Friday, April 30, 2010


If you spend much of your day in front of a computer like I do, you’ve probably felt that nagging back or neck discomfort. Or maybe you’re like some people who feel so much pain, they can only endure sitting for short periods.

Either way, back discomfort keeps you from focusing on work – or even enjoying watching a movie from your couch or favorite chair. You work so hard to take care of your back, it’s hard to watch all your progress slip away sitting in a chair.

Just like there are shoe orthotics to correct your standing posture – and help tackle pain – there’s now a revolutionary orthotic for sitting. It’s called the “BackJoy”. Unlike a back cushion, BackJoy is an easy-to-use, firmly molded support that works on any type of chair (or soft couch!) to quickly align your sitting posture.

Imagine not having to think about how you’re sitting. This is what I love about the BackJoy… it tilts your back so you’re in perfect posture without any effort on your part!

If you think about what happens to your back when you sit down, you’ll realize how powerful this is. Sitting and leaning forward to work at your desk or computer results in a 150% increase in pressure on your discs over standing. This pressure compresses discs and can cause pain due to trapped nerves.

When you use the BackJoy, your pelvis gently tilts forward. This creates a neutral position for your spine and erases much of that unwanted pressure. Now your weight bearing bones – the ones that are supposed to be supporting your weight when you sit – take over and relieve pressure and strain from your spine’s muscles and ligaments. The end result is a perfectly aligned spine without muscle tension and stress.

The BackJoy can help with discomfort from many different conditions. Here are just a few:

•    Neck, hip, or back pain
•    Daily aches and pains
•    Injuries and surgeries
•    Osteoporosis
•    Sciatica
•    Pinched nerves
•    Slipped discs
•    Sore tailbone
•    S-I joint problems

It’s amazing what aligning your spine and correcting your posture can do for your overall health!

With BackJoy’s patented Orthotic Cradling System, you can enjoy these benefits:

•    Relief from aches and pains
•    Improved circulation and healing
•    Easier breathing
•    Increased energy
•    Greater flexibility and mobility
•    Improved focus and concentration
•    Reduced stress

Who does BackJoy work for? It works best for individuals weighing 118 to 285 pounds. With no straps or buckles, this small, lightweight device simply cradles the 4 to 5 inch space around the two sitting bones at the base of your pelvis. Regardless of size, BackJoy floats your spinal system in natural cushioning, protecting against compression while actively engaging your core.

See if you don’t agree that BackJoy improves your life. Stop the pain and discomfort that come with sitting and poor posture, no matter where you sit. Driving your car, sitting in front of your computer, or anywhere at home, BackJoy can bring lasting relief and promote healing.

To learn more, click on this link:



[Note: This posting is intended to make you aware of the availability of this product. It’s not a personal endorsement. I’m an affiliate for the provider of goods and services mentioned in this post and as such may be compensated if you make a purchase. As always please note the Compensated Affiliate Disclosure at the sidebar!]

The Hidden Secret of Building Mass and Power
By Denie

Tapping the energy within and directing it with time to reach
any goal creates success...when you believe in the principle
you apply. And that principle is based on correct physics and
motivational logic and drive forces.

Progressive weight and resistance training dates back
thousands of years. A probably 6000 years according to some
historians...long before adjustable weight plate loading
barbells found their male/female symbolic interactions...or
muscle magazines and most modern training concepts were
developed. One of the earliest strength from applied
resistance stresses ideas which led to today's progressive
concepts is attributed to Olympiad (6 times) super wrestler
Milo of Croton. As a young man around 550 B.C.E. or so.
Milo reasoned while living in his agricultural society of the
day...and proved his point : What would happen if you lifted
a small calf everyday until it grew to the size of a complete
grown bull (ox). This concept made him into one of the
strongest athletes in the history of the known world of
that day. Because he did just that. And in the Athletic
Stadiums of that time, Milo would parade his power when
not wrestling or fighting wars by walking the full length of
the grounds with a fully grown ox draped over his shoulder
girdle much life a contemporary squat bar. Progressive
resistance training may stem from this idea as a contributing
origin. In the early and mid 20th Century this Bull lifting
concept was also used by various strongmen farmboys...
who went to County Fairs and Circus Side Shows as
strongmen performers. What's interesting about this
primative concept is it can be applied to a barbell very
effectively. If you select a specific training movement and
or weak bodypart and apply it in the following way.

While you still train as select one move that
you want to use...this is a 'secret move' that you perform
everyday for 8 easy reps with no strain. You will need the
following: 1 1/2 or 1 1/4 pound plates....
VERY IMPORTANT: Large hardware washers which fit the bar.
Usually these washers weigh about 8 ounces per six (weight
them to make sure). You should have about 18-24 which cost
about 60-75 cents a piece. To get the eight ounce load place
three on each side. Strap on wrist weights that can weight in
one pound jumps up to 5 pounds will also work when strapped
around the bar inside by the collars.

You reason with yourself...If the muscle I'm working is this size
and it can handle this amount of weigh....when it can contract
with 50-100 pounds more-it will be so much more massive.

1. You do the exercise you chose everyday...adding 8 ounces....
via the proper amount of washers on each side of the bar.
And evenually translate that into weight plates as you
plateau up in poundages.

2. The weight will never feel heavy because your
nervous system will not detect such a minute change in
resistence when using large muscle masses to lift with.

3. This exercise is 'never' included in your training
routine. It's best done in the morning to get it out of the
way....and never as part of the regular workout.

4. You may miss doing this single set if necessary once
every 7-10 day. You can miss regular workouts for whatever
the reason...but must do this one set always adding 8 ounces.
Even if you do miss your regular workouts-it won't bother
you. Why ? That one set move isn't missed...and you're still
making progress even though our regular worked was missed
for some reason.

5. No matter how you thing will stand out a specific
change of power and size is taking place and you're moving
forward...and therefore will always be satisfied with yourself.
At some point in the regular general'll notice a
change in perfomance because of what that one set is making
happen in the structures involved.

6. This method should only be applied to one movement...even
though logic may lead you to think how about if I did a couple
of bodyparts like that. Also doing one set in the morning...and
having the brilliant ideal of doing another set (with 8 more
ounces at night can only interfere with general progress.
Never complicate or upset the simple process.

7. If evenually 8 reps becomes a bit difficult all of a sudden...the
reason is you have lost control of the weight due to
performance be done improperly, or excessive applied body
momentum which has robbed the muscle and robbed it of
direct stress factors, Additionally ego factors may enter into
the system causing careless performance when you feel too
good one day...and maybe not in the mood the next day.
When this happens...cut back to the 'weight actual' that feels
light at 8 reps and reapproach the goal.

8. In three months you can double a muscle's force adding
some real density. In 6 months...use your imagination. In one
year...I won't bother to describe what will have happened at
all here. It's too bizarre.

9. Before you attempt to do the actual move at whatever time
it takes place...stretch your muscles a little you can
make them pliable.

Russian Weightlifters have experimented with systems like
this over the years...with great success. However...they
applied a great deal of body momentum to the process, and
that eventually leads to will power training...since force is lost.
But that is a whole other discussion point.

Should you decide to use this training application... never
discuss it with anyone. Discussion destroys necessary mental
tension...leaving the way open for the criticism of others who
are negative....and cause you self doubt which can amp down
muscle contraction potential.

The point being...let others discover the changes in your
development...rather than informing them to look for it. It's far
more satisfying.....and the backbone of a 'secret method'.
Otherwise, it wouldn't be a secret !

Also read our latest nutrition article Is Eating Fish Healthy?

Lose Fat, Gain Muscle, Shape Up. Sign up for our Free Weekly Bodybuilding,
Fitness and Health Tips Newsletter, and you will be automatically entered
in our monthly drawing to win Free Bodybuilding Supplements and other great prizes.
Stay informed, stay motivated, win free stuff, join today!

Click Here To Sign Up Free

The Hidden Secret of Building Mass and Power
By Denie

Tapping the energy within and directing it with time to reach
any goal creates success...when you believe in the principle
you apply. And that principle is based on correct physics and
motivational logic and drive forces.

