Friday, July 17, 2009

Last chance to super-charge your motivation

This is just a quick reminder to let you know that today is the last day on the special 3-day offer where you can get "Operation Motivation: secrets of getting and staying motivated for life" in 7 lessons (ebooks and PDF reports), for f-r-e-e at:


If you've ever been stumped, baffled, frustrated or downright MAD because you just couldn't motivate yourself to get up early and hit the gym or eat healthy meals consistently all week long, then this is something you do NOT want to miss.

"Operation Motivation" is the latest from fat loss expert, Tom Venuto. Inside the 7 special PDF ebooks and reports, you'll learn exactly HOW to setup a motivational propulsion system, and why you need to get your mind working for you before you even start a diet or workout program.

Tom should know. Not only is he one of the most respected fat loss and nutrition experts in the industry today, he is also a META level Neuro-Linguistic-Programming Master, having studied under some of the top motivation and psychology mentors in the world. This isn't pop psychology, mumbo-jumbo. It's scientifically-confirmed
strategies for building a motivational plan for life.

So when a guy like Tom speaks about motivation, you definitely want to hear what he has to say. This is a small sampling of what you'll learn from him:

* MOTIVATIONAL PROPULSION SYSTEMS: How to program your mind to automatically and habitually exercise your body (If this doesn't light a FIRE under your butt, nothing will).

* THE NEW VISUALIZATION BREAKTHROUGH: Take advantage of the mind-body connection with the techniques sports psychologists have been teaching for decades, along with 1 new twist.

* SUCCESS SEMANTICS:  The psychological explanation for how Words can enhance or destroy your health and how to turn failure talk into success talk.

* THE GOAL ACHIEVER'S SECRET WEAPON: How a cheap little "tool" can install positive success programming into your mind.

* END EMOTIONAL EATING: Eating to cope with stress, depression or other feelings, or eating for the wrong reasons can totally undermine the best nutrition plan. Learn the 5-step formula to stop it once and for all.

* SELF IMAGE SECRETS: How the hidden image you hold of yourself in your mind is the prime reason for diet sabotage (and the same reason that 90% of lottery winners blow their winnings).

From now until Midnight (PST), July 17th, you can get a copy of the "Operation Motivation" bonuses in PDF ebook transcripts absolutely f-r-e-e when you purchase Tom's
Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle e-book from:


Burn The Fat is often referred to as "the bible of fat burning nutrition" and if you don't have a copy yet, then this is a better opportunity than ever because you will get the Operation Motivation as a bonus along with the Burn The Fat program.

This offer is almost over, so I highly recommend you visit the Burn The Fat website today and jump on this deal while you still can.


To your success,

Arthur M.

P.S. This is your absolute last chance to get these 7 motivation books and reports. The deadline is tonight, Friday, July 17th, 2009 at midnight.

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