one for the fact that it is
the dairy foods that are high in fat that provide the most
energy. However, you can have yourself a cup of yogurt and
provide yourself with some extra energy. There are dairy
products out there that will enable you to energize and
still achieve weight loss.

A balanced diet

It mainly comes down to having a balanced diet. If you have
lap band surgery or another weight loss surgery, your doctor
will talk to you about portions and eating the right foods.
Even if you are trying to lose weight the old fashioned way,
the success lies in the foods that you eat. You also have to
exercise and consider weight loss support.

These two things make for a super weapon against weight
gain. In the meantime, you will shed the pounds and have the
energy to do it, which means a better quality of life for

Thursday, January 22, 2009

These 5 Chemicals Are A Danger To Your Skin

Skincare products boast a lot of claims these days. Some of
these products however, contain substances that may not
agree with your skin and could cause problems. Before
purchasing one of the many beauty products on the market,
check to see if they contain any chemicals from the list

1. Alcohols: Alcohol is a drying agent. If you have dry skin,
alcohol will make your skin feel even drier. Alcohols go by
many names so look closely at the label for words ending in
-ol. Drying agents will further strip your skin and hair of
necessary moisture.

2. Parabens: What are these products? It is a chemical that
inhibits the growth of bacterial in products like lotions
and creams. When we pour or pump lotion from the bottle, our
skin may come in contact with the top. It is a potential
source of contamination to the product especially if several
people use it. Parabens work to stop that, but can cause
skin irritations in many users.

3. Perfumes: Companies work hard to produce a new scent that
people will like. Even though you may like the smell, it can
cause skin irritations or allergies if the right chemicals
are mixed together. A rule of thumb is to avoid skincare
products that are scented. Look for words like
hypoallergenic when buying skincare products.

4. Phthalate: Look at the ingredient list on your lotions
and soaps the next time you are in the store. If you see the
word phthalate (pronounced thal-ate), put it back. These
chemicals have a poor reputation and they are harmful to

5. Dyes: Ever wonder where the color comes from in your
skincare products? It adds flare to the packaging to entice
the consumer but it does more than that. Read your labels.
Dyes can dry out your skin or cause rashes and other nasty
skin irritations for those with sensitive skin or allergies.

Reading labels is important. The more that you know about
what you are buying, the less likely you are to purchase a
skincare product containing one of these chemicals. Since
the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) doesn't regulate
skincare products, it is up to us to police them.

We hope that manufacturers wouldn't sell us a bad bill of
goods but it happens more often than you think. The only
thing that these manufacturers are required to do is list
ingredients on the label according to how much is included.
Even with skincare products claiming to be all-natural,
check the label to validate their claim.

Building Back Muscle – 3 Mass Building Back Exercises

Most of the muscles located in the upper and lower back are actually part of your core muscle group. The core muscle group is naturally the most important muscle group for strength training hence the reason they are called the “core” muscle group.

If they weren't the most important muscle group they would probably be called something like the “supporting” or “secondary” muscle group. Anyway, your back muscles are incredibly intertwined with many of the other muscles on your body. For example, the back muscles allow you to stand upright and move your arms and shoulders.

Therefore, it's important that you develop a solid routine to develop your upper and lower back muscles. While by no means a glamorous muscle group, strong back muscles will naturally make you stronger in several of your other muscle groups and stabilize your core. 

Here are 4 muscle building back muscles that you absolutely must have in your back workout routine:

1.Dead Lift – This exercise targets your lats, erector spinae, gluts and traps. Interestingly, this exercise actually works nearly 70% of all the muscles in your body at one time. Needless to say, this is a fairly intense exercise. With this exercise you will need to place weight on a bench press bar directly in front of you. Then, with knees arches slightly back, you will raise the weight to about knee level and drop it back down. A word of caution: this exercise has the potential to cause very serious injury and you should never under in circumstances attempt to do more weight than you can handle.