Progressive weight and resistance training dates back
thousands of years. A probably 6000 years according to some
historians...long before adjustable weight plate loading
barbells found their male/female symbolic interactions...or
muscle magazines and most modern training concepts were
developed. One of the earliest strength from applied
resistance stresses ideas which led to today's progressive
concepts is attributed to Olympiad (6 times) super wrestler
Milo of Croton. As a young man around 550 B.C.E. or so.
Milo reasoned while living in his agricultural society of the
day...and proved his point : What would happen if you lifted
a small calf everyday until it grew to the size of a complete
grown bull (ox). This concept made him into one of the
strongest athletes in the history of the known world of
that day. Because he did just that. And in the Athletic
Stadiums of that time, Milo would parade his power when
not wrestling or fighting wars by walking the full length of
the grounds with a fully grown ox draped over his shoulder
girdle much life a contemporary squat bar. Progressive
resistance training may stem from this idea as a contributing
origin. In the early and mid 20th Century this Bull lifting
concept was also used by various strongmen farmboys...
who went to County Fairs and Circus Side Shows as
strongmen performers. What's interesting about this
primative concept is it can be applied to a barbell very
effectively. If you select a specific training movement and
or weak bodypart and apply it in the following way.

While you still train as select one move that
you want to use...this is a 'secret move' that you perform
everyday for 8 easy reps with no strain. You will need the
following: 1 1/2 or 1 1/4 pound plates....
VERY IMPORTANT: Large hardware washers which fit the bar.
Usually these washers weigh about 8 ounces per six (weight
them to make sure). You should have about 18-24 which cost
about 60-75 cents a piece. To get the eight ounce load place
three on each side. Strap on wrist weights that can weight in
one pound jumps up to 5 pounds will also work when strapped
around the bar inside by the collars.

You reason with yourself...If the muscle I'm working is this size
and it can handle this amount of weigh....when it can contract
with 50-100 pounds more-it will be so much more massive.

1. You do the exercise you chose everyday...adding 8 ounces....
via the proper amount of washers on each side of the bar.
And evenually translate that into weight plates as you
plateau up in poundages.

2. The weight will never feel heavy because your
nervous system will not detect such a minute change in
resistence when using large muscle masses to lift with.

3. This exercise is 'never' included in your training
routine. It's best done in the morning to get it out of the
way....and never as part of the regular workout.

4. You may miss doing this single set if necessary once
every 7-10 day. You can miss regular workouts for whatever
the reason...but must do this one set always adding 8 ounces.
Even if you do miss your regular workouts-it won't bother
you. Why ? That one set move isn't missed...and you're still
making progress even though our regular worked was missed
for some reason.

5. No matter how you thing will stand out a specific
change of power and size is taking place and you're moving
forward...and therefore will always be satisfied with yourself.
At some point in the regular general'll notice a
change in perfomance because of what that one set is making
happen in the structures involved.

6. This method should only be applied to one movement...even
though logic may lead you to think how about if I did a couple
of bodyparts like that. Also doing one set in the morning...and
having the brilliant ideal of doing another set (with 8 more
ounces at night can only interfere with general progress.
Never complicate or upset the simple process.

7. If evenually 8 reps becomes a bit difficult all of a sudden...the
reason is you have lost control of the weight due to
performance be done improperly, or excessive applied body
momentum which has robbed the muscle and robbed it of
direct stress factors, Additionally ego factors may enter into
the system causing careless performance when you feel too
good one day...and maybe not in the mood the next day.
When this happens...cut back to the 'weight actual' that feels
light at 8 reps and reapproach the goal.

8. In three months you can double a muscle's force adding
some real density. In 6 months...use your imagination. In one
year...I won't bother to describe what will have happened at
all here. It's too bizarre.

9. Before you attempt to do the actual move at whatever time
it takes place...stretch your muscles a little you can
make them pliable.

Russian Weightlifters have experimented with systems like
this over the years...with great success. However...they
applied a great deal of body momentum to the process, and
that eventually leads to will power training...since force is lost.
But that is a whole other discussion point.

Should you decide to use this training application... never
discuss it with anyone. Discussion destroys necessary mental
tension...leaving the way open for the criticism of others who
are negative....and cause you self doubt which can amp down
muscle contraction potential.

The point being...let others discover the changes in your
development...rather than informing them to look for it. It's far
more satisfying.....and the backbone of a 'secret method'.
Otherwise, it wouldn't be a secret !

Also read our latest nutrition article Is Eating Fish Healthy?

Lose Fat, Gain Muscle, Shape Up. Sign up for our Free Weekly Bodybuilding,
Fitness and Health Tips Newsletter, and you will be automatically entered
in our monthly drawing to win Free Bodybuilding Supplements and other great prizes.
Stay informed, stay motivated, win free stuff, join today!

Click Here To Sign Up Free

HERBDAY - Celebrate on a new day

HerbDay Moves to Spring Date = Requests from herb lovers all over the country, HerbDay will officially be celebrated on the first Saturday in May going forward, starting with Saturday, May 1, 2010. More people in more parts of the country have a larger variety of herbs growing at this time of year than do in fall. Since HerbDay is a grass roots movement and belongs to the people, the coalition that got the event started wanted to support the populace in taking ownership of HerbDay by moving it to a date more conducive to a greater number of celebrations across the country. If you already have an event slated for October 2009, please go ahead and have it. Let's keep the momentum going to make the celebration of herbs and their uses an ongoing movement.
In fact, everyone is encouraged to celebrate HerbDay any time they want. If you prefer to continue hosting your HerbDay event in autumn or if summer works better for you, please feel free to do so and continue to list your event in the Organize an Event section of this site. Visitors ask year round for information on events in their area. We will continue to add new useful information as time goes on.

Let's make HerbDay each and every day of the year!
Celebrate Herbs and Herbalism
HerbDay is a coordinated series of independently produced public educational events celebrating the importance of herbs and herbalism. HerbDay was conceived of by five nonprofit organizations with interests in herbs and herbalism (the HerbDay Coalition), to raise public awareness about the significance of herbs in our lives and the many ways herbs can be used safely and creatively for health, beauty care, and culinary enjoyment. Greater familiarity with herbs will increase informed use of herbal products and build public support for maintaining personal choice in the use of botanicals.

The date for HerbDay 2008 is set: Saturday, October 11

The first HerbDay was held on Saturday, October 14, 2006. The second annual HerbDay was Saturday, October 13. And in 2008, it will officially be on October 11. Some folks celebrate before, during and after that day. Participants in HerbDay 2006 brought together individuals, businesses, and organizations that share a love and passion for herbs and herbal medicine. These include herbalists and health care providers using herbs in their practice; authors, teachers and lecturers with expertise in herbs; herbal product manufacturers and marketers; retailers and distributors of herbal goods; botanical gardens, parks, and schools — and most importantly, the people and families who love to use herbs! HerbDay 2008 will be just as much fun!

The entire herbal community is invited to participate actively in HerbDay 2008, either by hosting an event or providing sponsorship in the form of financial support. Now is the time to start developing ideas for local HerbDay activities to ensure that every community celebrates the wonders of herbs. Visit to review the initial menu of ideas that the HerbDay Coalition has developed, and to register to tell others what you are planning to do to join the herbal celebration. The website will be the primary location to organize and disseminate information about HerbDay activities and resources.

HerbDay is a coordinated series of public educational events celebrating the importance of herbs and herbalism through harmonized, independently planned activities that will occur on October 11, 2008, and/or during the days leading up to and following that date. Activities will occur at retail stores, botanical gardens, and parks throughout North America. HerbDay activities will be designed by each hosting venue, which will have broad latitude in selecting its own events, such as lectures and workshops by well-known herbalists; herb walks; in-store cooking demonstrations featuring herbs and spices; seasonal herbal handcrafts; in-store herbal beauty product demonstrations; presentations by herb company representatives; activities with herbal themes for children; etc.

Five national nonprofit organizations— American Botanical Council (ABC); American Herbalists Guild (AHG); American Herbal Pharmacopoeia (AHP); American Herbal Products Association (AHPA); and United Plant Savers (UpS) — are working together as the HerbDay Coalition to launch this event.

7 Reasons Everyone with Back Pain Should Consider Inversion Therapy

By Steven Hefferon, CMT, PTA, CPRS

Let me start out by saying that I have had back pain and I have had sciatica. So I know the feeling. I know how frustrating it can be, and I know how it can suck the joy right out of your life.

Be careful not to do dumb things

Free Back Pain Relief Kit
Shortly after I graduated from high school, I owned a landscaping company. I worked hard because I wanted the good stuff out of life. I really pushed myself, sometimes taking on jobs I did not even know how to do. Once, for example, I was approached by an English client who wanted a stone wall built the way they do it in England, which is without cement (they're called drywalls). I said, "No problem." But because the wall was going to have to hold back dirt, I asked if I could put in a cement footer. The client agreed.

Well, on Day One I dug out the footer then went to the store and bought the cement. When I returned, I decided to put two 80-pound bags of cement on my shoulders to save time and trips up and down to the back yard.

