Monday, December 15, 2008

How to Build Muscle Fast - Make Sure Your Diet Contains These Three Nutrients

It takes healthy nutrition in order to build your muscles up the way you want them. Many people have a difficult time adjusting to their diet and do not want to change their way of doing things. If you want to learn how to build muscle fast, being able to follow a diet is essential. There are three essential nutrients you are going to need to add into your diet.

The first one is protein. Some professional muscle builders are saying that you need to consume approximately 2 grams of protein for every pound that you weigh. Resistance training is very important for muscle building. You can do resistance training to work out, but without the protein in your diet, you cannot build muscle. Some examples of protein are skinless chicken and lean meat.

Another essential nutrient is carbohydrates. This is where the body gets its energy. As you are training it is essential for you to consume carbohydrates, but they must be the good kind of carbohydrates to maximize potential. Carbohydrates are also used to heal the body in case of any injury. Eliminate processed foods for carbohydrate intake as these are not the right kind of carbohydrates you need to be eating.

The last essential nutrient is fat. The intake of just any kind of fat will not help in your muscle-building regimen. It has to be the good type of fats like flax seed and nuts, just like carbohydrates. Butter and junk food are the bad type of fats to consume. You need to be eating things that contain Omega 3, such as salmon. Supplements such as fish oil are a very good thing to get. Cook your food in olive oil for example.

There are plenty of carbohydrate and protein bars you can buy at your local supermarket. These are good sources of food that you need to be eating. Eating several small meals a day will also help in your muscle-building program. It releases insulin, which help your carbohydrates build more muscle.

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