2.Pull-Ups – This is a tried and true back exercise that is probably about as old as time itself. There are actually 2 types of pull-ups: long grip and short grip. When doing this exercise you can either place your hands shoulder length apart (long grip) or right alongside each other (short grip). A mix of both is essential for a great back workout. Pull-ups also work your shoulder and triceps muscles. 

3.Bent Over Rows – With this exercise you grasp the bar and flex your torso forward with both arms extended. The bar is then pulled up to your lower chest and back down again. 

For all three exercises you want to shoot for about 6 sets and about 6 reps per set. 

Because the spine is located in your back you must always exercise caution when doing heavy weight back exercises. This means wearing a weight belt at all times and never attempting to show off by lifting more weight than you can handle. 

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Want To Stop Suffering From Back Pain?

Back pain is one of the most common medical problems that
Americans tend to suffer from. The internet is one of the
first places that people come to try to find information on
how to treat back pain.

With today's technology and advanced medicine; you may be
wondering why is back pain such a huge issue? One of the
biggest factors and reasons that people seem to suffer from
this problem is because they do not know how to properly
take care of their body to prevent this issue.

Do you want to know what you can do to prevent or get rid of
your constant aching back pain? Well then, here are a few
useful tips to improve your mobility and avoid back pain.

1. Posture: The truth is that we do not take proper care of
our posture and therefore it tends to show when we begin
having back problems. If you are not watching how you sit or
stand then you can begin to experience back pain later on
in life.

2. Elderly: People tend to believe that as they age they are
expected to have back problems. The truth is that if you
give your body the right types of food and exercise then you
can avoid these types of issues as you become older.

3. Daily Diet: Our diet will always play a huge role in whether
we will begin to experience back pain or not. In fact if you
are currently overweight then most likely that may be one of
the reasons that you are having these issues.

4. Exercise: Exercise and diet are extremely vital for
helping our bodies and bone structure become strong and able
to do our everyday activities without having to worry about
being in pain.

Try this: When you walk, tuck in your stomach and push your
shoulders forward and your chest out. Also keep your chin up.
This is the correct posture when walking. Tough to maintain
isn't it? especially when you have been slouching all your life.

Taking care of your back should become one of your biggest
priorities; so that you can avoid future pain as you become

Is losing your hearing worth the price?

This is an old problem, just in a new form.

In the 60s when we were all at the Avalon Ballroom or the Fillmore West it was those guys holding on for dear life to the man sized speakers and rockin' out to the Airplane or Country Joe that have paid a big price as far as hearing loss goes.

It is tough though to tell a teenager to keep the handy dandy little player on low to save hearing.
Turn it down: German doctors warn on MP3 players Tue Jan 20, 2009
BERLIN (AFP) – MP3 players are leading to more and more hearing problems in young people, with damage to the inner ear now registered in one in five 16 to 20-year-olds, German doctors warned on Tuesday.

Hearing problems usually associated with old age are now being noticed in people as young as 20, the German association of ear, nose and throat specialists (HNO) said.

Under European Union rules, the maximum volume for portable audio devices is 100 decibels, but the HNO warned this is too loud. In workplaces, employees are required to wear ear protectors when noise levels are 85 decibels, they said.

The association called on makers of the devices to behave more "responsibly" and clearly inform their customers of the health dangers of listening to music too loudly.

Copyright © 2009 Agence France Presse. All rights reserved

Down home cookin?

UPDATE: 24 January, 2009
Top chefs push Obama to improve food policy
Well, one chef has her job as administrations change, and that may be good because of how "Comerford cooks with the best organic and local produce available".

Of course now that Vilsack is in at AG, and he's one of Monsanto's henchmen, we hope there'll be some research at the Obama household.

Start here to learn how organic is the only form of sustainable agriculture, then move to the next square. This one tells you that all those Monsanto herbicides and pesticides create health problems for all, and even seep into the water table.

Turn the next corner to wonder how this health promoting organic food is going to be affordable in poor neighborhoods around the country.

And - not the least to be considered - understanding exactly how health care costs are saved when Big Pharma, Big Insurance and industrial medicine are driving the car, while very few know the first thing about food plans and nutrition, dietitians included.