I put the first bag on my shoulder, but when I bent down and twisted a little to pick up the second bag, I heard a pop. In an instant, I was flat on my back in pain. I spent the next weeks either in bed or lying on my back in front of the TV. About the middle of the second week, it hit me that in the early '80s a newfangled device came out called "moon boots"—also known as "gravity boots." My best friend had just gotten a pair for Christmas, so I borrowed them and had my dad install a bar in the basement that I could hang from (or invert myself). I began doing this for 5-10 minutes a day.

Soon, my back was feeling a lot better. I continued to use the boots on a regular basis, not only as part of my recovery but also as a way to experiment with different exercises and movements that might bring about a higher level of fitness.

What condition are you suffering from?

It is amazing how my life experiences have brought me to where I'm now writing about how I healed myself some 20-plus years ago. Back then, I did not know what I was doing when I stumbled upon something that just happened to work. Today, inversion therapy can no longer be called an alternative treatment because it has been the subject of a great deal of clinical study. Inversion therapy has been proven to help relieve many forms of back and neck pain including the following:

- Bulging Disc
- Herniated Disc
- Chronic Back Pain
- Lower Back Pain
- Neck Pain
- Pulled Back Muscles
- SI Joint Dysfunction
- Facet Joint Dysfunction
- Spondylolisthesis
- Sciatica

7 key benefits of inversion for the back pain sufferer

Inversion Therapy

While relieving your back pain is your primary reason for considering inversion therapy, there are a number of additional benefits many people experience with a regular program of inversion. Here are 7 good reasons to use inversion therapy:

- Maintains your height. Regularly inverting will help you avoid the "shrinkage" that naturally occurs as a result of gravity over a lifetime.

- Improves circulation. When you're inverted, your blood circulation is aided by gravity rather than having to work against it. In addition, with inversion, gravity helps the lymphatic system clear faster, easing the aches and pains of stiff muscles.

- Relieves stress. Everyone knows that a full-body stretch is rejuvenating! An inversion table provides the same feeling of relaxation as a yoga class—with a lot less effort. Many people find that they sleep better with regular inversion therapy.

- Heightens mental alertness. Any upside-down activity increases the supply of oxygen to the brain, which many experts believe helps maintain mental sharpness.

- Increases flexibility and range of motion. With inversion, your joints stay healthy and supple, meaning you can remain as active as you were in your younger years.

- Improves posture. The stretching that comes with reversing the force of gravity on your body helps you sit, stand, and move with more ease and grace.

- Realigns the spine after workouts. Running and other aerobic activities inevitably compress your spine—often unevenly. One-sided activities such as golf or tennis often pull the spine out of alignment. During inversion, minor misalignments often correct themselves naturally.

5 ultra-challenging activities you can do on an inversion table

If the 7 hidden benefits were not enough to make you want to consider using inversion, here are 5 exercises you can do at every session:

- Inverted Squats. In the full inverted position, you can use your glutes and hamstrings to pull yourself up; the motion would be simply trying to bend your legs at your knees. Because the inverted squat is very challenging and isolates the glutes and hamstrings, most back pain sufferers first need to strengthen their glutes and hamstrings.

- Inverted Crunch. In the full inverted position, place your hands on your chest and use your abs to lift your upper body about one-third of the way up.

- Inverted sit-up. In the full inverted position, extend your arms as if you were reaching for your feet and try to touch your feet; some experts say that one inverted sit-up is equivalent to 10 regular sit-ups.

- Increase the decompression. In the full inverted position, grab the table legs and pull down; this way you can increase and control the amount of decompression if you want or need more.

- Inverted Rotation. In the full inverted position, reach with the opposite hand to the table legs and pull yourself into rotation; you can then switch hands and do the same for the opposite side.

How to get started

Let's take a look at what a back pain sufferer will go through in a typical session. First, you do not need to go into full inversion to get the benefits. (Note: It will take time before you will be able to tolerate full inversion.) Here is a simple guide for beginners:

First 2 Weeks: Adjust the table to go to 20-30 degrees for 1 to 2 minutes, once or twice a day. Slowly increase your time until you become comfortable with the process and the position. The best way to tell if you're getting used to the inversion table is whether or not you can relax while you're using it.

Partial Inversion after 2 weeks: This is considered anything up to 60 degrees, which is parallel with the rear legs of the table. See if you can work your way up to 15 minutes, once or twice a day. There are two basic ways to invert:

- Static inversion: This is when you hold yourself at the desired angle and do not move from that position.

- Intermittent Inversion: This involves using a rocking motion, alternating 20 to 30 seconds in the inverted position and 20 to 30 seconds in the upright position. Some people believe that it is the pumping action that delivers the best results. You will have to experiment to see which way is most comfortable and works best for you.

Full Inversion after 2 weeks: This is when your body is completely upside down and hanging freely. Full inversion is the position you need to be in to do the 5 "ultra" exercises listed above. The amount of time you spend is up to you, but 5 to 15 minutes twice a day is recommended. The amount of time it takes for you to tolerate full inversion will depend on your ability to accommodate to the position; everyone is different so go slow.

One last safety tip

While inversion has been proven to be beneficial, it is best to start slow—that is, at a low angle for short amounts of time. Going straight into full inversion will make you sore. So please resist the temptation to go into full inversion day one.

One last success tip

Be patient and consistent with its use, the inversion table is a device that can be used for a lifetime to support optimal health. So make a habit of using it on a consistent basis, the research supports the use and your body will reap the benefits.

1. Sheffield, F.: Adaptation of Tilt Table for Lumbar Traction. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 45: 469-472, 1964.

2. Nosse, L.: Inverted Spinal Traction. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 59: 367-370, Aug 78.

3. Gianakopoulos, G, et al: Inversion Devices: Their Role in Producing Lumbar Distraction. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 66: 100-102, Feb 85.

4. Ballantyne, Byron, et al: The Effects of Inversion Traction on Spinal Column Configuration, Heart Rate, Blood Pressure, and Perceived Discomfort. Jour of Orthopedic Sports Phys Ther. 254-260, Mar 86.

5. Kane, M, et al: Effects of Gravity-facilitated Traction on Intravertebral Dimensions of the Lumbar Spine. Jour of Orthopedic and Sports Phys Ther. 281-288, Mar 85.

6. Goldman, R, et al: The Effects of Oscillating Inversion on Systemic Blood Pressure, Pulse, Intraocular Pressure, and Central Retinal Arterial Pressure. The Physician and Sports Medicine. 13: 93-96, Mar 85.

7. Dimberg, L, et al: Effects of gravity-facilitated traction of the lumbar spine in persons with chronic low back pain at the workplace.

8. Nachemson, Alf, et al: Intravital Dynamic Pressure Measurements in Lumbar Discs. 1970.

If you enjoyed this article, and would like more information in alternative back pain treatments sign up for our Back Pain Advisory and you will join the nearly 1 million people that have received this life changing information. Please visit our new web site at for more free informative articles, videos and open forums

[Note: I’m an affiliate for the provider of goods and services mentioned in this post and as such may be compensated if you make a purchase.]

The Benefits Of Walking For Seniors

Walking is one of the simplest exercises that you can do. Many don't think of walking as an exercise because they do it all the time. After all, they're just walking. However, walking can become your favorite fitness program. Walking is an easy exercise program to start, which makes it the perfect choice for seniors.

New reports say that to maintain a healthy level of fitness as we grow older, daily activity must include 60 minutes of physical activity. If you’ve been sedentary for a good number of years, this can be a frightening thought. Walking for one hour, even for someone who has been sedentary, doesn't seem as scary as other fitness programs might.

Many people have the misconception that unless you are sweating like crazy during a workout, you are not going to see any benefit from exercise. That couldn’t be farther from the truth.

There are many activities that you can perform at different fitness levels and get great results. Walking is one of those exercises.

For seniors, walking is an exercise that can grow with you as you increase your activity level. Your walking program may begin with a Sunday stroll in the park, but then your walking regimen will grow and have a purpose – to get fit.

Here are a few benefits of walking:

  • Improved cardiovascular endurance
  • Proper posture
  • Improved mood
  • Weight loss
  • Improved sleep
  • Increased muscle tone

Walking can be done most anywhere and at just about any time. You may want to begin in a mall with other early morning walkers. There may be a track at your local high school or university. You can go out in the rain or cold as long as you wear proper gear and walk flat paths for safety. Walking is a very versatile exercise program. Just keep your shoes with you so whether you're on vacation or a business trip you can go on your walk.

Start at a pace that you can maintain and still hold a conversation. This will be faster than a stroll but you won’t be race-walking either. Start with a half mile or a mile walk. As you walk faster you can walk farther as a way of continually challenge yourself.

