Wednesday, July 22, 2009

If your hand and wrist hurt, it could BE something more Dangerous...

Below is an article by Geoffrey Hunt, the founder of Carpal Tunnel Tips. I thought this article was important to share with you because the hard truth and reality of the matter is that most carpal tunnel sufferers don't realize or get the fact that they will suffer from this stubborn repetitive stress injury for the rest of their lives, unless they are armed with the RIGHT information and to steer clear of all the mis-information out there, especially on the internet!

Carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms can develop gradually over time. The first sign to watch out for is just a slight or dull ache in your wrist or hand. 

You need to be aware of changes in sensation, such as burning or tingling in the palm of the hand and the fingers, especially the thumb, index, middle, and one-half of the ring finger. 

Carpal tunnel sufferers frequently report tingling at night, but as the carpal tunnel symptoms worsen, you may experience tingling during the day. As the symptoms progress, the tingling and burning may eventually result in total numbness. 

Now, don't get confused if are experiencing tingling or numbness in your pinky or little finger. People who suffer from Carpal tunnel syndrome do not suffer with this symptom.

Carpal tunnel sufferers also experience pain as a symptom. You may first notice this at night when you are sleeping. Your wrist may be in a flexed position, this is not normal! 

You may feel the need to shake out your hand or wrist to get some temporary relief. As your day goes on, the pain may increase in intensity and severity. 

Your symptoms may be magnified by performing simple, everyday tasks such as holding your phone, reading, or driving.

If you allow your carpal tunnel syndrome to go untreated, your symptoms will become more frequent and debilitating, to the point where it impacts your daily life. Again, if left untreated, you may start to experience pain in your arm.

Other signs and symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome may include:

* Fumbling and clumsiness, dropping things frequently.
* Fingers feeling useless and swollen (even though little or no swelling is apparent)
* Decreased grip strength, making it difficult to form a fist, grasp small objects, or perform other manual tasks
* Difficulty telling the difference between hot and cold by touch.
* In severe carpal tunnel syndrome cases, the muscles at the base of the thumb will waste away.

So there you have it...the top signs and symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. If you are experiencing any or all of these symptoms, don't panic... 

I spent over a 3 years researching this topic, analyzing the science, and applying it "in the trenches" with myself as well as hundreds of my fitness clients who suffered from this nagging injury to isolate a simple program to see what works to really get rid of carpal tunnel syndrome and wrist/hand pain for good so it never comes back! 

The entire system... all of the step-by-step strategies, as well as training sequences, specific targeted exercises, clear pics and diagrams, plus instructional videos and more have all been compiled in my Carpal Tunnel Secrets Unleashed Program.

If you follow the guidelines and easy-to-follow program, you WILL completely eliminate your carpal tunnel that has been plaguing you for weeks, months or even years. This is not guesswork... it is a proven system that works time and time again for all hand/wrist pain sufferers on every corner of the globe that actually apply the information I teach. If you apply it, the results will come. It's really that simple. 

If you are sick of standing on the side lines, given up on your favorite hobbies or simply just want to get rid of this stubborn injury for good, here's your chance... 

Don't waste another day allowing this nasty condition to prevent you from living an active healthy lifestyle. 

Get the solution to rid yourself for life of this nagging injury, here's how...

To Your Health,
Geoffrey Hunt
Founder Carpal Tunnel Tips

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