Monday, July 6, 2009

Biceps Training Tip: Wrist Curl Mistake

By Jeff Anderson

Are your WRISTS holding back your  biceps from their full growth potential?

When beginning the "curl" movement from the bottom position (for this example, with a straight bar), MOST guys actually begin with a "wrist curl" motion where they bend the wrist toward the forearm.

This is something you're probably not even aware of, but chances are, 95% of you begin the movement this way.

Unfortunately, all this does is take stress off of the BICEPS which is where you're REALLY trying to target.

So your smaller forearms most likely give out before you've effectively hit your bi's, leaving you with untapped muscle fibers.

The solution?

Bend your wrists DOWN through the whole curling movement!

Essentially this means keeping your wrist LOCKED in a position where your knuckles are tilted as far toward the ground as possible - the OPPOSITE direction of a wrist curl.

This places WAY more stress on the biceps as you lift the weight.

At the top, feel free to curl your wrists back in to get a more concentrated SQUEEEEEEEEEZE contraction before lowering the bar again with your wrists tilted back down.

Fix this mistake...and feel the burn! ;-)

Advanced Mass Building Secrets

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