As you get more fit and start to look for greater fitness challenges, move off the track or mall and onto walking paths that have hills. Walking up and down hills will not only improve your muscle strength, but your heart and lungs will get a good workout, too. If you live in a neighborhood that has nice sidewalks and streets, choose your path and take a walk. Call a friend to join you and enjoy your walk even more!

Walking is a great avenue toward better health for seniors. It is an activity that is easily customized. You can vary your terrain, vary your speed, and walk farther to challenge yourself and make your fitness program more effective.

You can get started walking for exercise today with just a pair of good shoes and comfortable clothing. Before you know it, you'll be feeling better and well on your way to a new, healthy lifestyle.


Always check with your doctor before beginning any exercise program.

Fitness Over 40: Staying Fit at 40 Plus

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Bill Gates Needs a Few Lessons


Ten Billion dollars will go a very long way to improve health if only it were used to provide super nutrition and supplements that are known to be superior sources of health.

Vaccines just do not prove effective over time and the science proves it.  The Rotavirus vaccine was proven very problematic as has been the pneumonia vaccine.  The AIDS vaccine development was a flop!

Focusing on vaccines really provides welfare to the pharmaceutical industry, little for human beings in need of good food and supplements to help them rebuild their nutritional status.  A few armed guards are needed as well to insure that these life saving items reach the people.

Malaria can be both prevented and treated with supplements and netting.

Drug resistant TB is cured with garlic.  Four vitamins prevent HIV from becoming AIDS.

Bill and Melinda must still be in their wonderland of ignorance, fueled by WHO and Big PhRMA propaganda..
Bill and Melinda Gates announced plans Friday to invest $10 billion in the fight against a number of illnesses including AIDS and said the record donation could save nearly nine million lives.

Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, they said the 10-year program will focus on vaccines for AIDS, tuberculosis, rota virus and pneumonia.

"We must make this the decade of vaccines," said Bill Gates.
Profitable Depopulation Plot Links JP Morgan-Chase/Goldman Sachs To Vaccination Contamination and BigPharma Corruption
By Dr. Leonard Horowitz, 4-29-10

A medical investigation into suspicious outbreaks and propaganda used to sell drugs and vaccines has exposed investment bankers at JP Morgan-Chase (JPMC) and Goldman Sachs (GS) for plotting to shock/stress, frighten, poison, and kill billions of people most profitably--pharmaceutically--according to the Editor-in-Chief of Medical Veritas journal.

While researching a powerful Partnership for New York City (PFNYC), uniting Wall Street's wealthiest industrialists, Harvard-trained public health expert, Dr. Leonard Horowitz, and investigative journalist, Sherri Kane, discovered shocking evidence of a conspiracy to commit global genocide by generating diseases and death to advance profitable pharmaceutical depopulation.

Population planners at the highest levels of government and industry conspired to spread diseases, vaccines, drugs, and death most profitably, according to research published in the latest issue of Medical Veritas.

In a related Special Report posted on YouTube, Dr. Horowitz urged humanitarian organizations and activist groups worldwide to issue investigations, alerts, civil complaints, and criminal charges to stop the pharmaceutical depopulation plot because it risks genetic inheritance, new pandemics, and the possible extinction of the human race.

"Corruption in the drug industry is rampant and transparent," Dr. Horowitz explains. "Investment bankers at JPMC and GS, who acquired controlling interests in the largest drug firms during mergers and acquisitions, have placed 'depopulation' near the top of their list of geopolitical priorities. Their depopulation agents are now in top positions of government, finance, and industry.

The depopulation plan is supported by the world's wealthiest people, including Bill Gates, who admittedly funds vaccinations to reduce global populations by 10-15%. Leading population planners and economic developers advance identical plans to cull the world's population to 1 billion.

"Killing 6-out-of-7 people globally, most profitably, requires planning and an unprecedented conspiracy to commit genocide by applying advances in genetic biotechnologies exclusively available and affordable to drug companies controlled by the investment bankers," Dr. Horowitz adds.

The doctor points to the fact that US Treasury Department officials previously operated JPMC and GS on behalf of majority stock holders and their partners in pharmaceutical companies heavily represented in the PFNYC and the trade organizations that negotiate multi-billion dollar government purchases of drugs and vaccines.

Researchers, including vaccination contamination expert Dr. Viera Scheibner, reports in the current issue of Medical Veritas that polio virus vaccines are produced in African green monkey kidney cell cultures routinely contaminated with transmissible cancer viruses.

By reviewing drug company patents, Dr. Horowitz learned that the makers of H1N1 swine flu and rotavirus vaccines use the same cultures risking recombinations, genetic mutations, and unstoppable transmissions of deadly agents threatening new pandemics.

"This best explains why public health officials are preparing for vaccine-transmitted H1N1s cloned in monkey cells to recombine with bird H5N1s currently circulating. This threatening and most deadly recombination of flu viruses, officials herald may happen in the Fall," Dr. Horowitz warned.

Besides the inadequacies of safety testing new vaccines without using placebo controls, it is this issue of reliability of information that concerns more than half of the medical physicians polled since they became aware that the entire medical industry has been hijacked by Wall Street's pharmaceutical profiteers. Now they are learning from famous people, like Gates, that the world's wealthiest people are administering vaccinations for depopulation.

"I love vaccines," Gates stated at a TED conference in February, 2010, while lecturing on ways to reduce global populations to stem environmental pollution.

The links between the directors of major drug companies, mainstream media moguls, and investment bankers at JPMC and GS are so obvious and incriminating, and the dispersion of unsafe vaccines so common and disturbing, only profitable depopulation as a planned outcome of pharmaceutical investments can explain the current situation.

"Complete censorship was the only option officials have had to prevent a meltdown in public opinion about medicine and the pharmaceutical industry," said Ingri Cassel, a leading vaccine risk awareness activist. "This explains why news of this vaccination depopulation plan has been neglected by the special-interest-influenced media."

Investigating conflicting pharmaceutical interests influencing news coverage, Sherri Kane, previously a writer for FOX News in Los Angeles, learned that the majority shareholders in FOX, TimeWarner, News Corp., and the Wall Street Journal, are heavily invested in GlaxoSmithKlein and Merck's CSL Laboratories, both makers of risky drugs and vaccines.

Lloyd Blankfein, the CEO of Goldman Sachs, became a major shareholder in AstraZeneca following his direction of the company's acquisition of the H1N1 FluMist maker, MedImmune. Blankfein has also leveraged ABC-Disney following their merger with money he raised through GS investors. This resulted in Dr. Oz's heavy promotion of H1N1 vaccines on ABC last year, when officials learned that the vast majority of Americans were unwilling to risk the exposure.

Rupert Murdoch and Lloyd Blankfein co-chair the PFNYC, founded by CHASE principal, World Bank ambassador, and America's leading energy industrialist and medical monopolist, David Rockefeller. The PFNYC was chartered by the Royal Family of England--a majority share holder in General Electric--the world's largest company--that controls NBC/Universal/Comcast, and MSNBC with Bill Gates.

The PFNYC was pledged to play a central role in reconstructing Ground Zero following the 9/11 attacks, according to Kathryn Wylde, President & CEO of the Partnership and current Director of The Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The organization compiled the economic report on the damage done, advanced financial plans for reconstructing the World Trade Center, and advised leading financiers regarding reconstruction investments.

According to 911-Truth movement directors, Wylde and other members of the PFNYC are implicated in the treasonous attacks that scientific evidence says involved thermitic explosives used in controlled demolitions.

These allegations and PFNYC connections to 9/11 events implicating investment bankers at Goldman Sachs are additionally scrutinized in a new feature-length film produced by Dr. Horowitz. PHARMAWHORES: The SHOWTIME Sting of Penn & Teller premieres in theaters across North America this summer. (Quicktime and MP-4 downloadable versions are available through

The PFNYC is co-directed by Jeffrey B. Kindler, the Chairman and CEO of Pfizer--the world's largest drug company. Kindler stewards Pfizer through multi-billion dollar acquisitions also involving JPMC and GS financing.

The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), the drug industry's main trade organization, is also directed by Kindler. PhRMA officials engage White House and Pentagon officials in private negotiations determining pricing for stockpiles of drugs and vaccines.

Dr. Horowitz views this covert administration of multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical contracts as symptomatic of the industry's corruption. The "corporate shell game" is played using mergers and acquisitions directed by the same people. Their creation of the PhRMA trade organization provides the illusion of their legitimacy and fair competition. Price fixing occurs behind closed doors, explaining why prices vary so widely internationally.

Another gross example of corrupt government pharmawhores sucking Wall Street's slime, is Congressman Henry Waxman's (D-CA) treason against the American people for sneaking dietary supplement regulation language into 'The Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2009,' (H.R. 4173).