And don't forget - we already know that when genetically modified into a Franken-food, potatoes promote cancer. I guess I forgot the military industrial complex needs us to keep creating patients for their Franken-medicine that Daschle will slip into the trough...

Time for CHANGE you say?
Who's cookin' in the White House?
Does it matter who serves as chef to the Obamas?
By Maria C. Hunt | Contributor to The Christian Science Monitor
from the January 21, 2009 edition

Amid the excitement leading up to Barack Obama's inauguration as the 44th US president, foodies had been dishing about who they thought might be the chef the Obamas would bring to the White House.

But that pot-stirring speculation ended earlier this month when Michelle Obama issued a statement saying that the Obamas would retain the current White House Executive Chef, Cristeta Comerford.

Ms. Comerford became the first woman and the first minority to hold the post when she was appointed by Laura Bush in 2005. She has worked in the White House kitchen since 1995, including serving as sous-chef under the previous executive chef, Walter Scheib III. She was born in the Philippines and worked in hotels in Austria and Washington, after receiving a degree in Food Technology from the University of the Philippines.

"Cristeta Comerford brings such incredible talent to the White House operation and came very highly regarded from the Bush family. Also the mom of a young daughter, I appreciate our shared perspective on the importance of healthy eating and healthy families," said Mrs. Obama in a statement issued by the transition team. "I look forward to working with her in the years to come."

Two chefs who were thought to be under consideration for the post were Art Smith, owner of the upscale Southern comfort food restaurant Table Fifty-Two in Chicago and the new Art and Soul in Washington, and Rick Bayless, who creates inventive regional Mexican cuisine at Topolobampo in Chicago.

Perhaps Comerford will ask Mr. Smith to share his recipe for the macaroni and cheese Michelle Obama likes so much or Mr. Bayless for tips on making his Sopa Azteca (tortilla soup) and guacamole, which are popular with the first couple.

The choice of a chief cook may seem frivolous compared to challenges such as reversing the recession, creating jobs, and extricating US troops from Iraq. But with pressing food-related issues such as obesity and the pollution created by conventional farming, an influential group of foodies including Gourmet Magazine editor Ruth Reichl had hoped that the Obamas and their chef would seize this opportunity to get the nation thinking about eating local, seasonal, and organic fare and sustainably raised meat and seafood.

"Probably the fastest way you could get people in America to change the way they eat is to have the president eating consciously and eating with not only his mouth but his mind," Ms. Reichl says. "Everybody is looking to the Obamas as an example in so many things and this could be really powerful."

People seem to be interested in what the new first family does: A small Iowa bakery found itself swamped with orders for its chocolate chunk cookies after word got out the Obama girls liked them.

Before the announcement to retain Comerford was made, Reichl dreamed of a "first chef" who could help be a culinary thought leader for the nation, issuing weekly menus detailing what the first family ate, offering tips on cooking with turnips or pole beans in season or ideas for creating meatless meals.

Reichl – along with influential Chef Alice Waters of Chez Panisse in Berkeley, Calif., and New York restaurateur Danny Meyer – had penned a letter to the Obamas offering to help head a committee to select a chef who would champion organic, sustainable, and seasonal cuisine.

Attempts to lobby for a change in chefs annoyed Mr. Scheib – the White House chef for 11 years before Comerford – who said all along that he thought the Obamas would retain her.

"She is an extremely high-level cuisinier, very flexible, and she knows how it works at the White House, which is how you work with the family and take the right attitude and strike the right pose," Mr. Scheib says. "The ... only thing important to the chef in the White House is serving the first family. If that means macaroni and cheese 10 days in a row, that's what you cook."

Scheib says that, just as he did, Comerford cooks with the best organic and local produce available.

The Bushes have praised Comerford's skills in creating American cuisine. An official press release on the White House website says that Comerford has collaborated with Chef John Ash and others showcasing American regional styles of cooking.

In the next four years, observers hope that Comerford's skill in creating organic and health-conscious fare that highlights American gastronomy will be put to greater use in diplomatic settings.

