Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Building Muscle and Grip Strength with Strongman Training

Strongman training often involves the farmer walk of some variation. Sometimes the athletes walk with long farmer handles, other times they carry 200 + lb. sandbags!

Below, in the video, you see our athletes carrying heavy dumbbells, heavy kettlebells and heavy sandbags, ALL of which are an awesome way to build muscle and develop serious grip strength.

Next time you go through a workout, try carrying different objects to push your body to the next level. Carrying heavy objects will be an excellent way to pack on muscle and develop a crushing grip strength.

A few hard sets will get the job done, more isn’t always better!

Zach Even – Esh is the owner of The Underground Strength Gym and the creator of The Underground Strength System.

If you want the Ultimate training system for packing on muscle and strength then The Underground Strength System is your answer.

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