For years, Waxman has attempted to pass legislation restricting consumer access to nutritional supplements on behalf of BigPharma. The FDA, largely controlled by BigPharma, contends regulating vitamins, minerals, herbs, homeopathics, oils, colloidal silvers, and more natural products protects consumers.

During health care reform negotiations with PhRMA, Waxman feigned concern that drug companies were driving too hard a "bargain" on pharmaceutical prices, but still voted in favor of the cartel's freedom to set their own limits.

Most telling and ironic, PhRMA's official negotiator to whom Waxman complained, "PhRMA should contribute more than PhRMA wants to contribute," was Billy Tauzin, the former congressman who held Waxman's job as chair of the Energy and Commerce committee.

Natural Health News is proud to be a contributing correspondent with the Rense News Network

Saving Billions without Electronic Health Records

The issue of one single set of rules for insurance billing was promulgated in the 1970s. It is now almost 40 years since this was proposed and someone is actually showing what many, including me, have been saying.

Note that is was always Big Insurances that created more layers, more paper, separate paper, and higher cost during this time.
Simpler medical billing saves $7 billion
BOSTON, April 29 (UPI) -- Simplifying and standardizing administrative procedures for medical bills could save about $7 billion a year, U.S. researchers estimate.

Bonnie B. Blanchfield of Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston and colleagues have created a hypothetical model for medical billing that involves a single set of payment rules for multiple payers, a single claim form and standard rules of submission.

If doctors' offices used the streamlined medical billing system they would save 4 hours a week of physician time and 5 hours a week of staff time, Blanchfield said.

The researchers analyzed the billing system of a physician's group affiliated with a large, urban, academic teaching hospital. The researchers found 12.6 percent of submitted claims are initially rejected, but 81 percent are eventually paid -- after using considerable staff time.

"The savings from reducing administrative complexity could be translated into decreased costs in general," the study authors said in a statement. "Mandating a single set of rules, a single claim form, standard rules of submission, and transparent payment adjudication-with corresponding savings to both providers and payers-could provide system wide savings that could translate into better care for Americans."

The findings are published in the journal Health Affairs at

Fructose Worsens Liver Disease

32 + articles about liver health concerns can be found in Natural Health News

Our Liver cleansing and Liver care products have provided excellent results to hundreds of clients over the us for more information.

This is one indication of the need for detoxification. Colon cleansing IS NOT detoxification. Our decades of experience with detoxification products and programs offers much more to our clients than found elsewhere.

Cigarette smoking, fructose consumption exacerbates liver disease, study finds

ScienceDaily (2010-04-27) -- Recent studies suggest that modifiable risk factors such as cigarette smoking and fructose consumption can worsen nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). With NAFLD, fat accumulates in the liver of overweight individuals despite drinking little alcohol, causing in some cases liver scarring that can lead to liver failure. Identifying modifiable factors that contribute to disease severity and progression is essential in improving patient outcomes. ... > read full article

Garlic Gives You That Sulfur

UPDATE: 20 August, 2010 -  Garlic to lower blood pressure
Garlic was once used to combat the Black Death, but doctors now claim it can tackle a modern-day epidemic of heart disease.
Just 12 weeks' treatment with garlic tablets led to a 'significant' cut in blood pressure, slashing the risk of a heart attack or stroke.
Researchers claim people with hypertension, the medical term for high blood pressure, could control their condition better by adding garlic to conventional medication. Read complete article
My comment to this article is that it is good information except for the misunderstanding that the researchers focus on standardized supplements rather than food based products.  We recommend you consider using the garlic you'll find in the right column, or Immortal Garlic or our specific unique garlic. 

UPDATE: 29 April, 2010 - More on the health benefits of sulfur bearing foods and compounds -
Lower levels of 'rotten egg' gas (hydrogen sulfide) in blood linked to obesity, type 2 diabetes and poorer circulation

ScienceDaily (2010-04-28) -- Researchers have for the first time identified a link between blood levels of the gas hydrogen sulfide (a gas more commonly associated with the smell of rotten eggs), obesity and type 2 diabetes. ... > read full article
Originally posted in 2008
For several decades I've offered clients a garlic supplement that is known for reducing blood pressure. Now it seems that we need to wait for some new recombinant drug because of another medical study that overlooks the natural and known natural remedies.

Sulfur is one of the most important healing molecules we have known of and used in natural therapies for eons. It is mentioned in this 'special form' in my book, "Blood Pressure Care Naturally".

Oh, for the day when these folks get to recall all of the pharmacopoeia that first came from Mother Nature.
'Fart gas' link to blood pressure
The gas best known for being used in many stink bombs may also control blood pressure, say US researchers.

Small amounts of hydrogen sulphide - a toxic gas generated by bacteria living in the human gut - are responsible for the foul odour of flatulence.

But it seems the gas is also produced by an enzyme in blood vessels where it relaxes them and lowers blood pressure.

The findings in mice may lead to new treatments for high blood pressure, the Science journal reported.

Researchers at Johns Hopkins University, in Maryland, found that the gas is produced in the cells lining blood vessels by an enzyme called CSE.

We know hydrogen sulphide is not good for us at high levels but it seems that at the lower levels in the body it is essential
Professor Amrita Ahluwalia

In mice engineered to be deficient in this enzyme, levels of hydrogen sulphide were almost depleted compared with levels in normal mice.

The CSE-deficient mice also had blood pressure measurements about 20% higher than the normal mice, comparable to serious hypertension in humans.

When the engineered mice were given a drug which relaxes normal blood vessels - methacholine - there was no difference, indicating the gas is responsible for the relaxation.


Another gas, nitric oxide, is already known to be involved in control of blood pressure.

Researcher Dr Solomon Snyder said: "Now we know hydrogen sulphide's role in regulating blood pressure, it may be possible to design drug therapies that enhance its formation as an alternative to the current methods of treatment for hypertension."

Professor Amrita Ahluwalia, an expert in vascular pharmacology at Barts and The London Medical School, said: "This study shows that smelly hydrogen sulphide is also likely to have a role in regulating blood pressure and it will be a bit of an impetus for scientists to develop more specific tools to work out what's going on.

"We know hydrogen sulphide is not good for us at high levels but it seems that at the lower levels in the body it is essential."

Dr Allan MacDonald, a reader in pharmacology at Glasgow Caledonian University, said: "Treatments based on hydrogen sulphide could become important in a variety of cardiovascular diseases," he said.

Story from BBC NEWS:
Published: 2008/10/24 © BBC MMVIII

Find 30+ posts regarding blood pressure on Natural Health News Read more

Health Risk and Cadillac Insurance

Its always been will known in the health industry - and for decades - that the better your insurance, the better your care.

A new study shows consistent outcomes - especially if you require critical care.

Critical care outcomes tied to insurance status, systematic review finds

ScienceDaily (2010-04-28) -- Among the general US population, people who are uninsured are about half as likely to receive critical care services as those with insurance, according to systematic review of the literature by the American Thoracic Society's Health Disparities Group. They also found that once admitted to the hospital intensive care unit, uninsured patients are less likely to have invasive procedures or pulmonary artery catheterizations and more likely to have life support withdrawn. ... > read full article

Vitamin D and Fatigue

It never ceases to amaze me when these multiple reports about the benfits of Vitamin D always seem to overlook the issue of deficiency directly related to faulty information promulgated since the late 70s and early 80s to cut all fat out of your diet.

If you do not have healthy saturated in your diet your diet you CANNOT absorb Vitamin D, nor can you use calcium or have good support for healthy cholesterol levels and hormone production.   

Please eat unsalted-organic butter (you can make "spread" by blending one stick of butter with 1/2 cup olive oil), and any dairy products MUST contain at least 2% butter fat.

Vitamin D deficiency associated with chronic fatigue in brain injured patients

ScienceDaily (2010-04-28) -- New evidence has shown that vitamin D deficiency is closely associated with the chronic fatigue that often follows post traumatic brain injury (TBI). ... > read full article
Vitamin D testing and supplements are available from our organization. Profits and donations help us help your health through education.

Death Effects and Schizophrenia Drugs

MEDLINE Abstract

11-year follow-up of mortality in patients with schizophrenia: a population-based cohort study (FIN11 study).
Lancet. 2009; 374(9690):620-7 (ISSN: 1474-547X)
Tiihonen J ; Lönnqvist J ; Wahlbeck K ; Klaukka T ; Niskanen L ; Tanskanen A ; Haukka J
Department of Forensic Psychiatry, University of Kuopio and Niuvanniemi Hospital, Department of Clinical Physiology, Kuopio University Hospital, Kuopio, Finland.