"I was shocked to see the paltry number of state dinners held over the past eight years in the White House," Mr. Meyer says. "It's clear to me the Bush White House had very little interest in gastronomy or the pleasure of the table or using the table as a way to bring people together."

Meyer, whose New York restaurant empire includes such institutions as Gramercy Tavern and Eleven Madison Park, says that he sees the Obamas as a cultured couple who, he hopes, will recognize the power and pleasure of conviviality and entertaining in the same way the Kennedys did.

"Food is one of the most potent ways I know to bring people together from different cultures," Meyer says. "And to make a statement for the rest of the country on how to enjoy food in a way that is both pleasurable and responsible."

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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Drug Addiction : Prescription Drugs

When you hear people talking about drug addiction problems,
what do you think of immediately? It's probably cocaine,
alcohol, or maybe some other harmful drug.

These drugs kill a lot of people, but what about drugs that
were actually meant to help people? What about prescription

Hospitals use prescription drugs all over the world for many
reasons. There are pain relief drugs, drugs for disorders of
the psyche, and many other applications.

Prescription drugs are designed to help the sick or injured,
but when they are abused, they are just as harmful and
addictive as any other type of drug.

One factor that adds to the addictive nature of prescription
drugs is that they are designed to help. This often creates
a psychological trap for people.

Everyone knows that cocaine and cigarettes kill people
everyday. But the pain medicine your family doctor gives you
for your back problems is far less intimidating, and thus it
is easier for people to fall into abusing them.

That also means it is more difficult for the person
suffering to get help. If their doctor gave them the drugs
it is hard for them to see that they have a problem.

It also makes it hard to see how dangerous they are. But
most deaths caused by prescription drug abuse happens the
first time the person abuses them. That means most people
only have to do it one time and they could die.

If you or one of your loved ones has a problem with prescription
drugs, seek help immediately.

Find help with
Prescription drug addiction treatment centers Seek
professionals at (
Narconon Vista Bay

Shoulder Workouts With Dumbells – 3 Great Shoulder Exercises

Dumbbell weights are a bit different from other kinds of free weights and offer more of a workout to your supporting muscle groups. Dumbells offer more of a workout because they are able to focus more tension on your supporting muscle groups. This in turn causes the surrounding muscle groups to work harder than if you were working out with conventional free weights or nautilus machines. 

When surrounding muscle groups are exercised in addition to the main muscle you will achieve superior muscular development. However, dumbbell weights are not for everyone because not everyone's physiology allows them to work out very intensely. I, for example, am unable to perform several abdominal dumbbell exercises because of my physiology. Therefore it's very, very important to start with very low intensity dumbbell weights before going heavy otherwise you could risk very serious and painful injury.

If you think you are ready for some serious shoulder workouts with dumbells, here are 3 exercises to get you started:

1.Seated Shoulder Press – I am not exactly sure why, but this is actually one of my favorite weightlifting exercises. So here's how this works: Seat yourself at the end of a bench and place your dumbbells on your upper thighs (always your upper thighs with this exercise, not on the ground as you want to shorten the distance you need to lift these over your head). Grab each weight so that they are facing left to right not frontward to backward and lift them over your head simultaneously. Now slowly lower each one until it is about one inch away from your shoulder. Rinse and repeat.

2.Shoulder Flys – This is somewhat of a light weight exercise and it is rare that you will be able to do more than 40 pounds in each hand as your regular set, even if you are very strong. This means that if you have never done these before you should probably start off with less than 15 pounds in each hand. Here's how this works: Stand up right and hold 2 weights in front of your chest. Bend over at a 45 degree angle and lift each weight outward in a manner that resembles flying (hence the name “flys”) and then lower each weight to your waist. Rinse and repeat.

3.Shoulder Shrugs– If you are new to this you should only start off with about 40 pounds in each arm. Here's how this works: Stand upright holding each weight frontward to backward. Slowly lift each weight using your shoulders and without lifting your arms. In other words, lift each weight in a “shrug” like fashion. As you lift, make sure you lift in a rolling motion, not just straight up and down.

