Thursday, July 9, 2009

How To Jack Up Your Workouts For More Intensity!

By Jeff Anderson

Get Ready For Some INSANE Training (And RESULTS)!

You know, all it takes is one look around the gym and you can tell which of the local rats are SERIOUS about their workouts and which aren't! 

Some are truly busting their humps to transform their bodies while others are simply going through the motions trying to convince themselves that they're really "working hard".


I say if you're gonna take time away from your social life to lift some iron, then why not commit to a really INTENSE training session, right?

Well here's one tip that's guaranteed to prep you for some insane training... 


Safe Supplement For Jacked Training Intensity... 


Anyone with a "Java Jones" knows the powerful impact of caffeine for waking you up and increasing mental clarity, right? 

And if you've been around the lifting game for a while, you also know that caffeine has become a widely used supplement in some of the expensive "name brand" workout formulas. 

But most people are simply afraid of adding this supplement to their workout program because they don't know HOW to use it. 


Here's How To Safely Supplement With Caffeine... 


First, ask your doctor if he's cool with you taking supplemental caffeine (there, I covered my ass! ;-)

Next, go to your local drug store and look for their generic brand of "No-Doze" or "Stay Alert". 

Typically these supplements contain about 200mg of caffeine, equal to about 2.5 cups of coffee. 

(Tip: Try to find a tablet that DOESN'T have a coated layer around it.) 

About 15 minutes before your workout, crush one tablet between two spoons until it's in a powder form.

Then simply sprinkle it in either a small amount of juice or coffee (if you want a bit more "buzz"). 

Most people can safely use about 500mg of caffeine per day and this little jolt of alertness from your pre-workout caffeine will help you train HARDER and LONGER as you get totally PUMPED from the added intensity. 

Now this tip is just ONE of the amazing "intensity multipliers" in a bonus audio program called "Weight Room Warfare!".

It's a real "No B.S." interview that keeps you scribbling notes the entire time.

('s THAT jam packed with tips!)

You can see the download at the bottom of... 

Advanced Mass Building Secrets

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