BACKGROUND: The introduction of second-generation antipsychotic drugs during the 1990s is widely believed to have adversely affected mortality of patients with schizophrenia. Our aim was to establish the long-term contribution of antipsychotic drugs to mortality in such patients. METHODS: Nationwide registers in Finland were used to compare the cause-specific mortality in 66 881 patients versus the total population (5.2 million) between 1996, and 2006, and to link these data with the use of antipsychotic drugs. We measured the all-cause mortality of patients with schizophrenia in outpatient care during current and cumulative exposure to any antipsychotic drug versus no use of these drugs, and exposure to the six most frequently used antipsychotic drugs compared with perphenazine use. FINDINGS: Although the proportional use of second-generation antipsychotic drugs rose from 13% to 64% during follow-up, the gap in life expectancy between patients with schizophrenia and the general population did not widen between 1996 (25 years), and 2006 (22.5 years). Compared with current use of perphenazine, the highest risk for overall mortality was recorded for quetiapine (adjusted hazard ratio [HR] 1.41, 95% CI 1.09-1.82), and the lowest risk for clozapine (0.74, 0.60-0.91; p=0.0045 for the difference between clozapine vs perphenazine, and p<0.0001 for all other antipsychotic drugs). Long-term cumulative exposure (7-11 years) to any antipsychotic treatment was associated with lower mortality than was no drug use (0.81, 0.77-0.84). In patients with one or more filled prescription for an antipsychotic drug, an inverse relation between mortality and duration of cumulative use was noted (HR for trend per exposure year 0.991; 0.985-0.997). INTERPRETATION: Long-term treatment with antipsychotic drugs is associated with lower mortality compared with no antipsychotic use. Second-generation drugs are a highly heterogeneous group, and clozapine seems to be associated with a substantially lower mortality than any other antipsychotics. Restrictions on the use of clozapine should be reassessed. FUNDING: Annual EVO Financing (Special government subsidies from the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Finland).

PreMedline Identifier:19595447

From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.

Longterm Steroid Use Causes Problems

UPDATE: 29 April 2010

Long-term anabolic steroid use may weaken heart more than previously thought

ScienceDaily (2010-04-28) -- Long-term anabolic steroid use may weaken the heart more than previously thought, a new study finds. Steroid-related heart impairment is severe enough to potentially increase the risk of heart failure. The left ventricle, the heart muscle primarily responsible for pumping blood throughout the body, was significantly weaker among steroid users. ... > read full article

ORIGINAL POST DATE: 12/8/07 Recently I have met several people who have been taking steroids for many years without the awareness that this class of drugs can cause serious health problems.

Along with the understanding I have because of my many years of pharmacology in college, grad school and continuing education, I continue to wonder why today's physicians and other prescribers fail so frequently to inform patients about the side effects and risks of drugs.

This alert is from Johns Hopkins. I do not agree with all of their recommendations because they offer no natural or nutritional options, however, it is worth reading.
The higher the steroid dose, the more likely that side effects -- cataracts, osteoporosis, diabetes, high blood pressure, muscle weakness, hair loss -- may occur.

As a growing number of people with lung disease are living longer, more people are taking long-term oral steroids for asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and other chronic lung conditions.

Long-term use of oral steroids can cause serious side effects, ranging from osteoporosis to cataracts to high blood pressure and diabetes. If you’re taking an oral steroid, it’s critical to talk with your doctor about how to minimize these steroid side effects.

Corticosteroids can prevent or reverse inflammation in the airways, making them less sensitive to triggers. If you have severe asthma and you have tried high doses of inhaled steroids without success, your doctor may recommend oral steroids. Some people take oral steroids because they have COPD that other medications can’t relieve.

If you take daily oral steroids for months or years, particularly in moderate to high doses, you are at increased risk for developing any of a variety of side effects: cataracts, osteoporosis, diabetes, high blood pressure, muscle weakness, easily bruised skin, hair loss, facial hair growth in women, weight gain, and puffy cheeks. Other possible side effects include hyperexcitability, insomnia, and (in a small number of patients) aggressive behavior or even psychosis.

Steps you can take to avoid osteoporosis and other side effects:

* Ask your doctor about getting regular bone scans to detect osteoporosis.
* Get about 1,500 mg of calcium daily through nutrition or supplements. Because vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium, it may help to take 800 international units (IU) daily of vitamin D.
* If you are diagnosed with osteoporosis, your doctor will recommend medication.
* If you take moderate to high doses of corticosteroids, have regular eye exams to check for glaucoma.
* Ask your doctor whether you can reduce your oral steroid dose by adding other medications.
* Have your blood pressure checked regularly.
* Also have your blood sugar checked frequently. Use of high dose steroids has been associated with the development diabetes.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How to Gain Muscle Mass on 3 Meals a Day

By Nick Nilsson

For those who work for a living, it can be extremely tough to get the 5 or 6 meals a day often recommended. I've got a plan that can help you get the calories you need on
limited time (and appetite!).

Three square meals a day...breakfast, lunch and dinner. Can a person achieve great muscle-building results with just three meals a day?

Absolutely...and I'll tell you how.

It's all about meal timing and quantity.

Before I get started, please note it IS very true that you're better off eating smaller, more frequent meals, both for muscle building and fat loss. I'm not going to argue with that.

The problem arises because many people simply CAN'T get more than 3 meals day.

Here's my solution...

1. Plan to train in the late afternoon/early evening, if you can. For our meal timing, this will be the best option.

2. Have a moderately large breakfast...eggs, oatmeal, broccoli...whatever else you normally eat. Breakfast is the second most important meal of the day (for our purposes here, at least) and it's not going to be your biggest.

3. Have a medium-sized this point, you're looking to not overload your digestive system with food (you already did that with breakfast) because you'll be training fairly soon.

4. Do your workout and have your post-workout shake.

5. DINNER is going to be your biggest meal of the day. Because your body is primed to take full advantage of whatever you eat after training THIS is the time to load up. You should get at least half your days calories or more in this meal...overloading calories like this is extremely anabolic and your body will thrive on it.

6. Next day, repeat.

That's the plan! It's nothing complicated, of course, but I've been using this type of eating and training schedule for a long time and it's been extremely effective for me.

If you can squeeze in a few small snacks during the day, go for it! But if you don't have time for 5 or 6 meals a day, don't stress about it. Your body can cope and you can definitely still make great progress!


Nick Nilsson has a degree in Physical Education and Psychology and has been innovating new training techniques for more than 18 years. Nick is the author of a number of bodybuilding books including "Muscle Explosion! 28 Days To Maximum Mass", "Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss," "The Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of," "Gluteus to the Maximus - Build a Bigger Butt NOW!" and "The Best Abdominal Exercises You've Never Heard Of", all designed to maximize the results you get for the hard work you put into your training.

Be sure to grab your FREE copy of Nick's 30-day "Dirty Little Secret Program for Building Muscle and Burning Fat FAST," available at

Health Risks and Industrial Wind Turbines

UPDATE: 28 April, 2010 - Wind farm off Cape Cod approved
Perhaps Barry is ignorant of the risks of wind turbines.

SAVE OUR SOUND announces law suits to be filed

Dr. Magda Havas Ph.D., Associate Professor of Environmental and Resource Studies at Peterborough’s Trent University and one of the world’s leading research experts in the areas of electromagnetic pollution, radio frequency radiation, ground current and dirty electricity delivered alarming warnings about the dangers to human and animal health, posed by Industrial Wind Turbines.

full article

Wind Farm raising issues on Nantucket Sound

UPDATE: 3 March, 09
Wind Turbine Syndrome

EWG publishes new food list

Just out from the Environmental Working Group


Onions, Avocado, Sweet Corn, Pineapple, Mango, Sweet Peas, Asparagus, Kiwi, Cabbage, Eggplant, Cantaloupe, Watermelon, Grapefruit, Sweet Potato, Honeydew Melon

Celery, Peaches, Strawberries, Apples, Blueberries, Nectarines, Bell Peppers, Spinach, Kale, Cherries, Potatoes, Grapes (Imported)

Why Should You Care About Pesticides?
The growing consensus among scientists is that small doses of pesticides and other chemicals can cause lasting damage to human health, especially during fetal development and early childhood.
Scientists now know enough about the long-term consequences of ingesting these powerful chemicals to advise that we minimize our consumption of pesticides.

What’s the Difference?
EWG research has found that people who eat five fruits and vegetables a day from the Dirty Dozen list consume an average of 10 pesticides a day. Those who eat from the 15 least contaminated conventionally-grown fruits and vegetables ingest fewer than 2 pesticides daily. The Guide helps consumers make informed choices to lower their dietary pesticide load.