If your goal is to increase your shoulder muscle mass then you should pick a weight that allows you to do 4-6 shoulder reps for at least 5 sets. 

Monday, January 19, 2009

Energy Drinks Are Not Healthy

How can energy drinks be healthy? They are usually full of
artificial caffeine, HFCS (ref:
Double Danger of HFCS), Taurine and of course, to somehow
validate everything, synthetically produced vitamins. This
cocktail of chemicals will do more harm than good. It
already has.

More and more people that consume the traditional energy
drink regularly or even daily have already or are destined
to eventually suffer from stomach, kidney, liver or heart
problems. Not to mention the effects these chemical
cocktails can have on one's teeth (premature enamel
degradation) or skin (dehydration related blotching).

An entire new generation is coming into adulthood without
their parents' coffee routine, but with a morning, afternoon
or evening energy drink. Sometimes all three. Many spend
hours online gaming, instead of exercising, which
accentuates the problem with energy drinks, introducing type
2 diabetes and other sedentary diseases.

Why should we be concerned about this new variety of mental
stimulant? A cup or two of coffee every day has never caused
serious health effects. The big difference relates to where
the buzz comes from: natural coffee beans vs. laboratory
produced synthetic caffeine.

Just like with any other product found in nature, the
caffeine in the coffee beans comes with many by-products
which are not easily separated from the pure caffeine
elements. natural caffeine comes with fibers and other
organic substances which reduce the absorption of the
caffeine into the bloodstream.

In most energy drinks, the caffeine is synthetically
produced in a factory. This synthetic caffeine has one
advantage over natural caffeine: it is extremely potent.
All of the natural byproducts that come with natural caffeine
from coffee beans or Guarana are not present with laboratory
caffeine. It is also much cheaper to produce than natural
caffeine, another great thing, from the manufacturer's point
of view. Unfortunately, from a consumer's point of view, this
concentrated caffeine blast is absorbed into the bloodstream
almost as soon as it hits the stomach.

Natural products like the actual coffee from coffee beans,
Guarana seeds or tea leaves, are absorbed more gradually by
the body. They are also not as concentrated and therefore
less toxic than the chemical caffeine in most energy drinks.

Here are some advantages of natural caffeine (whether it be
in coffee, tea or Guarana). Firstly, the increased mental
alertness is longer. Instead of the instant high you get
from most energy drinks and then the subsequent downfall,
you get a sustained feeling of mental clarity for a few
hours and the effect eventually wears off more naturally and

Secondly, continuous exposure to synthetic caffeine over
saturates our nervous system. If this excessive exposure
continues, our nerves go haywire. This is Mother Nature's
way of telling us to be careful. Our hands may quiver,
nervous habits develop; our body starts to show signs of
stress not different from those related to anxiety or
depression. Not recommended for anyone.

With guaranine or tea or natural coffee beans, our digestive
and circulatory system can easily eliminate the excess
quantities without unduly affecting the nervous system. But
even with natural stimulants, they must be used carefully
and not in excessive amounts. It is best to stick with one
cup per day; of coffee (not the grande which is really like
6 coffees) or one 12 oz can of a natural energy drink or
unsweetened cold tea.

Organic coffees don't contain any of the chemicals used in
large farming operations. ( Whole
Foods Markets has a wide variety of these.

Some natural energy drinks that are recommended :
GURU Energy Drinks and Syzmo. They are both made with
natural caffeine from Guarana and/or coffee. What's good
about GURU is that it is entirely natural, has no
artificial sweeteners or vitamins. Sysmo is made from good
ingredients but is more costly, and is an acquired taste.

Both of these are available on the
respective companies' website and at
( Whole Foods Markets.

With regards to teas; cold, brewed teas will provide the
best combination of anti-oxidants and natural caffeine. A
good brand is ITOEN, from Japan. Itoen Teas seems to be
the purest, unsweetened product out there. The Zen taste
grows on you after a couple of bottles. Another cool brand is
the US based Honest Tea, but they recently sold out to Coke
and now it seems they're selling out to the sweeter American
taste buds.