Monday, July 27, 2009

Stone Training for Full Body Strength

Training with stones is downright FUN!

Sometimes you just wanna rip into something other than a barbell or dumbbell!

I have used “river stones” which you find out in parks and playgrounds and backyards. These are great fun as well and you will get a ton of crazy stares by onlookers but who cares, get down and dirty and show them how you train.

We also use atlas stones which you can make or purchase off of eBay or sometimes Craig's list from local strongman groups.

The full body strength you can develop from lifting stones, carrying stones, power cleaning and loading stones is tremendous.

In some countries, stone lifting is a National Sport!

Check out a video of my athletes training with atlas stones for full body strength…

If you want to lift atlas stones, start very light, just playing with a 100 lb atlas stone will be a great shock to the body, BUT, it will allow you to use good technique and you can perform power cleans and carries with less chances of injury.

Exercises to be performed with a stone like deadlifts, lapping the stone, power cleaning the stone to your chest and bear hug squats are AWESOME for developing full body strength.

Stone Training can have a GREAT place in your program, you just need to be smart about how and when you do this.

Start training with stones the RIGHT way with The Underground Strength Manual HERE.

Maybe you want a safer training tool? Go with The Underground Sandbag HERE

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