Will Washing and Peeling Help?
The data used to create these lists is based on produce tested as it is typically eaten (meaning washed, rinsed or peeled, depending on the type of produce). Rinsing reduces but does not eliminate pesticides. Peeling helps, but valuable nutrients often go down the drain with the skin. The best approach: eat a varied diet, rinse all produce and buy organic when possible.

How Was This Guide Developed?

EWG analysts have developed the Guide based on data from nearly 96,000 tests for pesticide residues in produce conducted between 2000 and 2008 and collected by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. You can find a detailed description of the criteria EWG used to develop these rankings and
the complete list of fruits and vegetables tested at our dedicated website.

Headquarters 1436 U St. N.W., Suite 100 Washington, DC 20009
(202) 667-6982
Learn More at

Another Health Reform Bill Conundrum

As I understand it, hidden deep inside the 2700 or more pages of the recently passed health bill is a small detail I think my readers should know.

As you may know the issue of pre-existing conditions was a major PR focus in the efforts to ram this bill through Congress, and get the citizenry to think they were really getting something.

What's missing is this tiny detail I fell upon in the past day or so about exactly what happens to one of the Big Insurance carriers that will be allowed in the "pool" to sell you something that will continue to give their CEO at least $13 million a year in salary without perks.

And you might end up not getting your claims paid if you happen to have one of these items, obscure and otherwise, deemed "pre-existing" by insurance profiteers.

It just so happens that whomever has been writing this bill, and of late it always seems that industry is writing the legislation, they sure seem to favor industry over Joe or Jane Citizen.

The slap on the hand for denying coverage for "pre-existing" is a paltry $100 a day. To Big Insurance the $100 a day fine doesn't even measure up to pocket change.

In the interim, you or a loved one could die.

Don't you think it might be a good idea to start taking back responsibility for your health?

See also "health care problem is far from solved"

Selecting Fruits and Vegetables for Your Best Health

From the BBC comes a good report on the ins and outs of the whys and wherefores of eating a varied diet, especially when it comes to fruits and vegetables. Get more information here and here.
'Pick the right veg' for health
Obvious choices of fruit and vegetables are not necessarily the healthiest, say researchers.

According to US experts, making simple swaps like eating sweet potatoes instead of carrots and papaya rather than oranges could make a difference.

Foods, like raspberries, watercress and kale, are richer in phytonutrients which may help prevent disease, they told a US meeting.

UK nutritionists said a balanced diet is essential to good health.

The British Nutrition Foundation warned that relying on eating a few select food types to boost health was ill-advised and said there was no such thing as a "superfood".
No one food can give you everything you need
Dr Emma Williams of the British Nutrition Foundation
Experts recommend five portions a day of fruit and veg in a healthy diet.

Plant foods are known to contain "phytonutrient" chemicals that can protect the heart and arteries and prevent cancers.

But the most popular varieties may not be the best, according to US researchers.

They analysed data from US health surveys of people's dietary habits to look at the most common sources of phytonutrients.

They found that for 10 of the 14 phytonutrients studied, a single food type accounted for two-thirds or more of an individual's consumption, regardless of how much fruit and veg they ate overall.

Carrots were the most common source of beta-carotene, oranges and orange juice the most common source of beta-cryptoxanthin, spinach the most common source of lutein/zeaxanthin, strawberries the most common source of ellagic acid and mustard the biggest provider of isothiocyanates.

However, for each of these phytonutrients there was a richer food source available.

Richer foods

Switching from carrots to sweet potatoes would nearly double beta-carotene intake, say the researchers.

Similarly papaya contains 15 times more beta-cryptoxanthin than oranges, while kale has three times more lutein/zeaxanthin than spinach.

Raspberries have three times more ellagic acid than strawberries and one cup of watercress contains as much isothiocyanate as four teaspoonfuls of mustard.

Study leader Keith Randolph, who is a technology strategist for the supplement company Nutrilite, said: "These data highlight the importance of not only the quantity but also the significant impact the quality and variety of the fruits and vegetables you eat can have on your health."

Dr Emma Williams of the British Nutrition Foundation said: "They are right that some foods are richer sources of phytonutrients.

"But at the end of the day, to be healthy you need to make sure you have a varied and balanced diet.

"No one food can give you everything you need."

The findings were presented at the 2010 Experimental Biology conference in Anaheim, California.

Story from BBC NEWS:
Published: 2010/04/27 02:43:11 GMT © BBC MMX

Chili Counters Pain

Natural Health News has about nine articles that include cayenne. You'll find more here on our original domain, on line since 1991.

Learn more

To me it is interesting that news of the well known - for a very long time - benefits of cayenne as a pain remedy reports as if no one has ever heard of this benefit.

But in case you've been in the dark on this wonderful substance for pain, here's the newest -
Studying chilli peppers is helping scientists create a new type of painkiller which could stop pain at its source.
And if you'd like to get some of our great cayenne ointment, just send us an email for more information and ordering.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

House and Senate Ramming Through Secret Bill Add-Ons to Block Supplements

5/5/10: Here's Another Legislative Effort to Help You Retain Your Right of Access to Natural Health and Supplements


Natural Health News has been covering CODEX now for more than a decade. For KEY information on this issue check our posts here from 2005 and the main resources on this concern, Alliance for Natural Health (ANH) and IAHF
LEF is monitoring the legislation and they sent this comment 29 April: The threat of a regulatory stranglehold over dietary supplements has intensified.

Earlier this year, Sen. John McCain introduced a bill that would have given the FDA draconian new powers. A citizen’s revolt ensued that caused that bill to be sidelined. We are being watchful that Sen. McCain does not try to slip some of his oppressive original proposals into another Senate bill. SEE UPDATE ON THIS BILL

The urgent issue we face today is language Rep. Henry Waxman snuck into the already passed Wall Street Reform Bill (H.R. 4173) that he hopes to get into the Senate bill. This language would give unelected FTC bureaucrats arbitrary authority to impose crippling requirements that will drive up the costs of supplements or remove them from the market entirely.
More from LEF, 3 April - Here is a link to the exact text of HR 4173, along with a link discussing of the implications of Waxman's proposal.  If you have any additional questions, please e-mail us or call the advisor helpline at (800) 226-2370.
Make sure Case:[197196] is in the subject line of all correspondence.
For Longer Life,
Life Extension
Related article: Lovaza Shuffle
Similar issues surround the biologically active form of pyridoxine (vitamin B6 or P5P) and B9 (folic acid). Make sure you are connecting the dots.
Congressman Waxman Slips Obscure Anti-Supplement Measure into Wall St. “Reform” Bill Passed by the House; Please Take Action to Prevent Same Thing Happening in the Senate!

Posted By ANH-USA On April 27, 2010 @ 6:34 pm In Attacks on Integrative Medicine, Food Safety, The Dietary Supplement Health & Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA)

[1]The American public is becoming fed up with “sneak” provisions tacked onto largely unrelated bills that are likely to pass. A glaring recent example was tacking onto the Healthcare bill a complete change to student loans. Often the “sneak” provision is so buried that hardly anyone is aware of it.

The Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2009 (H.R. 4173), recently passed in the House of Representatives, includes language going far beyond finance inserted by Congressman Henry Waxman (D-CA). This language could be used for an end run around the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA), the legislation that governs dietary supplement regulation by the FDA.

The Senate is expected to vote on its finance “reform” bill as early as this weekend. We need your help to ensure that it is not amended to include a similar provision going far beyond finance that could be used against supplements. Please take action now.

Congressman Waxman is well known as an opponent of the dietary supplement industry. This is somewhat ironic: his district includes Hollywood and presumably many of his closest supporters are health store shoppers and supplement users. Most of these people simply don’t know what Waxman is doing in this area.

This powerful Congressman, chair of the House Energy and Commerce Committee (which includes health as a subcommittee), would appear to want supplements regulated like drugs, a step that would effectively eliminate them. He is determined and has stated: “One enduring truth about Washington is that no issue is ever settled for good.”

ANH-USA has been on alert to see how Waxman would use his committee chairmanship to strike at DSHEA. He is very clever and we knew a covert attack was a possibility.

A direct attack on supplements would take the form of an amendment to DSHEA, since that legislation governs FDA regulation of supplements. In this case, Waxman has left DSHEA alone, and has instead inserted language in the Wall St. “reform” bill that gives the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) important new powers that could be used to circumvent key supplement protections in DSHEA.

To see how this would work, let’s see how the FTC operates today. Its chief mission is to combat commercial fraud. It has full authority to pursue companies making fraudulent claims. But the FTC can’t go beyond that, can’t set other regulatory requirements, without advance approval of Congress. The FTC once had this regulatory “rule-making” authority. It lost it in the 1980’s because Congress thought the Agency was abusing it.

