Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Acupuncture is healing

The key sentence in this study is the benefit that derives from the "increased care the treatment entails" and that patients could converse with the practitioners, that they were touched, and they had extra time for rest and relaxation.

It would seem to me that someone would pick up on the fact that these positive benefits ease the too often overlooked mental, emotional and spiritual components of health.

So, like I said when a graduate student, people in recovery should focus on Step 12 because if they did all of the other steps would be resolved, perhaps if our health care focus was beyond the physical plane, healing would be speedy and effective.

Acupuncture Just As Effective Without Needle Puncture, Study Shows

ScienceDaily (2008-12-01) -- Acupuncture works - but it works equally well with or without needle penetration. This conclusion can be drawn from a treatment study involving cancer patients suffering from nausea during radiotherapy. ... > read full article

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