Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Back Workouts - Mastering The Chins Workout

Do you want a strong, lean and muscular back? Or maybe you
suffer from back pain and you want a way to make your back

Well either way, this is one of the most effective back
workouts you can do.

This is one of the best back workouts for stronger people. You
want to start with chin ups, which work your lats or latissimus
dorsi muscles.

If you don't have a workout machine at home, you can visit the
gym, or consider purchasing your own. There are so many things
you can do with a home workout machine, including back workouts.

You want to warm up first, by stretching. You can jog in place,
and do some great arm stretches in order to get ready for the
workout. This will keep you from getting cramps, and damaging

Then you will grab the chin up bar with a reversed grip. This
means that your palms will be facing you.

You then want to try your best to tighten the muscles in your
back on your own. Then, pull your chin up to the bar and hold it
for three seconds.

Continue to tighten the muscles, and allow yourself to go back
down. The strength required for this exercise is quite a bit.

This is one of the best back workouts, but you may find it hard
to do at first. The more you do it, the stronger you'll get.

You'll want to work up to at least 15 chins. This may take a
while, but while you're working up to this point, the back
workouts will be strengthening and working your lats. This is a
great way to strengthen your back, and it means less back pain
for you.

Want even more back workouts that will chisel your back? I
recommend you visit http://www.backworkouts.net

About the Author: Discover how to chisel and strengthen your
back at http://www.backworkouts.net Jessica S also owns
http://www.celebrityworkouts.net and

Source: http://www.isnare.com

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