At the present time, if the FTC moves against a dietary supplement company for false or misleading advertising, the FTC typically requires the company, as part of a consent decree agreed to by both parties, to back up its claims by undertaking at least two random controlled human trials. This is done on a case-by-case basis and is legal because the targeted company has agreed to it.

If the FTC had general rulemaking authority, which Waxman’s language reinstates, the Agency would be expected to create a new legal requirement for all supplement companies. Such companies would have to perform at least two of these human studies before making any claims for their products.

Why should we care whether supplement companies are required to perform two random controlled human trials for each product? Because such trials take a long time and would be beyond the financial means of most supplement companies. Even if the companies could find the money, the FTC could require more and more costly versions of these studies, or more of these studies. At each stage, fewer supplements would be available, and those available would cost more and more, until they became as costly as drugs.

Supplements are not drugs. In most cases, drugs are non-natural and therefore patentable substances. Why patentable? Because no company will spend a billion dollars on studies and FDA approval trials without the monopoly provided by the patent. To insist that supplements be treated like drugs is really to sound the death knell for the supplement industry, something that drug companies would be delighted to see, because they know that supplements are their chief potential competition, are often more effective than drugs, are often less toxic, and are always much less expensive.

Supplements are already regulated by the FDA under DSHEA. If the Waxman provision is included in the final Wall St “reform” bill, the FTC will gain the power to override the limited protections for supplements that already exist under DSHEA. The FDA would still have to respect DSHEA, but the FTC would not be so constrained.

Five unelected FTC commissioners would issue binding regulations in a wide range of areas, including the regulation of dietary supplements. And companies that did not comply with the new FTC rules could effectively be put out of business.

According to renowned constitutional attorney Jonathan Emord, “The provision removing the ban on FTC rulemaking without Congressional preapproval contained in H.R. 4173 invites the very same irresponsible over-regulation of the commercial marketplace that led Congress to enact the ban in the 1980s. FTC has no shortage of power to regulate deceptive advertising; this bill gives it far more discretionary power than it needs, inviting greater abuse and mischief from an agency that suffers virtually no check on its discretion.”

The bottom line is that FTC would be given power to regulate areas they don’t understand, and their first order of business would likely be to regulate supplements, an area far outside their area of expertise.

The Senate Wall St “reform” bill, the Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010 (S. 3217), doesn’t contain the Waxman provision yet. But we know that Senator Rockefeller (D-WV) may offer an amendment including Waxman’s language. Please help us stop this. Please take action now to help us maintain access to low cost, high quality supplements. Tell your senators not to support any amendments that give FTC unchecked power to over-regulate areas they don’t understand, including dietary supplements.


Copyright © 2010 Alliance for Natural Health - US. All rights reserved.
And now from Orthomolecular Medicine -Multivitamins Dangerous?
Latest News from the World Headquarters Of Pharmaceutical Politicians, Educators and Reporters
(OMNS, Apr 29, 2010) The following purports to be a transcript of a recent meeting at the World Headquarters Of Pharmaceutical Politicians, Educators and Reporters [WHOPPER]:

"All right, all right! Please come to order, ladies and gentlemen. We know how excited you all are over the recent flood of anti-vitamin news coverage. But please have a seat! Thank you.

"First of all, congratulations on a job well done. We now have the public totally flummoxed about vitamins. We have persuaded the media that high doses of supplements are dangerous, and that low doses are also dangerous. We have scared the people away from taking any nutrients at all. Why, we have even sold the idea to the press that a once-daily multivitamin is dangerous. Nice work, everyone!

"Funny thing about multivitamin supplements: if you look at each individual nutrient in a multivitamin, it is of course good for you. Thousands upon thousands of research studies confirm the body's absolute need for each and every vitamin. So, we urge people to eat a "balanced diet" to get all their various vitamins from food . . . while simultaneously convincing them that a balanced multivitamin supplement is bad! Essential vitamins from foods are good; essential vitamins from pills are not. Then, truly a stroke of marketing genius, we push processed foods devoid of vitamins, advertising day and night.

"We hardly have to spell it out, now do we? The fewer nutrients people consume, the more sick they will become. The more illness, the more drugs the public will have to take. After all, if vitamin therapy is "dangerous," what's left? Us, that's who. Our pharmaceutical plants running 24/7 can produce millions of pills a day, for pennies apiece, to retail at ten dollars per tablet. Ching-ching!

"Even better, the government will pay for it all. "National health care," as you already know is really "national pharmaceutical insurance." The Feds will pay all right. After all, we sold them on the flu vaccine, didn't we? Even when it was shown that the vaccine was worthless at best? (1)

"You can see other ways that the Feds listen to us. We have set it up so that Food Stamps cannot be used to buy vitamins. (2) A bag of cookies or a box of donuts, yes. But not vitamins. The ban includes supplemental vitamin D, which is widely known to prevent bone diseases in children and the elderly, and to prevent lung cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, and a dozen other cancers. (3)

"Is it just me, or have you noticed how hot it is in here? Well, at any rate, you have all done one Hell of a nice job. Our Boss is proud of you."
From CP -
The FDA is once again considering banning a safe, affordable nutritional supplement. Last year, a pharmaceutical company convinced the FDA to outlaw supplements of pyridoxamine—a form of vitamin B6 known to stop the damaging process called glycation—so that the company could sell them as a prescription drug. Now another pharmaceutical company has petitioned the FDA asking that pyridoxal-5-phosphate (P5P), another form of vitamin B6, be banned so that the company can turn this supplement into an expensive drug.
I urge you to contact your senators and representatives to ask them to stop this theft of P5P from the public domain.
After all, what’s next? The FDA banning the sale of safe, natural foods like walnuts?
As a matter of fact, that’s exactly what’s next as the FDA recently sent a warning letter to Diamond Foods, Inc. proclaiming that walnuts sold by the company cannot be legally marketed because the walnuts “are not generally recognized as safe and effective” for the medical conditions mentioned on Diamond Foods’ website. The FDA warned the company that these walnuts are now classified as “drugs” and could be subject to government “seizure or injunction.”
The good news? Within weeks, Senators Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and Tom Harkin (D-IA) are expected to introduce the Dietary Supplement Full Implementation and Enforcement Act of 2010. The bill will ensure that the FDA will fully fund and implement the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA), the legislation that regulates dietary supplements. The new bill is intended to fund all DSHEA regulatory provisions, serving as a rebuttal to the argument by supplement opponents that the industry isn’t really regulated due to a lack of funding.
Although there is a chance the legislation will backfire and that the FDA will misuse the funds to persecute supplements, the more hopeful option is that for the first time some FDA employees will consider their jobs as being funded by supplements. If supplements disappear, their jobs would disappear.
I will keep you updated on this bill when it is introduced.

Better Function with Vitamin D

More good news about the benefits from vitamin D.
Vitamin D improves elderly mobility

WINSTON-SALEM, N.C., April 27 (UPI) -- Elderly study participants with the highest levels of vitamin D had better physical function and mobility than others, U.S. researchers found.

Dr. Denise Houston of the Sticht Center on Aging at Wake Forest University and colleagues studied vitamin D status and physical function in a group of relatively healthy seniors, mean age 75, in Memphis and Pittsburgh.

The study tracked 2,788 seniors for four years and assessed vitamin D status by analyzing each person's blood for 25-hydroxyvitamin D -- a precursor activated vitamin D.

The researchers looked at how quickly each participant could walk a short distance about, six yards, and rise from a chair five times, as well as balance tests.

The study found physical function declined during the study period, but it remained significantly higher among those with the highest vitamin D levels at the beginning of the study.

However, Houston said it is possible those with better physical function had higher vitamin D because they were able to go outside more often and get the vitamin through exposure to sunshine.

The findings were presented at the American Society for Nutrition at the Experimental Biology meeting in Anaheim, Calif.
And it is certainly better for osteoporosis, that also can impact physical function and mobility -
Causes of osteoporosis include a decrease in osteoblast function, a change in parathyroid activity as a compensatory factor for decreased calcium absorption, and usually a combination of either less sun exposure and/or a decreased ability to synthesize Vitamin D, or insufficient dietary intake of Vitamin D.
Additional causes include sedentary lifestyles, which play a significant part, there are genetic factors, which are less-common, while insufficient sex hormones and body weight (anorexia), various stimulants and drugs (caffeine, alcohol, glucocorticoids [cortisone, prednisone, dexamethasone] , Lupron [GnRHagonist to lower hormones], Depo-Provera [a form of progesterone]...), hyperthyroidism, and kidney
disease are also contributing factors.